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Author Topic: Buyers Beware!  (Read 58 times)


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« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2002, 02:26:00 AM »

QUOTE (enigmatl @ Aug 20 2002, 07:33 AM)
Kungfucow, let me start out by saying that even if we all got our xboxes tomorrow, the guy at premodded is GUILTY!  He may not be guilty of scamming but he is guilty of negligence!  You say something could have happened to him.  Yea.  I considered that.   On a personal level, he will get much sympathy from me.  However this is BUSINESS and it may be cold and it may be calous but IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY in business.  If you break yor leg and can't work and you weren't insured so you can't pay the bills, guess what happens?  Phone goes off.  No dialtone!  Power goes out.  No lights!  Water gets turned off.  Finally, you are told politely to get the hell out of your house!  In business, there is NO excuse for untimely or lacking completions of your agreed upon transactions wheather unplanned occurrences happen or not.  And wheather he has a life out of modding xboxes or not frankly, I don't give a damn.  On a personal level yes I wish him the best but this is business and on a business level, all I know is I sent my $310 to him in good faith and I want my box in good faith or I'm getting my money back!

YET I do have some compassion even in the business world.  Let's look at some senerios now.  Death in the family?  Make a statement on your website.  No internet access at your house?  Someone else in New Hamshire has internet access.  HELL he was able to update his website the day Evox 2.3 bios came out and this happened AFTER he vanished from being online and after he stopped answering e-mails so I kindly ask you since you're speculating on his behalf if you care to speculate why he would have updated new customers with potential dollars that he had a new bios AFTER he stopped responding to our e-mails and logged off of AIM a week ago for the very last time?  It doesn't add up I'm telling you.

And Oh yea I'm gona post about him because there is NO INFORMATION on the internet about good and bad places to buy modchips and I know people want to know this stuff.  I did!  And if somebody (maybe a kid 14 or 15) doesn't have a credit card and he's about ready to hand premodded $310, I'm gona do everything in my power to let him/her know what happened to me.  If they still decide to go with it, so be it.

His actions are INEXCUSABLE simply because he has not explained them and just like you are assumed drunk if you refuse a brethelizer, he is assumed to be scamming until he bothers to get his butt online and tell us what the hell is going on; end of story.

I will have to say that was very well put.  I feel the same as you about this, in that if he wants to be known as a legit business again, he is going to have to get back online update everyone, explain to people on these and other forums, what in god's name is going on?  Now I have $310 that is on my credit card and I'm not going to have to pay, that's for fucking sure.  Unless this so called business man can get his fucking ack together.


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« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2002, 07:12:00 AM »



ps.. i am serious about everything except the last thing that was a joke and dont do that.


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« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2002, 09:28:00 AM »

I would be careful how you approach this.  Unless you ordered a PC-Bioxx mod (blank), the chip you ordered most likely comes with portions of MS' copyrighted bios.

I saw an episode of "Cops" where a crack head called the police because a dealer took her 20 bucks and gave her a fake rock.  Uh.....bad idea.

You get the point.

I would try to resolve it amiably.  I heard rumors of some personal problems (family health related).

I agree, business is business, blah, blah, blah.  What should be done on his part is post a message on his web site.  Even if it just says, "Due to matters out of my control, business has been temporarily suspended.  Please bear with us until we can resume normal operations."



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« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2002, 09:53:00 AM »

I acutally recieve my xbox from them.  I thought they were very misleading in the time frame, but i found the box it came in.

Nathan Paquin
71 Raymond Rd


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« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2002, 09:55:00 AM »

SOB, hit send by accident! lol

Like i said, i found the box, so heres some valuble information for you guys

Nathan Paquin
71 Raymond Rd
Deerfield, NH 03037-1522

BTW, it says it was shipped priority mail (it took 10 days though)

Hope this helps


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« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2002, 10:50:00 AM »

Ok, so it looks like paypal is trying to contact him and he has 10days to repond and then they will go after the money, I sure hope they can help me out.  He has till 8/29/02 to respond.


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« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2002, 12:47:00 PM »

Oh ya enigmatl, what did you tell the credit card company?  Did you have to say, that it was a paypal order?  Or did you tell them it was  Because on my credit card it only came out as being $310 to paypal!  Need help, i'm going to call and get a credit dispute, but I'm not sure if I call my bank or visa or who.


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« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2002, 02:50:00 PM »

alee132, you call your bank; the one that issued you the credit card and tell them everything they ask you.  They will want to know who you paid the money to (yes they know paypal is an agent and may ask you who you paid)    That's fine.  They'll want to know that the circumstances are and then they will send you a form in the mail which you fill out and send to them.  The investigation may take up to 60 days and the following varys from bank to bank:  You will either get your refund right away and keep it pending the outcome of the investigation.  You might not get the refund but the extra money on your balance will be of noneffect because the banks that do it this way will not calculate your minimum payment or compute interest based on this portion of your balance.  Finally some banks will leave your balance there until you win.  In all cases though BEWARE cooperate with your bank and pay close attention to all coorespondance with them.  If you ignore or neglect to reply to any of it, even if they took the balance off your credit card completely, you may find it added back on so tell them everything staying honest.

And yes.  If premodded doesn't respond to paypal (who will get called by your bank and mine too), then paypal's merchant account will deduct our money to pay our banks since they pay us.  Paypal doesn't like that I'm sure so no they will not sit idlly by.  They will go after premodded (as will some of our banks) and at THAT point (if he hasn't responded by the end of the investigation) we're talkin' criminal actions and no to my knowledge, we won't be a part of that.  At that point, it's between the banks, merchant account holders, cops, and  He'd be wise not to ignore them as he does us.


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« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2002, 05:42:00 AM »

it says that hes on but he not talking to anyone i mean hes on busy and his msg said sorry (name) i am busy modding xbox and checking order so i think he back i let you know when i talk to him bye


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« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2002, 05:59:00 AM »

QUOTE (BoBlindersX @ Aug 23 2002, 11:42 AM)
it says that hes on but he not talking to anyone i mean hes on busy and his msg said sorry (name) i am busy modding xbox and checking order so i think he back i let you know when i talk to him bye

                   Yea.  We know.  Most of us who've asked for refunds have gotten them.


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« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2002, 06:34:00 AM »

omg why do i always have to be different, he hasnt replyed to my email or given me a refund, COMON!!!!


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« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2002, 02:29:00 PM »

i didn't get an email or refund when i asked, so i filed a paypal dispute...
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