
Author Topic: Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?  (Read 144 times)


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:33:00 AM »

Take this for what it's worth, but PS3 Land is reporting that Track7Games have cancelled PlayStation 3 development on their upcoming multi-platform game Theseis. The site claims that "the developer blames the problem on the exceptionally high cost of developing for PS3." We have all heard the rumors of how hard it is to develop for Sony's next-gen machine, but could this be the first time a developer has actually come out and straight up said they had to stop a game because of the PS3's development costs?

According to PS3 Land, Managing Director Vicky Valanos told them the following: "If Sony were to offer us assistance in producing a PS3 version we would be more than happy to oblige!"

If this does turn out to indeed be true, it can't be positive news for upcoming third-party support for the PS3. Time will tell if Theseis is the first of many dominoes to fall for Sony.


as easy as this is to believe i find it hard that a publisher/dev team would not plan their budget well enough to take things like this into consideration.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 12:39:00 PM »

QUOTE wrote an erroneous article on June 29, 2006 regarding track7games and our upcoming game, "Theseis".

track7games would like to clarify that we never cancelled something that did not exist in the first place. We plan to develop "Theseis" for PC and Xbox360 in the near future. As for the PS3, we simply made a strategic decision to not move ahead because we deemed it not probable at this time.



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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 12:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(DragoNs @ Jun 29 2006, 02:46 PM) View Post

thanks for clearing it up.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2006, 02:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(KAGE360 @ Jun 29 2006, 08:05 PM) View Post

thanks for clearing it up.

And Nice Work Track7 for getting a heck of a lot of attention 1/2 of us have never heard of!  tongue.gif


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 07:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(calderra @ Jun 30 2006, 01:30 AM) View Post

Ehhh... I would think that "we never announced a PS3 port because it looked improbable" isn't exactly a denial here... (or whatever their wording).

They certainly aren't stepping out and making the boldface claim that dev costs stopped them, but they do seem to show that it was somehow undoable.

i was thinking the same thing but declined to state it because i dont care to be called a "fanboy"  rolleyes.gif

like i stated before, i found the news hard to swallow as devs/publishers tend to carefully plan their budget.  well during this planning phase, they may have considered the expense to develop for the ps3 as well and let that play a role in their desicion.  just a thought, not stating as fact, as its true that they did not do a direct denial to the claim, this statement on the rumor is nothing surprising though since they will do what they can to stay on sony's good side and keep the playing field even.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2006, 04:56:00 AM »

maybe its because sony hasn't provided a decent dev environment for them and its costing them too much at the current moment to continue so they are waiting on sony (like a lot of devs been complaining about lately).


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2006, 05:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(KaRiL @ Jul 1 2006, 05:02 PM) View Post

I think it has more to do with expected sales during launch

think of it this way, If you think you have a killer app, it pays to wait to release until more people have the console.
ex. Gears of war, if that dropped in November with the 300,000 consoles that were out at that time even with 1-to-1 tie in ratio thats a max of 300,000 units
compare that to whenever they are going to release it now with what, 3 million units and counting out there? even with only 50% of users buying it, that's a hell of lot more money
couple that with the fact that they are already in production for two platforms, adding a third is going to cost more money, and get less returns..... its an obvious business decision.

I know it's fun to bash Sony but can we stop posting misleading crap that gets retracted 2 hours later? blink.gif
its makes us all look silly

Dude, history has proved that software sales are more prominent in the first few months of the system cycle. People are going to buy a game despite its quality because they dont have much choice. Call of Duty would have never sold as well if it came out the same time as GRAW. Thats why these big companies try so hard to pump launch games out, to capitalize on the hungry early adopters. Its not about the install base at launch because they know it will grow rapidly over the holidays and the demand for software is gonna be high for atleast a year. Halo was the first GREAT game for the xbox so as a result it became the game that defined the system and its best seller to date, if it had come out later like after ninja gaiden then it wouldn't be recognised as much. they are not thinking about the first three months, theyre thinking about the first year.

