
Author Topic: Trainer Menu Problem  (Read 295 times)


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Trainer Menu Problem
« on: January 06, 2006, 04:36:00 PM »

Please dont tell me to look at the trainers for noob guide at the top cause I read through the whole post twice and as far as I can tell didnt read anything like this. I have Evolution X Build 3935 which I got straight from xbins. I didnt have anything in my menu that listed a trainer sub menu. I added it on my menu and on my screen it shows Trainers in red lettering and just scrolls over it to the next item. Heres what my menu looks like

Section "Root"
   Item "-=|_Launch DVD_|=-",@14
    Item "-=|_Trainers_|=-",ID_trainer
   Item "-=|_MS Dashboard_|=-",@3
   Item "-=|_Reboot_|=-",@5
   Item "-=|_Power Off_|=-",@10
   Section "-=|_System Utils_|=-"
I also didnt see any type of TSR command in my ini or gameregion so I added it in manually and it looks like this

TSR_Type = 1
# 0 = Disabled
# 1 = Normal
# 2 = Debug

GameRegion = 2

As of right now I have all my IGR settings in the ini off,they were all on at once but it still didnt work so I tried it with them off but samething plus it seems it doesnt make a difference as from what I read. Im about to read the trainer guide for a third time after this post but I dont believe ill read anything different from what I already have. Id like to be more descriptive and write as much info down as possible but I been working all day and im burnt and tired, so any suggestions


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Trainer Menu Problem
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 12:48:00 AM »

Cant seem to edit the post, I downloaded some older versions of evox and the evox.ini seems to have more commands listed in there like the TSR type and the menu seems to use the ID line instead of the @ to search for what it needs to find. I dont understand I do have the latest Evox dont I? Build 3935 (xbins/xbox/apps/dashboards/evolution-x/_official/Evolution X Build 3935.rar) I figured this was the problem with this ID and @, different methods of searching for what it needs to find, or am I totally wrong. I believe I found one post of some kid mentioning what should he put after the ID_trainer cause his menu was using the @ commands but no one answered him and that was the end of that post.

EDIT: Nevermind I figured out what was going on....

This post has been edited by Random123: Jan 7 2006, 09:24 AM


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Trainer Menu Problem
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2006, 09:52:00 AM »

well im having the same what was goin on???