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Author Topic: Preview Of Sony's Online Network  (Read 736 times)


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« on: October 13, 2006, 10:05:00 AM »

Not bad at all!

Hey this is at least better than nintendo's offering

That "wallet" paypal-wannabe thing is kinda nice. Plus the web browser is just so tempting to me...


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 11:02:00 AM »

Just the fact the online gaming will be free is awesome, if true, its all I want from it


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 11:09:00 AM »

It sounds interesting, there are a few novel features that it sounds like Sony has added that MS doesn't include, but the author also mentioned features saying that XBL didn't have even though they do, like having multiple profiles on the system at once, as well as the whole "Master" and "associate" type profiles, they have them but they don't have names and hardly anyone uses them so you never really hear about it.

I'm not sure how I fell about the wallet thing, showing real money is kind of cool but points have the benifit of being an international standard... so I can post about it here without worrying if someone in Canada, or Austrailia are interpreting it different.

800 points is 800 points wheither your in the US, europe, japan or mars.

On the one hand real money takes away innitial confusion of having to learn a new metric, but on the other hand it's another degree of separate from a true global community. Again I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. What I did like about the wallet was that you could setup allownaces, I'm curious if you could setup an allowance for yourself. I wouldn't mind giving myself $15 a month to spend in the marketplace to keep me from spending too much. Also during the dead summer periods it would build up so I could splurge come fall and not take a hit in my REAL wallet.

I think one thing people need to realize is that while it does offere all these features, aparently you have to exit your game to use them... so it's really more like Xbox 1's Xbox Live
Again, those familiar with Xbox Live on the Xbox 360 won't find this terribly surprising, but it's worth noting that the system does show you friend sign-ins and new messages received in overlays on top of the game you're currently playing - just little notification windows which pop up to tell you about something happening with your friends list. At present, however, there's no system for actually reading or responding to messages while you're still in the game, as the operating system doesn't take resources away from games in order to do that - however, according to Harrison, that functionality may well appear in an OS update, presumably based on whether users actually express a desire for it or not.

That is incredibly LAME.

I think this has a lot of POTENTIAL.. it could become as great as XBL on the 360 but I don't see it happening until at least 6 months down the road. The reason I believe that is this:

If you remember when MS launched XBL on the Xbox 1 they had an extensive beta testing period, they didn't even launch the service at the same time as the console such that they could work the bugs out of each individually.

If you launch an international online service attempting to compete feature for feature with an existing well established and evolved system, I honestly don't know how you'd do it without a massive public beta test. Couple that with the fact that it's essentially launching simultaneously with the console, which I'm sure will have problems of it's own... They're just lining themselves up for massive rapid fire headaches, I'm not so much worried about Sony as the consumers/gamers who might be left sitting on their hands waiting for the bugs to get worked out of the ointment at every level.

As for the online gaming part, I'm still skeptical, I'm sure it will be free, the real question is:

Does Sony provide the online gaming part of the service or does the publisher/developer?

This question is VERY important because if it is being left up to the developer/publisher then chances are you wont see it being supported much more then it was on the PS2, game makers don't want to front the cost of running servers unless they think it will allow them to sell enough extra units to make up the costs.

Your EA's and Ubisofts will still probably offer games online as they're large enough that running their own servers is a necessity, but smaller developers, or developers who normally don't delve into online gaming probably wont be interested or wont have the means to add that functionality to their game. Not to mention the quality of the online service would be a crap-shoot as to how good that particular server is.


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 11:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(Pheidias @ Oct 13 2006, 06:09 PM) View Post

Just the fact the online gaming will be free is awesome, if true, its all I want from it

Nothing of quality is free!

Twisted u bring up some good points. The thing that caught my eye is the fact that you can use ur wallet to pay for MMO transactions. Meaning u can use it to pay for the service without hassle (like paypal). I think sony did good on this one (the service). Whether its a decent rival to Live is doubtful cause no matter how good they make the PNP Ms is always gonna be one step ahead of them.

Now where is the 360 web browser?