No matter how many good games come out for a system ppl never forget the first. You know, like dating smile.gif

This is not about bashing cause the same thing happened to the 360, the xbox, n64 etc. This is expected to happen but on what scale? How much games are gonna be pushed back or postponed? Sega has already admitted that sony has been refusing to give the concrete specs even to this day about the final hardware. So as a result they have to pause development until they know or theyre just wasting manpower and money.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2006, 07:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(KaRiL @ Jul 1 2006, 12:02 PM) View Post

I know it's fun to bash Sony but can we stop posting misleading crap that gets retracted 2 hours later? blink.gif
its makes us all look silly

if you read my original comment, i argued with article find it hard to believe.  however there is always still the possibility that cost was an issue, regardless of how much they thought they would get back at launch.  incognegro does make a good point that many dev teams try to make the launch window as there is less competition and they can make up profits over the coming year and rely on the initial sales of the other formats game sales.  I'm not bashing sony, at the time this was news.  this was the same reason that condemned and Killing Day have been cancelled and also the speculation (meaning never confirmed) to why oblivion was switched to "next gen consoles" to just the 360 and PC.  

look around at my posts and even though i admittely poke fun at sony (and rightly so), my news is usually correct and accurate until proven otherwise.

Johnny Johnson

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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2006, 09:01:00 AM »

Interesting. Remember how hard the Sega Saturn was to develop for, and what happened to it?  It will be an interesting Fall season, provided the PS3 releases on time that is. smile.gif


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2006, 09:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(Johnny Johnson @ Jul 3 2006, 11:08 AM) View Post

Interesting. Remember how hard the Sega Saturn was to develop for, and what happened to it?  It will be an interesting Fall season, provided the PS3 releases on time that is. smile.gif

i have thought about that since the announcment of the ps2 years ago.  right there it seemed as though this industry was filled with hypocrates.  i know that sega made mistakes with the saturn by lack of developer support and tools/libraries and the industry shunned them for the complexity of the system and difficulty to program for it.  all of a sudden when the ps2 rears its ugly head, developers are willing to embrace the multicore architecture and difficult learning curve, unlike the saturn where many developers only used one of the multiple processors leading to sub-par performance.  i understand that in a business perspective, many didnt see the dreamcast lasting long and had no choice but to face the burden of ps2 development and between the time of the ps2 launch and its competitors, many developers/publishers already spent the time and money in development ps2 tools so there was little reason to use the other systems as the "base" development system of choice.  Now however, its good to see the industry have more of a choice to how they care to develop their games.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2006, 12:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(KaRiL @ Jul 4 2006, 10:44 AM) View Post

Kage... nothing personal, your news is correct, meaning it came from another source and you just posted it here.  but aren't you getting tired of posting retractions??

Im not trying to protect sony, but it just makes us look lame to have all these people posting replies like "haha Sony sux" only to have to take it back later, and post "well... sony still sux haha"

i would get tired of posting retractions, if it happened often.  fortunatly it does not happen often if at all besides the an incorrect article here or there.  i try to post news in both sides (ps3/360) when i can and i can only think of a couple that got corrected after being posted, a 98% accuracy rating is good enough for me  tongue.gif

i see your point about the "sony sux" comment as well.  to resort to only those kind of words would make us no better then the ignorant sony zombies that i rip on all of the time.  however, and i think many would agree with me here, its not just this forum but all over the net that bad news is pouring in about sony.  they enjoyed the positive press for almost a whole year after E3 2005 and once people realized that the positive feedback wasnt deserved its hard to really find good in the shit storm.  It is no one's fault here that sony has made and continues to make sloppy desicions, and there was a barrage of negative news about MS and the 360 prior to its launch, especially right after the E3 of 2005 where majority of the gaming public was up sony's ass buying into their hyperbull.  I hate sony and will never deny otherwise, but that doesnt dismiss the fact or stop me from acknowledging that they have a power (yet poorly designed) system and it will sell out on day one and probably win with units sold in the end of the day.  IMHO, all of this negative news and attention is just deserts for all that has been ignored with what sony has done with the ps1 and ps2.


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2006, 07:41:00 PM »

True, People will buy a craptastic game just because its the only thing out, so if you have a crap game then it makes sense to try and make the launch window. but if you think you have an A title that will sell regardless of what else is out there, then it makes more sense to sell it when more people can buy it.

My point is that there are a lot of other factors that go into production decisions.

Another big reason devs are reluctent to dive into PS3 games right now is the learning curve of the cell processor. its new and they are going to have to innovate in order to get the most out of it. So what do they do? blame it on cost and let someone else do it first and show them how.

yea but it makes more sense to milk all the sales out of it as possible. No matter how good the game is, it is not in your favor to miss the launch window. If your game is great then it would sell more at launch cause there would be a hunger for good games (thats the point I was trying to make). also there would be no competition, thats why I used the call of duty and graw comparison cause theyre both good games but they would both be eating out of each others sales because of their target audience. So it worked in each publishers favor to have them released so far apart. Now if call of duty got delayed then it would have to compete with graw which would be a serious problem!

whether the game is good or not every publisher wants a piece of the 'virgin' sales baby!


