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Author Topic: First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison  (Read 609 times)


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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2006, 12:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(silentbob343 @ Nov 20 2006, 11:21 AM) View Post

I don't think any of them had a crystal ball knowing that the final version of RFOM would be 720P

Then by that example/logic they should not have said it was going to be, correct?

Mr Invader

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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #46 on: November 21, 2006, 10:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(Pheidias @ Nov 20 2006, 10:45 AM) View Post

That story is insightful but has its flaws. Another strange point I found in it is that it states that the ps2 had just as the ps3 has today almost twice the G-flops the xbox xbox360 have.

And did you notice how much better the xbox was in graphics and crispness than the ps2?

I guess G-flops really can't say much here.


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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2006, 08:25:00 AM »

QUOTE(calderra @ Nov 19 2006, 10:29 AM) View Post

"All launch games will be running in 1080p at 120fps."
-Ken Kutaragi

On the subject of 120hz displays, people may or may not remember the presentation Ken Kutaragi made at the Tokyo International Digital Conference almost exactly one year ago to the day; unfortunately Western gaming media badly confused the slides and reported it as a claim that PS3 would reach 120FPS. But in truth it had nothing directly to do with PS3 at all.....In any event, Sony seems to view the 'present' ideal of HD as 1080p sets running at 120hz. They're getting the 1080p now, and the later is tentatively pegged at the ~2008 timeframe. We'll see what happens on that front, but anyway thought it was worth mentioning as there's sort of the perfect storm here of Playstation discussion, the 24fps issue with movies, and the 120hz display issue. Granted this may more reflect Kutaragi's own visions for the industry than an actual near-term concerted effort we'll see on the part of the CE players, but an interesting slide nonetheless.

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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #48 on: November 29, 2006, 05:30:00 PM »

On the subject of 120hz displays, people may or may not remember the presentation Ken Kutaragi made at the Tokyo International Digital Conference almost exactly one year ago to the day; unfortunately Western gaming media badly confused the slides and reported it as a claim that PS3 would reach 120FPS. But in truth it had nothing directly to do with PS3 at all.....In any event, Sony seems to view the 'present' ideal of HD as 1080p sets running at 120hz. They're getting the 1080p now, and the later is tentatively pegged at the ~2008 timeframe. We'll see what happens on that front, but anyway thought it was worth mentioning as there's sort of the perfect storm here of Playstation discussion, the 24fps issue with movies, and the 120hz display issue. Granted this may more reflect Kutaragi's own visions for the industry than an actual near-term concerted effort we'll see on the part of the CE players, but an interesting slide nonetheless.

QUOTE(silentbob343 @ Nov 29 2006, 08:32 AM) View Post

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Crazy Kenny did say 120FPS, and not the refresh rate.  Even that damn slide says FPS, not Hz.  

"They are getting 1080p".....yes, if you consider two retarded games that have scored in the 4-6 "getting 1080p".

Seriously, why do you defend this BS?



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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2006, 09:27:00 PM »

QUOTE(silentbob343 @ Nov 29 2006, 08:02 PM) View Post

I see what the slide says, PC not PS3, and I'm telling you what was said over at AVS.  RR7 got greater than 4-6, so did MUA.

Defend BS? I'm just not taking your Sony hating word and it appears you were wrong Foe.

And what an ushering in of 1080p games that is. laugh.gif

Wrong on what?  THat was not just a slide for the PC.  Only the bottom figures were for the pc, and the other was for TV and Video FFS.  Why would sony show that slide at one of their ps3 conferences if it was not for the ps3.  Just to show it for the hell of it?  YOu are not that thick, are you?


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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #50 on: November 29, 2006, 10:20:00 PM »

Oh and Foe if you're wondering why I came in to this thread with that quote and slide.

I tossed out your quote on AVS and had two members tell me that was incorrect and I ended up looking like an ass.  So I come here to give some more information on the issue and you want to start a pissing match with me.  Treating me like a fanboy because I don't believe that quote of yours was correct.  Even if he did say the PS3 could run games at 1080P at 120FPS if the displays could support it, we don't know what titles he would be referrring to, i.e. Blast Factor could run at that level were as COD could not.

"Why would sony show that slide at one of their ps3 conferences if it was not for the ps3. Just to show it for the hell of it? "
I already supplied my own answer in the post above, but it was also in the original quote; "In any event, Sony seems to view the 'present' ideal of HD as 1080p sets running at 120hz. They're getting the 1080p now, and the later is tentatively pegged at the ~2008 timeframe. We'll see what happens on that front, but anyway thought it was worth mentioning as there's sort of the perfect storm here of Playstation discussion, the 24fps issue with movies, and the 120hz display issue. Granted this may more reflect Kutaragi's own visions for the industry than an actual near-term concerted effort we'll see on the part of the CE players, but an interesting slide nonetheless."

My answer was pretty close; "Sony is also in the display business, both TVs and PC monitors, so why not show their roadmap of resolutions and how they feel the market is going or how they want the market to go?"


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« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2006, 12:04:00 AM »

Fair enough.

But that slide was during a PS3 CONVERENCE.

And in order to see a full 120fps, your Vertical Frequency (refresh rate) has to match it..120Hz.

And i know your not a fanboy, but don't try to hide that you prefer the ps.


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« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2006, 12:04:00 AM »



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« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2006, 02:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(silentbob343 @ Nov 30 2006, 01:02 AM) View Post

From some more reading it seems Kaz said the PS3 could do 1080P at 120FPS, but current displays could not keep up.  He then showed the slide about where he/Sony want the display market to go, segue via PS3.  He was simply taking the time to push Sony's other business, display technology.  Now what he meant by the PS3 being 1080P 120FPS capable is anybody's guess.

The funny thing is, that is one of crazy kenny's least ridiculous claims about the ps3.  He has said some pretty off the wall crap.

Here are some of his better ones:

"Microsoft is trailing behind us, but they are not a threat. They are good at improving [on products], but we will be advancing to the next level with revolutionary technology...Microsoft shoots for the moon. Sony shoots for the sun."

"With the PS3, our intentions have been to create a machine with supercomputer calculation capabilities for home entertainment...You can experience the 4D world."

"We want for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else...The PS3 will instill discipline in our children and adults alike. Everyone will know discipline."

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First Ps3 Vs. 360 Game Comparison
« Reply #54 on: December 06, 2006, 04:39:00 AM »

java script:open_image_viewer('932962',4);
java script:open_image_viewer('928655',74);

if picture not working, compare the pictures when they are in the back of the truck thing.;2&page=4


xbox 360 on top, ps3 on bottom
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