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Author Topic: Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots  (Read 210 times)


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« on: October 13, 2006, 08:36:00 AM »

i think it looks like poop smeared on a TV.  especially compared to the impressive original TGS05 trailer.

heres a site that may interest you though  happy.gif

also to note that around the time this is released (speculated late 07), there is a chance that SC5 for the 360 may be released, it will be interesting to see how these two compare on their respected platforms.


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 08:54:00 AM »

QUOTE(Dane-La @ Oct 13 2006, 10:46 AM) View Post

wow, i wasn't aware of all definitely changes a lot of what i was thinking before.  thanks kage

hey no prob bob  biggrin.gif


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 09:04:00 AM »

QUOTE(Dane-La @ Oct 13 2006, 11:02 AM) View Post

is 360 actually going to be that much superior? i really don't understand has had so much more time, how could they fuck up this bad?

to be honest, no.  both IMHO will have benefits in specific areas with neither really dominating the other (like xbox >>> ps2).  

and they can fuck up because their sony and they rely on their dominence instead of continue to prove why they are their.  also they really didnt have that much more time.  they were originally supposed to launch a few months after the 360, although everyone knew that was a joke.  between the ps2 and xbox there was a generation gap of technology, there is no such gap here.


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 11:12:00 AM »

Yup Sony held out for the blue lasers while MS did not and decided to release anyway. It will probably be a year or two until we really can decide wich of the console is the one that has the most graphical power. The only advantage sony has now is superior accessories tech(BD, GB ethernet,Wireless, Bluetooth, 6axis, HDMI) and a huge fan/install base with 200 mil sold consoles.


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 11:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(Dane-La @ Oct 13 2006, 11:02 AM) View Post has had so much more time, how could they fuck up this bad?

The thing is they really didn't have much more time.

First you DESIGN a product (on paper) then you DEVELOP it (prototypes to see if the paper idea works, work out major bugs and flaws) then REFINE (cutting the costs, figuring out how to build it efficiently, work out remaining minor bugs) Then you LAUNCH. it's typical for any complex product.

The thing to keep in mind is that your technology pretty much stops getting better as soon as you're done the DESIGN stage. Because at that point you've made a commitment to how this thing is going to work, there's still some wiggle room but you stop looking at new technologies or drastically different technologies.

Once you're done the DEVELOP stage then there is no turning back, the parts you chose are with you for good.

Basically the Xbox 360 and the PS3 finished their DESIGN stages only about 3 months apart. So literally the PS3 is only about 3 months ahead in it's tech, which really isn't that much. They got caught up in the DEVELOP stage which pushed the console back, now they're caught up in the REFINE stage which pushed it back. Now you have a console that's coming out 12 months later but is really only 3 months ahead in terms of it's tech.

Last gen the PS2 came out and the Xbox 1 came out about 18 months later. The difference here is that the Xbox1's design stage didn't start until AFTER the PS2 was already released... so the Xbox 1 was really a full year or more ahead in terms of it's included tech.

Pushing back a release date to help get bugs worked out or to wait for Blue Ray security specs to finalize, or wait for diode/chip availability doesn't actually help your tech get any better.

The fact that Sony got tied up in the DEVELOP stage is bad news it's easily the worst part to get held up in because the tech stagnates and they can't devote any of that time to working all the little bugs out (because there is no finalized hardware to troubleshoot). It makes it even worse because then you'll typically rush through the refinement stage because you're so late to the game.

This isn't necessarily Sony's fault they're just a victim of circumstance but it's the reason why the tech isn't as much advanced as a year of extra time would lead you to believe.

Mr Invader

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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2006, 01:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(Dane-La @ Oct 13 2006, 01:09 PM) View Post

well then, that makes sense..i guess im just real excited to see how they will match up..because i don't currently have either system, i waited to buy a 360 until the ps3 came out so i could compare the two and see which one i'd rather have.

choose wisely... but don't choose based on the console's graphics. Choose on which one has the best games. If you still are torn between the two consoles, then go over to friends houses and try their games. But don't base what console is better on graphics.


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« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2006, 02:26:00 PM »

I remember when the Xbox was coming out, the Gamecube was coming out a few days later and the PS2 was already out (though I didn't own one yet)

I was contenplating which one to buy and I created a points list for each console... For each feature the console's had that I wanted I put a +1 and for each game the console's had that I wanted I put a +1

So the PS2 got +1 for DVD playback +1 for Backward compatability and afew +1s for games that I wanted. The GC got a +1 for lower price and few +1s for games... the Xbox got a +1 for the internal hard drive +1 for DVD playback and +1 for true surround sound support it also had the most +1s on my list for games I wanted to play.

That's what made me decided to buy the Xbox, before I laid it all out I was barely even considering it because I hated the Duke controller and had a distinct distaste for MS's PC products.

Once I had the console it easily sold me on MS's commitment to the Videogame world it was a breath of fresh air compaired to the PS2 that my roomate owned that I had been playing for nearly a year at that point.

