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Author Topic: XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft  (Read 1027 times)


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« on: May 21, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »

Forgot to add.


You new XBOX ONE, is 100% new, it will NEVER play 360 games.

There was no 360, forgot it even existed.

This is an all new system...

WIRED has just posted a nice teardown, will get the screenshots up soon.

From the looks of it, there is MORE RAM then they are saying.

4 chips on one side, and 6 chips on the other side of the combo GPU/CPU die.

One super-size cooler.

Official M$ Video:



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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 01:17:00 PM »

Live hardware breakdown on Twitch right now:

Love these nerds going crazy on the tech. biggrin.gif


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 03:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(Zod5000 @ May 21 2013, 03:12 PM) View Post

Saved games take up very little space?  At least when they're store locally you can access them if you take the console somewhere without internet access.

Seems weird if they force cloud saves?

#1 - The HDD is there for the GAME DISCS themselves, ALL GAMES install 100% from Blu-Ray to HDD, as you play the disc, the whole game at some point soon afterwards is on the HDD, you can store the disc away afterwards so it does not get damaged.

#2 - The gamedisc locks onto your ACCOUNT during initial install.

#3 - Reason for FORCED Cloud Saves, is Point #1 and #2, the GAMEDISC is locked to your ACCOUNT, so you go to a friends house, and insert the disc, log into your LIVE account, and bang you can access your SAVES, DLC, and play disc.

#4 - Sell the DISC to a friend, or LOAN the disc you already used to a friend, he/she has to pay a FEE to unlock it to install it to his box to his account.

#5 - I guess #4 is the same as #5, if you have more then one member of family using the same ALL-IN-ONE box, they all have to pay a surcharge on top of the gamedisc cost to each access it, as it only plays when you login to your account.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 05:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kirtaner @ May 21 2013, 06:17 PM) View Post

Was it really necessary to use "M$"? Is this the year 2001?

It still the richest company, infact Bill Gates just made it back to being #1 rich boy, pushing Mr. Carlos back down.

On how the LOCK works, Phill Harrison (ex-Sony man) had this to say:


Here's how the system works: when you buy an Xbox One game, you'll get a unique code that you enter when you install that game. You'll have to connect to the Internet in order to authorize that code, and the code can only be used once. Once you use it, that game will then be linked to your Xbox Live account. "It sits on your harddrive and you have permission to play that game as long as you’d like," Harrison said.

Other users on the console will be able to play that game as well, Harrison said. So you don't need to buy multiple games per family. "With the built-in parental controls of the system it is shared amog the users of the device," he said.

But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend's house and play there? You'll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game's code on a friend's account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison says.

"The bits that are on that disc, you can give it to your friend and they can install it on an Xbox One," he said. "They would then have to purchase the right to play that game through Xbox Live."

"They would be paying the same price we paid, or less?" we asked.

"Let’s assume it’s a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price," Harrison said.

But that doesn't mean used games are dead. In fact, Harrison told us, you'll be able to sell your Xbox One games online.

"We will have a solution—we’re not talking about it today—for you to be able to trade your previously-played games online," Harrison said.

On the Fact you have to CLOUD connected, see it not 'always-online' or 'net required, it is CLOUD so its ok:


"There are many devices in your life that require the Internet to function," he said. "Xbox One is no different in that it requires, at some point in the beginning and at various times through its on state, to connect to our cloud and to our Internet. That is to deliver Xbox Live functionality, that is to deliver download content to you, that is to deliver some of the innovations around TV and entertainment that we showed today. But it doesn’t require it to be online all the time."

So how often does it check your connection? "Depends on the experience," Harrison said.

"For single-player games that don’t require connectivity to Xbox Live, you should be able to play those without interruption should your Internet connection go down. Blu-ray movies and other downloaded entertainment should be accessible when your Internet connection may be interrupted. But the device is fundamentally designed to be expanded and extended by the Internet as many devices are today."

And here's the bombshell:

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

So the system is built to work even if your Internet connection goes down, but you still have to be connected at least once a day to use it, Harrison said.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 05:08:00 PM »

The locking games to an account bugs me, but it's similar to Steam, so it's not a huge deal if they allow for cheap game transfers/trading.

As for connecting once per 24 hours: that's a serious issue and will be a deal breaker for many. I'm not a fan of it, but I cannot remember the last time I played without my console connected to the Internet. Even at LAN parties, we've always had Internet available to all of the consoles.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »

On the fact it is 'crippled' console, remember you have power of the CLOUD to make it better.

It looks like some games will need the CLOUD to do 'calcs' even pull in stream 'graphics' freeing up the weak CPU (remember no speed yet, and its combo chip), to enhance your 'gameplay'...

Other uses of the CLOUD is fake virtual players, in case you have no LIVE friends to matchmaker with in your FPS games.

And so on, and so on. -- Think of it as SIMCITY, XBOX ONE style. -- You can thank EA being exclusive partner for this!!!


