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Fan Speed


No. You have to configure it in your BIOS, or in your softmod.

Which BIOS do you have? You use a different tool for each. EvTool 1.09 for Evox M8+, XBTool 1.0.23 for X2.4981. You take a copy of your BIOS, edit it with the appropriate tool, save it, and reflash it to your Xbox.

It's easier if you use X2.5035 or iND-BIOS.5003, because you can change the fan speed by editing a text config file - no need to reflash with every change. As you'll need to reflash to make the changes I'd suggest you change to one of those BIOSes, then you can tweak the config easily. Which you choose depends on the size of your chip or TSOP - if you only have 256k you have to use iND-BIOS.5003, if you have 512k or 1M you can use either.

..... so pick a new BIOS, edit that one, and flash it! As you have a 256k Aladdin you have to use a 256k BIOS. If your Xbox is a 1.6 use Evox M8plus_16, if it is a 1.5 or below use iND-BIOS.5003, X2.4981 or Evox M8plus. I'd recommend iND-BIOS.5003 because it allows you to change the fan speed without reflashing. If your Xbox is a 1.6 you don't have that option...

Loads! Have a look at the .nfo file and the sample ind-bios.cfg that comes with the download. It's not very well documented beyond that, but most of it is self explanatory. Just make sure your Xbox isn't a 1.6 (!!!), and choose the version that supports your preferred disk partitioning scheme - all F (.06) or F+G (.67).

thanks again


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