
Author Topic: Warhawk To Be Online Only  (Read 91 times)


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Warhawk To Be Online Only
« on: February 23, 2007, 02:02:00 PM »

I didn't see a thread about this around here, so I guess I'll go ahead and post it.
Well.. There has been a lot rumors and discussion around many console news sites about this upcoming game. The most popular was that it had been canceled. Luckily Incognito Inc confirmed that the game is still on and is being worked on. They also informed us that it will not be a retail game. Instead the game will be sold and downloaded over the PSN. Here is what they said:

"It's interesting, because I know a lot of people's perception of the game will change once they hear it's downloadable over PSN as opposed to being a full retail game. It shouldn't. I believe this could actually become a great demonstration of what Sony has in store for us with downloadable games."

If you can't get online on your PS3, then I guess you'll be missing out on this game.. In my opinion, Sony is trying to compete with Xbox Live, as Sony has clearly lost the online battles in the past. It'll be interested to see the outcome of this.. Tell me what you think in the comments! Good Day!