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2013, 06:59:00 PM »

Goodbye X-Box.  It was fun while it lasted, but I am done playing with you.  When I can no longer CHOOSE to connect you to the internet or remove your webcam, you have no place in my living room.  Not being able to borrow a friends game just adds insult to injury.  I wonder how many other potential customers realize that the apps running in the background will start with Skype, and lead to ads and commercials during game play.  I hope the first 6 months is a flood of next generation red rings.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2013, 07:36:00 PM »

Also the xbox one design looks shit house deliberately done so you will buy the sleeker slim version 3 years from now. Good work m$.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2013, 08:29:00 PM »

Pfft..I would rather buy an Atari 2600...


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2013, 08:43:00 PM »

QUOTE(scottmuller28 @ May 21 2013, 09:36 PM) View Post

Also the xbox one design looks shit house deliberately done so you will buy the sleeker slim version 3 years from now. Good work m$.

You can see the SLIM XBOX ONE already...

Just look at that case picture at the top news post, the way it is shaded, shiny on one half, then plain on the other half, and the same with the face plate, its switchs right down the middle.

XBOX SLIM ONE will be the LEFT HALF removed, the blu-ray, as once everyone has caught onto the CLOUD POWER, the whole game install on HDD, and disc is locked anyway, in a few years, and all mad gamers are gone, and everyone is happy with their DRM BOX, why the fuck will you need the big slow costly blu-ray drive to the LEFT, just grab/purchase the whole game via the CLOUD, its not like disc was any good to you anyway!


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2013, 09:40:00 PM »

I'm still wondering what's in it for non USA customers. Whill there be multi language support? I'm sure lots of people will have trouble talking in English to their box  as well as watching non subtitled USA focused  TV channels.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2013, 10:38:00 PM »

Yup m$ want direct downloadable content in the next 3 years making xbox cheaper and money going straight to developers. No more Gamestops Eb stores selling secondhand games or disk based games. Just a box and cable playing on the cloud.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2013, 10:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(scottmuller28 @ May 22 2013, 12:38 AM) View Post

Yup m$ want direct downloadable content in the next 3 years making xbox cheaper and money going straight to developers. No more Gamestops Eb stores selling secondhand games or disk based games. Just a box and cable playing on the cloud.

Common misconception mate.. The developers make virtually nothing off sales as it is. The publisher is making money. But you're correct in the console manufacturer and the publish wanting to cut down on used purchases.


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2013, 11:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(IROC89CAMARO @ May 21 2013, 06:42 PM) View Post

This is all a joke right? it's turned into a pc so what the hells the point of owning the damn thing? MS can go **** them selfs.

Yep - MS is really trying to bend us over with this new generation.  I hope this blows up in their face.

A game console should just be a game console.  Not a device that can't be independent from the MS servers.  Internet connection should be based on the the customer's choice.  

MS will alienate so many potential customers.

Innovative ideas ???  .... no - just a handful of bad ones ?


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XBOX ONE is unleashed into the world by Microsoft
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2013, 11:47:00 PM »

Remember when they cut live support for all the xb1 games (i mean the real xb1 what a ridiculous name why not 720?) that sucked. yet if youve done anything with your xbox using the scene and its tools youll know that you can easily still play the majority of your xb1 games online via xlink. what sucks is unless i you want to play halo 2 (allday) the communities surrounding xb1 classics like halo 1, phantom dust, rainbow six 3, crimson skies, mechassault, and the first 3 splinter cell games are all dead and thats unfortunate. but halo 2 proves a good point in how the greatest seling xbox 1 game has a bigger online community than its pc version, and the games almost 10 years old. its funny though because xb1 games like counter strike and street fighter 3 had xblive and when they got cut from live they released xbox live arcade versions of those games you could buy again to play online again. what a joke. granted there were upgrades on cs. yet the community for cs on kai is dead. i just think that when it comes to classic xbox gaming if people are so upset about backwards compatibillity then where are you on xlink? are you playing halo 2 with me? no lol seriously cuz im down for somthing besides slayer on lockout. also if the no backwards compatibility upsets you then are you soley a xb1 fan? if not then what did you say when the original live games got pulled? are you on xlink playing them and i dont see the server? idk i guess what im trying to say is that the always online rumors arent really confirmed. the dude at the unveiling tonight even said you didnt require always online. we wont know until we can play it realy. as far as backwards compatibility goes i still have my xb1 and i plan to keep my 360. my xb1 is backwards compatible with anything 5th gen and under thanks to emulation. overall though the 720 i thought had some great ideas. yes they whored out the television aspect, but shit look at games like destiny, and ghost. even though the tv part got whored out some of the things on there like for fantasy football realy turn fantasy into a xb title. and destiny really does look dope as shit and i wanna be there when bungie takes the fps crown again. i enjoyed the xb1 and my 360. i will purchase the 720 im sure. xbox hasnt been perfect but they have contributed to many fond memories like halo 1 and gears of war lan parties, classic rom tournaments, halo 1 on xbox connect before halo 2 on live, clan matches on halo 2, making awesome halo 2 mods, rainbow six nights on kai, talking crap on cod, and overall ust chiling with all my bros on live/lan. ill give it a try. it just better not disappoint like halo 4. hitmeup on kai guys my kaitag is sashi. im so down for halo 2 or any other xb1 game thats decent. sorry if i dragged this post out im reall blitzed pop.gif
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