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Author Topic: Most games wont support 1080p  (Read 249 times)


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Most games wont support 1080p
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 06:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(KAGE360 @ Sep 8 2006, 06:26 AM) View Post

the saturn rocked!!  i had so many games for that system and loved every one.  i remember spending many hours playing VO on the netlink along with sega rally and duke nukem with deftech.  

to this day i am still trying to convince someone i know to sell me his saturn/games.  he has panzer dragoon saga which is still one of the best RPGs i have ever played.

Panzer dragoon saga is an amazing rpg.  And that is what i ment in my previous post; 'saga' instead of 'orta'.


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Most games wont support 1080p
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 10:51:00 PM »

Yes i liked saturn as well Nights and virutal on and bug and bug too it was a great system wasent knocking it im sure you know i mean as in it dident last as long as ps1 and flopped. Thats what i was compareing too


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Most games wont support 1080p
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2006, 12:56:00 AM »

there have been many flops, the cube was a flop, i mean there where games for it, but not quite the selection of ps2, ps2 even seemed to cast a shadow on xbox, and i always liked the xbox over ps2.  sony has had such a popularity stronghold since the ps2, which i dont find to be a better system than the cube.  my graphics and game play where better on my cube on the same titles for ps2.  i just hope the game barrage is on, and good titles.  whoever has the best variety of next gen games is going to win the battle b/w ps3 and 360.  the fact that they claim to blow the 360 away with there 1080, and now are dancing around the truth is proof enough for me.  ill stick with my 360 im very pleased with it so far.  it could be better, but time will tell.  so far the only game that has disappointed me is over g fighters.  i had top gun memories from my nintendo, just a bit better graphics.  games like this have no place on or harness the power of a nextgen console.  im lookin forward to gears of war, hopefully this will be as great as they say it will be.  so 1 outta 13 games i own is substandard thats a pretty good success rate.
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