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Author Topic: Xbox Premods, Samsung Drives, Pc Stuff  (Read 334 times)


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Xbox Premods, Samsung Drives, Pc Stuff
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2004, 01:54:00 PM »

The following is Paypals response, if you dont believe me perhaps you will believe them:  Not even they can get him to respond to emails.
The fact is you provide a service, noone wants to pay 300 dollars and not ever hear a reply or anything from the place of business.  Thats unacceptable.  I am betting 20 bucks you are under 18 if you have that little respect for other peoples money.  Its amazing how he can respond within a day to a negative post, but yet once he has your money and you email him about the product he never replies.  He says his computer was messed up....theres no public library access??  Your friend doesnt have a computer??  Excuses are like a-holes, everybodys got one.

Here is the note from paypal, so others can see im not lying.  DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS PERSON, they could care less about your money.  I still have not been refunded:

Reason for Dispute:
Buyer's Comments:
I have emailed this seller 3 times since purchasing a XBOX from him. I have received no response on when it will be sent or anything, despite my attempts to get information.
Date of Complaint:
Sep. 2, 2004
Case Closed
Status Details:
Our investigation of this complaint is now complete.

The seller did not respond to our requests for confirmation that the package was shipped to your address. Therefore, we attempted to award you a full refund. Unfortunately, there were insufficient funds available in the seller's PayPal account to complete the refund.

We were able to recover a refund amount of $149.36 USD on your behalf.

PayPal does not consider this a satisfactory resolution of this complaint. We have taken action against this seller's account until the complaint has been resolved.

No further action is required of you at this time. We value your business and regret this experience.

Any portion of the payment which was funded with your credit card will be refunded directly to your credit card. Credits to a credit card generally take 2-3 business days to post, and may not be immediately reflected in the card's balance.


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Xbox Premods, Samsung Drives, Pc Stuff
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2004, 06:03:00 AM »

Ok, thanks for your insight.  What do you mean paypal can't get me to respond? I tried to refund your payment.  Ok, here it goes, you sent me money through paypal, as I told you I would need to use that money to order the modchip with my paypal debit card, because "I DO NOT KEEP XECUTOR 2.3B PROS LYING AROUND" and use it to pay for your harddrive also.  I bought these things and was waiting for the modchip to come, my paypal had a balance of $149 left in it after that, and since I don't have a bank account any longer I have absolutely no way of adding money to my account, I can't accept money into my paypal account until I resolve your complaint which will be "NEVER" seeing as how I can't add money into my account until you cancell your complaint.  And if you didn't notice the $149 left over was for the xbox + shipping which is cheap, in other words I was basically doing this for free for you and maybe next time someone is doing something for you for nothing maybe you shouldn't screw them over!!!! I have a completely unusable paypal account now.  If you want the rest of your money refunded you will have to cancell the complaint, that's all there is to it, I can transfer money from someone elses paypal account into mine but I can't do that atm because of you.  If you could have gotten it that cheap from someone else who already had the chip in stock then you should have and not cancelled your payment to me while waiting for the chip to come because it was too slow for you.  I am not under 18 I am 24 and I'm busy sometimes and can't always check my email or have time to reinstall windows everytime something's not working.  Yes, sometimes it may take me over a week to send something out if cicumstances come up, yes sometimes I may not respond right away and in a sea of emails sometimes I may miss important ones.  My paypal reputation number is 260 as you know and I know when I didn't answer your email right away you must have instantly thought that, "Wow he didn't rip all those other people off that came before me, but I bet he just decided to wait and rip off the 261st buyer!" Makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Cancell your complaint and I can refund your money, don't cancell the complaint and I guess we both just sit here deadlocked huh?  You with no xbox and me with no paypal account and an X2pro and 120GB hardrive for which I have no use, because people usually don't want such a small harddrive and would rather have a tsop flash, if they want modchips they usually buy a solderless one and do it themselves, it's not hard, it shouln't take a retarded monkey more than 10 minutes to install one.  Not to mention we do happen to be on a website that has more information than is possibly needed to do any modfication possible to your xbox and then some.  Most of the installers on these forums perform these services for almost no profit at all, so needless to say most of them probably have jobs and other more important things they have to get done than an xbox, if you want something to come the next day maybe you should be ordering from a company that sells premods and pay the extra $75 or $100 that it costs and not people on forums that are doing it because they enjoy doing stuff like that.

Edit: Since this is bumping my thread which I haven't been doing lately, If anyone wants to order something from me, you must be willling to wait for it to come, ask me how long it will take, I will give you an estimate, if you are not willing to wait like this person, DO NOT ORDER FROM ME, there are plenty of other installers and people selling premods on these forums, who may or may not be able to get the xbox to you in the blink of an eye.


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Xbox Premods, Samsung Drives, Pc Stuff
« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2004, 11:01:00 AM »

I wonder if I can ever get a live conversation with this seller or not...
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