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Author Topic: Buyers Beware!  (Read 57 times)


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« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2002, 05:34:00 PM » is reliable (in the sense that they will send you your xbox... eventually).

I dunno how the paypal dispute works....

If you want to dispute the charges, i hope you used a credit card and not a check (debit) card.  All credit cards are 100% secure against online fraud.  This means if you don't get your product, your credit card company fights for you and doesn't pay them.

If you used a check card... you may be fucked.  Some banks will help you out, but they are not required to.  A check card is basically a link to your checking account, and therefore, not protected under the online fraud protection.  I know it has a visa or mc logo, but it aint a credit card.

Anyways, be patient.. it took me 22 days from the time i ordered till it arrived here.  I had that stupid tracking message say "expected for mailing" for over 10 days.  It only changed the day i recieved the package.

Good luck to you all.


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« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2002, 05:37:00 PM »

Just make sure you don't wait past 30 days!!


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« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2002, 05:39:00 PM »

i wnated my xbox so bad.


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« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2002, 05:40:00 PM »

No shit, well how do you know she don't exist because she came up on usseach but they wanted money for more info, it just said she was 30 years old and lives in california, which coresponds with what we already know


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« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2002, 05:44:00 PM »

i didnt find it, oh well, ive gone thru the same process, im not getting ripped off again. let me fill out the form.


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« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2002, 05:46:00 PM »

fake identities fake identities and more fake identities, very familiar, he told me he used to work at the bob squad in germany and worked for the government, he knows ALOT, he now works at linux and hes a senior something i think moderator.


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« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2002, 06:03:00 PM »

cyrusuncc:  Well I'm glad that you finally got it, but like I said, I've been waiting 26 days and I don't even have a tracking number yet.  You got one after 12 days, but here I am 26 days later and nothing.


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« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2002, 06:12:00 PM »



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« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2002, 06:35:00 PM »

laugh.gif .


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« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2002, 11:33:00 PM »


I know this won't get your money back but after everyone in here decides where they go from here, let me give you the name of a company that I KNOW is good and then I'll tell you why I know they're good but then I'll give you their drawbacks.
Import Paradise
696 Bel Air Rd, Bel Air, MD 21014
(410) 836-0181


I remember 3 years ago or so when Dreamcast was just coming out in Japan, they wre around and even then, they were advertising on 98 Rock (some of you locals may know of that radio station if you're in the Baltimore/Washington area and some of you web radio listeners may have heard of them because they kick ass.

My group of friends has experience dealing with them both over the phone/through the mail and in person.  I ordered my Enigmah modded xbox on a Saturday and received it the following Saturday (I sold that unit thinking I was getting a Sporty X)  With two of my friends who were impressed with their work, we drove down to Bel Air (a 2 and a half hour drive from here) and waited just an hour while they modded their already existing xbox.  (arrangements were made before driving down).

These guys are all around GREAT to deal with.  They'll talk to you over the phone, in the mail, and they tell you UP FRONT if they're lagged and to them, it is a big enough deal that they were backlogged 3 whole days so they posted this on their website.  To coin a phrase, these guys are TOO LUGIT TO QUIT and I mean that!

These guys guarantee their boxes for 90 count them ninety days!

THE BAD (believe me, it's mild, VERY mild and understandable)

They do not do homebrews.  They only do that which they consider to be proven, sound, and available.  To them right now, this is the Enigmah chip.  They know about the OpenXbox and they say they will be selling them once these units when they can get them.

These disputes we're all filing do take some time.  Credit card disputes take 60 days, paypal ones take 30 days.  So while you wait, I recommend going to this place.  Short of maybe Lik-Sang, I doubt I'll ever go anywhere else again and I'll put the 20 positives and 0 negatives/neutrals I have earned on ebay on the line on every word I say above.  I'm not affiliated with these guys but from this point on, they've got me.

If you wana go test them out and get something on your mind besides the sucky xbox outlook (for those who got attempted-ripped off), go there and order a Gameboy Advance with the Afterburner backlight kit installed!  I think they have em now or are getting em shortly.