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Ps3 Game Cancelled Due To High Dev. Cost?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2006, 08:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(calderra @ Jul 6 2006, 08:46 AM) View Post

Although I do agree with the point that Call of Duty 2 wouldn't have sold as well alongside GRAW, I think that's also a damn shame, because I thought Call of Duty 2 was an incredible title. Could've used some more polish in some spots (game length, tank sections, Live multiplayer), but I've never played such a solid World-War-shooter. Of course, I'm a nut for the Halo-type health system, so I'm a bit biased there. CoD2 was a WW-game to beat all WW-games, IMHO. It's too bad that so many people still just see it as another face in a see of similar titles.

And Sony enjoyed too much positive press ever since people didn't hold them responsile for their original PS2 e3 showing by my measure. They promised the world, they promised reality in game form, and delivered turdbricks complicated by insane shortages. People still say Ridge Racer "saved" the launch- I didn't know a single PS2 user who even owned any game at all in the first year or so. Two people I know paid over $500 for launch systems and wound up using them as N64 stands to play GoldenEye until decent games arrived (for one of those people, that was over 2 years into the system's life). It wasn't about games AT ALL- people wanted a PS2 because it was a PS2, and that was the end of the story. In my own experience, anyway. How Sony kept their loyalty so securely while delivering such crap is something I'll never understand. But I saw it firsthand.

Now all you have to do is compare Sony's 2005 showing to 2006, and it's an absolute farce. Not a single game that's remotely playable looks anything like anything that was at 2005, and nobody's being held responsible. Tekken 5 looked like real people were filmed in 2005, and now it can barely compete with DOA4 on 360. Warhawk was supposed to be photorealistic, now it's put to shame by Crimson Skies. There is just no end to it.

There are a few exceptions, such as PSM showing off Warhawk on PS1 with (Pelican's?) motion-sensing controller. But largely, Sony just isn't being held accountable. People are now writing off 2005's showing as "obvious CG" and "it was only target footage" when last year you can READ the same people defending Sony's every frame as nothing but real on-system footage. Incredible.

And in case you think this is all just a coincidence, look again at my classic example: Anyone remember the PSX media center console? Sony already released a $500-ish console that could "play all your media" and "would render your PC obsolete", and it was such a failure that people don't even place it IN the console wars. People don't even TALK about this console anymore. And it's certainly never (or at least, incredibly rarely) ever mentioned when people talk about media center functions on the PS3. Which is too bad, because it's basically a roadmap of potential failures for the PS3 which Sony isn't following at all.

PSX on Wikipedia:
-Both include a hard drive.
-Both use the "Cross-bar" interface.
-Both have had video recording promised at one point or another (er, does PS3?)
-Both link to the PSP.
-Both backwards compatible.
-Both are very expensive.
-You get the idea.

Way to learn from the past there, Sony. Thank God nobody is really taking you to task on this.

very good points and i agree with no one holding sony accountable which is what i touched up on before.  

Also i understand your reasoning for waiting for a bigger install base before releasing a game, but you have to look at the bigger picture of future potential.  regardless of install base both CoD2 and GRAW both enjoyed profitable and commercial success and these titles can build up sales and word of mouth over the course of the system's life until their sequals come out to make them forgotten.  After the initial demand for the title has calmed down, the publisher can look forward to releasing sequals a plenty through-out the system's life-cycle that are almost guaranteed to sell well from the hype and brand name alone.  while these two titles were well known before their next-gen debut, many other titles would have gotten overshadowed in an overcrowded library such as condemned.  Basically i see more benefits to launching a title at launch which will accumilate sales over time rather then waiting for a larger install base.

as for the PSX, i do remember that debacle.  You know it was a bad idea if it flopped in japan.  however that stunt can not be directly compared to what sony is trying with the ps3.  What killed the PSX is that sony tried to make the ps2 a multi-media hub but very few people didnt care to have such a unit, with a MUCH cheaper stand alone system there was very little need to purchase a more expensive gaming entertainment hub.  Now though, things are different.  Sony is not giving a cheaper option to the consumers so the price of the ps3 will have little effect on the initial sales IMHO.  