Scenyx Sites Forums > Compliments / Suggestions / Complaints

What Happened To This Place... It's So Dead Now

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I used to browse this site all the time ever since the Xbox 1 days... it used to be THE place to go for Xbox modding info, discussion, news, etc. But now it's like everyone just up and left for other sites. Most forums are dead except for the Newbie sections, and even then it's like you only see maybe 10 posts per day.

I'm not complaining (well, maybe I am), but I'm just curious as to why this is... The news on the front page doesn't even update that often anymore. This really makes me sad, because this was the one place where if you had a question, you could just search the forums and you would find someone talking about the exact same thing and how to solve it.

Apparently you forgot to search. Or even look in this forum.

People come and go.
Real life becomes your biggest priority as you get older.
Sometimes people just don't come back to the scene.

It's up to those who are still left (and active) to keep things interesting

QUOTE(Aldanga @ Jan 8 2013, 09:42 PM)
Apparently you forgot to search. Or even look in this forum.

Those are two threads about the main page, I'm not talking about that specifically. You honestly don't remember a time when there was maybe.. 10-20 times the amount of people on the forums as there is now?

I remember those days. As stated, people change.

I think a lot of people are looking at other sites for help with their modding. This is due to different mods and chips making their own sites now and drawing people there for help. I have a Maximus Lizard and when I need something for it, I go to their site.

I try to get on here 4-5 times a week to put the spammers in the garbage bin and help with any problems people may have.


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