As a side note for anybody interested, once I find out for sure that this guy at has no intention of sending me my xbox, I hae 4 TSOP chips (29F080) coming in the mail which - if anybody tells me they want, I will not open, I will simply ship to them if they paypal me $74.  PM me if interested, these are not FOR SURE for sale yet.  But they will be for sure for sale if premodded indeed intends to not send me an xbox or if I change my demand from "the box or a refund" to just plain "refund" (which is gona happen soon)  Oh and reason I ordered these TSOPS - I didn't wana flash premodded's chip til I was for sure what I was doing and if I burned up a chip, I had a few more.  And, as for one more side note if I do sell these chips and anyone is wondering if I might attempt to do what premodded did (afterall this thread is all about having gotten attempted ripped-off and I don't blame anyone for thinkin' that) I have a long lived ebay account with a corresponding paypal account that I use regularly and am not interested in receiving a paypal chargeback and if anyone wants, I'll put them on ebay so it'll be attached to my account and word it all technical so only you guys'll know what I'm talkin' about and a bidding war won't start.  Whatever you all want and only if you all are interested.


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« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2002, 11:55:00 PM »

even though a credit card dispute takes a long time, the "money" (or better yet, credit) that you put up for it won't have to be paid at all.



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« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2002, 12:50:00 AM »



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« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2002, 12:56:00 AM »

Well, all I can tell you there is that I have never gotten anything from them Priority. It always comes plain ground mail and it takes about 7 days to me, at least the last thing I got from them did.

As far as everything else, yea, I agree. They are slow, they do make promises they can't keep, they need to hire more people.. you're not saying anything that hasn't been beat to death before in previous premodded threads.

I haven't dealt with any of the other companies (Other than and they rock) but the whole modchip/modded console industry seems to be very NON customer service oriented. People are always bitching about Vendor Z not shipping Chip K to me on this date or Modchip company Q missed their target date, lied to the public, etc.

The nature of the beast I guess.


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« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2002, 01:01:00 AM »

I can understand the xbox taking long and all but this is going to far, with knowone yet to hear from him in over a week, and why the hell would he say he uses two day priority?  I think your right though about modchip places taking forever.   I wouldn't mind waiting longer myself, that is if someone would email me or talk to me, so that way I don't think I've been had.


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« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2002, 01:33:00 AM »

Kungfucow, let me start out by saying that even if we all got our xboxes tomorrow, the guy at premodded is GUILTY!  He may not be guilty of scamming but he is guilty of negligence!  You say something could have happened to him.  Yea.  I considered that.   On a personal level, he will get much sympathy from me.  However this is BUSINESS and it may be cold and it may be calous but IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY in business.  If you break yor leg and can't work and you weren't insured so you can't pay the bills, guess what happens?  Phone goes off.  No dialtone!  Power goes out.  No lights!  Water gets turned off.  Finally, you are told politely to get the hell out of your house!  In business, there is NO excuse for untimely or lacking completions of your agreed upon transactions wheather unplanned occurrences happen or not.  And wheather he has a life out of modding xboxes or not frankly, I don't give a damn.  On a personal level yes I wish him the best but this is business and on a business level, all I know is I sent my $310 to him in good faith and I want my box in good faith or I'm getting my money back!

YET I do have some compassion even in the business world.  Let's look at some senerios now.  Death in the family?  Make a statement on your website.  No internet access at your house?  Someone else in New Hamshire has internet access.  HELL he was able to update his website the day Evox 2.3 bios came out and this happened AFTER he vanished from being online and after he stopped answering e-mails so I kindly ask you since you're speculating on his behalf if you care to speculate why he would have updated new customers with potential dollars that he had a new bios AFTER he stopped responding to our e-mails and logged off of AIM a week ago for the very last time?  It doesn't add up I'm telling you.

And Oh yea I'm gona post about him because there is NO INFORMATION on the internet about good and bad places to buy modchips and I know people want to know this stuff.  I did!  And if somebody (maybe a kid 14 or 15) doesn't have a credit card and he's about ready to hand premodded $310, I'm gona do everything in my power to let him/her know what happened to me.  If they still decide to go with it, so be it.

His actions are INEXCUSABLE simply because he has not explained them and just like you are assumed drunk if you refuse a brethelizer, he is assumed to be scamming until he bothers to get his butt online and tell us what the hell is going on; end of story.
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