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Author Topic: PS3, 360 offer 'much the same' opportunities, says Sega Rally dev  (Read 180 times)


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PS3, 360 offer 'much the same' opportunities, says Sega Rally dev
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2007, 03:23:00 PM »

QUOTE(thax @ Jun 25 2007, 05:43 PM) View Post

One thing that we don't need to speculate on is that it is cheaper and easier for a cross platform developer to use the same assets for both systems.

Even if the PS3 is more powerful, it will only be used to make porting easier.

Most of the games will look almost identical. This isn't like the last generation where you could look at a screenshot in a magazine and be able to tell if it was PS2 or xbox. This point is hammered home when Sony and affiliates are accidently using x360 screenshots as PS3 screenshots.

The last paragraph I agree with whole heartedly, but the first couple, really make no sense at all.

1) Speculate? So designing a game from scratch for the 360 and then having to design it from the ground up for the PS3 to utilize its extra power, isn't going to be more expensive? Who are you trying to kid...

2) How does the PS3 being more powerful make for easier porting? The architectures are completely different.

It has been said that porting from the PS3 will be easier than porting from the 360, but it really sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about at all with those first two statements.


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PS3, 360 offer 'much the same' opportunities, says Sega Rally dev
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2007, 06:31:00 AM »

I don't think PS3 graphics will improve beyond what the 360 can do, simply because of the fact that the 360 actually has a better GPU in it. That's not just an opinion, the GPU specs say exactly that and PS3 developers confirm it. *But* the CPU power of the PS3 will be able to make up for the 'lower quality' graphics (in terms of texture resolution, shader functions, antialiasing, etc) when its full potential is unlocked. Think much better physics, better animations, more NPC's, constant high framerates etc. These also add to the 'graphical experience' of a game, although you cannot see it on screenshots.

This also explains why 360 games already look great: enhancing graphics by using better textures, lighting, etc. is relatively easy, PC games have been there for years. But enhancing graphics by using better animations/physics/more NPC's/etc actually takes programming effort. Eventually I think PS3 games will look better than 360 games, but it will take a while. Just compare 1st-gen PS2 titles to the latest PS2 games. The early games look like late PSX games, while the late games look like early PS3 ones.
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