
Author Topic: Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?  (Read 1391 times)

Darth Vader

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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« on: October 25, 2004, 08:13:00 PM »

Hello All,

I recently cloned a hdd that had backups of some of my games.  The original hdd had my games on the F partition in a games folder.  Now, I can't see the F partition when I ftp into the xbox or when I run the X2 4983.06 BIOS with Ava dashboard.  In fact, when I look at the folders with the X2 BIOS on, I can't see anything in the F partition... just the fact that it has a F partiton.  The only time I can actually do anything with the games is when running the an Evo BIOS with an Evo dashboard. While actually running this, I cant also browse the folder with a xboxexplorer and see the F part and all the games work just fine....

I don't get it, and I want to Ava.  I've searced all the forums and tried everything.  I can't ftp into the xbox and see the F drive.  Also, I've checked the xml file for ava, and it's pointing towards the F drive for the xbe's.  What I really don't get is why, when just running my Xenium OS 2.0.1, the ftp doesn't even see the real contents of the F partition.

I was curious if maybe I would have to reformat the F partition... would that erase all the data that I can't see, but I know is there when I use an Evo BIOS and dashboard?

Thanks for your help


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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 04:53:00 AM »

make sure the F drive in avalaunch.xml has F drive "enabled" and not "disabled"

Darth Vader

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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2004, 08:44:00 AM »

I beleive (although I could be wrong since I'm new to this) that the F drive is enabled.

- <avalaunch>
- <clock>
- <sntp enabled="0">
- <network setup="1" type="dhcp">
- <proxy enabled="0">
- <hardware>
- <voiceserver enabled="1">
  <ip />
- <ftpserver enabled="1" allowboostmode="1" showrootfreespace="0">
- <quickstart>
- <righttrigger enabled="0">
  <path />
  <filename />
- <abutton enabled="0">
  <path />
  <filename />
- <bbutton enabled="0">
  <path />
  <filename />
- <xbutton enabled="0">
  <path />
  <filename />
- <ybutton enabled="0">
  <path />
  <filename />
- <user name="Default" password="">
  <skin name="Default" />
- <mount>
  <F enabled="1" />
  <G enabled="0" />
- <preferences>
  <keyboard type="2" />
  <ir-remote sensitivity="230" />
  <window transparency="136" />
  <led idle="green" busy="red" />
  <screensaver enabled="1" delay="60" />
  <apod enabled="0" random="1" explanation="1" />
  <videomode enabled="0" />
- <sound>
- <backgroundmusic enabled="0" cdda="1" cdmp3="1">
- <newsfeed enabled="1">
  <source url="" />
  <source url="" />
- <launcher>
  <icons display="1" rotate="1" override="1" />
  <videomode autoregion="0" />
  <audioplayer enabled="1" path="C:\xboxdash.xbe" />
  <movieplayer enabled="1" path="E:\apps\dvdx2\default.xbe" />
- <irc>
  <font name="framd" size="12" />
- <telnet>
  <font name="telnet" size="12" />
  <server>not defined</server>
- <menu>
  <font name="menu" size="20" />
  <item name="XBox Media Center" path="E:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe" />
- <list presetname="Games">
  <path scanlevel="2">E:\Games</path>
- <list presetname="Applications">
- <list presetname="Emulators">
  <item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager" />
  <item presetname="IRC" function="IRC" />
  <item presetname="Telnet" function="Telnet" />
  <item presetname="Settings" function="Settings" />
  <item presetname="Restart" function="Restart" />
  <item presetname="Shutdown" function="Shutdown" />


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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2004, 09:12:00 AM »

Everything is in how it should be in that file. What happens when you run Evox as an app with the X2 bios?  Also in evox does it show in the game section, the gamres that are on the f: drive? Same question goes for Avalaunch.

Darth Vader

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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2004, 03:02:00 PM »

When I run Evox as an App using the X2 BIOS, Evox does not see the games folder on the F partition.  When I run the M8 BIOS, Evox does show all the games on the F partition.  In fact, when I use xboxexplorer using the M8 BIOS, it shows everything in the F partition.  Makes me think it is the BIOS, except that when I use the OS 2.0.1 ftp, I still can't see the Games on F.  Only when I use EVOX dash and BIOS.

I also wanted to say, that I have reflashed my Xenium chip with the X2 4983.06 BIOS, but that didn't rememdy this.

Kinda weird....


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Ava Doesn't See F Partition While Evo Does?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2004, 10:49:00 AM »

I am having the same problem.

Although I will admit that I am a n00b (not really new, just inexperienced, i'm in IT and can have a basic understanding of what is going on in a modded box) and a bit of a Kamikaze.

I did not build my box, it came to me with a Xenium (version?) and X2 (again, version?), I decided to throw caution to the wind and upgrade the Xenium OS from 1.0 ro 2.01.

Following the tutorial Xbox-Scene Tutorial: Newbie guide to installing Xenium and EvolutionX (v0.1)

I flashed from 1.0 to 1.1, no prob. Washed, rinsed, repeated to v2.01

Then I had to find a bios. I can't say which X2 build I finally went with, but suffice it to say I was finally able to boot into my UnleashX dash. But when I navigated to my Games, it came up empty, same with my Emulators and recorded music (both housed on my F: drive).

When I FTP through the Xenium OS I can see everything on the F drive (much to my relief, I once inadvertently formatted all my Xbox drives, that would be the Kamikaze coming out). But when I FTP through the dash (bios), I see nothing. The F drive shows, just nothing there, and no space available.

Take it one step further, I deleted off some stuff from F, lo and behold now I was showing free space (not as much as there should have been, before the upgrade I had about 3.5 gb avail, now only what I had deleted). I reloaded one of the deleted items and BAM! it now shows from within the dash.

Is there a way to migrate these files and directories without offloading everything, formatting, and then reloading it all (around 120gb)?