I eventually got a PS2 and a Gamecube but not until the prices went down, and even still I play my Dreamcast more then either of them.

If you're not sure which console to get write out your list to see which one earns the most ponts with you.

For me:

Xbox 360 (premium)
+1 Reasonable price
+1 Comfortable controller
+1 Wireless controllers
+1 HD resolutions
+1 surround sound
+1 HD cables included
+1 20GB hard drive
+1 DVD playback
+1 custom soundtracks
+1 XBL service
+1 XBLA Games
+1 BC Games get HD boost

Games(Around Launch):
+1 Condemned
+1 DOA4
+1 PGR3
+1 COD2
+1 Kameo
+1 Oblivion
+1 PDZ
+1 Prey
+1 Dead Rising
+1 Test Drive Unlimited
+1 Saint's Row
+1 Forza 2
+1 Fuzion Frenzy 2
+1 COD3
+1 THP8

PS3 (20GB model):
+1 Wireless controllers
+1 HD resolutions
+1 surround sound
+1 20GB hard drive
+1 DVD playback
+1 BC Games get HD boost

+1 DMC4
+1 MGS4
+1 White Knight Story
+1 COD3
+1 THP8

+1 Reasonable price
+1 Cheaper Games
+1 Comfortable controller
+1 Wireless controllers
+1 Interesting new controller design
+1 surround sound
+1 Intenal Flash memory
+1 Virtual Console
+1 Game included

+1 Wii Sports
+1 Zelda Twilight Princes
+1 Red Steel
+1 Wario Ware
+1 Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
+1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl
+1 Super Mario Galaxy
+1 Trauma Center: Second Opinion
+1 COD3
+1 THP8

Total 360: 28
Total PS3: 13
Total Wii: 19

I only put points for the things the console offer that I find useful, the PS3 doesn't earn any point fro Blu Ray because I dont care about it, Similarly neither the PS3 nor Wii earn points for Wi-Fi because I don't care about that either. Then I looked at the games I planed on buying. the PS3 only has a small handful of planned games that I want to get while the Wii and 360 have a few more.

Mr Invader

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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2006, 06:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(twistedsymphony @ Oct 15 2006, 03:33 PM) View Post

+1 DVD playback

take that off your points list

However, while Nintendo loves to reiterate time and time again the capabilities of its critical darling, any and all mention of DVD playback has been completely removed.




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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2006, 07:09:00 PM »

Nintendo says they want it to be a game console so they take out DVD. But, then they add a Web Browser? Makes no sense to me.

I probably wouldn't use either anyway.


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2006, 07:41:00 PM »

QUOTE(throwingks @ Oct 15 2006, 06:16 PM) View Post

I probably wouldn't use either anyway.

thats likely what nintendo are banking on.

DVD players are currently available so cheap from Wally world there really is no point in "adding" the support which in this case means paying the license.

Mr Invader

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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2006, 07:53:00 PM »

QUOTE(throwingks @ Oct 15 2006, 08:16 PM) View Post

Nintendo says they want it to be a game console so they take out DVD. But, then they add a Web Browser? Makes no sense to me.

I probably wouldn't use either anyway.

good point.

and another thing. Nintendo said one time that they chose the motion sensor controller because people were getting tired of the same game over and over again, yet they are offering NES, SNES, and N64 games for download.... and people say they don't contradict themselves pop.gif


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2006, 05:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(Mr Invader @ Oct 15 2006, 08:42 PM) View Post

take that off your points list

hmm, I was under the impression that it would be availble with an add-on bit, much like it was on the Xbox 1.

In any case I took it off the list... doesn't make much of a difference or change my point that listing out all your needs and wants gives you a clearer picture of which console you should invest in (if you're only choosing 1 or 2).


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Mgs4: Guns Of The Patriots
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2006, 08:07:00 AM »

QUOTE(twistedsymphony @ Oct 16 2006, 08:03 AM) View Post

hmm, I was under the impression that it would be availble with an add-on bit, much like it was on the Xbox 1.

In any case I took it off the list... doesn't make much of a difference or change my point that listing out all your needs and wants gives you a clearer picture of which console you should invest in (if you're only choosing 1 or 2).

i also thought that the Wii didnt support 5.1 surround sound as well just to let you know


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« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2006, 08:13:00 AM »

QUOTE(KAGE360 @ Oct 16 2006, 10:14 AM) View Post

i also thought that the Wii didnt support 5.1 surround sound as well just to let you know

The Gamecube supported surround sound, why wouldn't the Wii?


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« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2006, 08:14:00 AM »

QUOTE(twistedsymphony @ Oct 16 2006, 03:20 PM) View Post

The Gamecube supported surround sound, why wouldn't the Wii?

you mean prologic? cause I dont remember seeing one that supported 5.1. The wii supports 5.1 and prologic II.
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