
Author Topic: Is It Possible To Trade The Analog Part To Another Controller?  (Read 166 times)

VorTeX Raptor

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I have a thirdpart controller and the analog sticks are too hard, that makes aiming difficult

I would like to know if its possible to change my sixaxis analog sticks (the eletronick parts) to that controller or it theres a way to make the analogs a little softer

Im new in this, so if Im saying some crap im forry, lol

I also have an old SixAxis controller (one of the firsts) and havent found any southpaw mod for then. The one Ive found is for another version, anyone can give me a list of the possible controllers so I can try modding it (if theres one)?

Sorry for my english

Thank you


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Is It Possible To Trade The Analog Part To Another Controller?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 10:27:00 AM »

There is a SP write up for the older version Six-Axis in this forum section, it's back on page 5 now.

For your 3rd party controller you'll have to open it up and see what type of sticks it uses, but no sticks from any official Sony controller are going to work in it because Sony uses a smaller type on the older controllers, then switched to a newer Hall Sensor type on later versions.

Most 3rd party controllers use a similar type of stick to what the DS2, XBOX and 360 controllers use though, so you should be able to replace them with any of those, but you'll have to open it up and see to know for sure.