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2006, 08:21:00 AM »

Random points heard before:

-Doesn't the membership fee keep a lot of idiots out? Sure, some people still find ways to get back on (buying new one-month cards and getting new gamertags)... but they gotta pay cash to do it. On the PS network, they can probably get back in for free. More idiots will be on, and will keep coming back.

-Live's membership fees go to server upgrades, paying staff who ban people for bad conduct, and almost certainly kickbacks to companies who incite subscriptions (IE: "make more games"). They're not just about profit.

-Basically the only thing the actual PS network does is host your gamertag and downloads- EVERYTHING else is left up to developers. Messaging? Gotta hope they put it in (and only across the game you're playing in). Video chat? Only if the dev adds it (and only across one title again). Viewing gamercards? Only if the dev puts it in, and then the implementation of what you see and how is completely up to them. Etc, etc. As said, EA will have no problem with this. But what about all the little 3rd party developers? Can they risk trying to run their own online servers and such? If they do, will they suck?

-Points are universal across the world (greater sense of community). Not only that, but with Live Anywhere, Micorosft is finding new ways to implement them. You'll soon be able to get Zune songs and videos with Points, and the service keeps growing. Points are becoming a badass club that's just cool to be part of- and you disassociate your points from your money. "No mom, I'm not asking for $20 for my birthday, I'm asking for 1600 points!". A subtle but important shift, I think. Esspecially for the holidays. Instead of feeling cheap for getting someone a $20 gift card, I'm getting them abstract points. The disassociation with the dollar makes it seem like something just a little extra special. IMHO.


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2006, 08:45:00 AM »

Something else that I just thought about... well 2 points really...
-XNA: People can now download, build, test, and share games for and over Xbox Live in the pursuit of eventual release on the console. This can't be done with the PSNetwork, unless Sony builds servers for it.

-Betas. Again, PSN can't do it as forumulated. Or not as well...
Xbox Live members can now download the beta of ‘Phantasy Star Universe’ from the Xbox Live Marketplace. This free beta is available in all Xbox Live regions except Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.

Because Xbox Live has established central servers and services, think about how easy betas are.
-Voice and video chat allow devs instant access to their audience. (PSUDev invites you to audio chat with the message- "I saw you playing our beta. May we discuss your experience?).
-Pre-fab servers mean devs don't have to pay their own hosting costs here, allowing their money to go to development.
-The pre-established audience on Xbox Live means you know you're reaching people.
-Word-of-mouth can happen instantly across games. "I know you're playing GRAW right now, but this new beta is awesome! You should totally get this game so we can form a party when it launches!"

XBL just has so much flexibility...

1: "Hey, you ready to play PGR3?"
2: "I wanna grab some food first."
1: "Cool. I'll just load PGR3 into my tray and go play some Geometry Wars- send an invite when you're ready."

It boggles the mind how cool freedom like this is across the network.
Or how about...

1: *sees friend is online via notification during a movie, chooses to pause*
1: "Dude, you wanna play CoD tonight?"
2: "I'm downloading stuff atm. How long til ur done?"
1: "I've got like half an hour left."
2: "Sweet. I'll try out the Lost Planet demo for once. Message when ready."

PSN just... can't do that.


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2006, 09:10:00 AM »

Calderra unless I missed something they talk about messaging in game, "but it's worth noting that the system does show you friend sign-ins and new messages received in overlays on top of the game you're currently playing" so most of what you talk abuot will work, too bad in the beggning you won't be able to answer those will playing but as they say in the article "however, according to Harrison, that functionality may well appear in an OS update". And betas and content is probably something we will see on the ps3 as well maybe even more since both versions comes with a HDD so dl content will be a a big thing (My guess)  If Sony is smart they will be giving out there entire movie library and such (ps3 apparently already have a music store) for download.

So unless I miss read the article it can do most of what you said and then some (webbrowser adds alot of possibilities and the ability to dl old ps1 and ps2 titles is neat

You didn't miss that there was a page two on the article?


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Preview Of Sony's Online Network
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2006, 05:33:00 AM »

I don't think using real currency is a good idea. There is a reason casinos use chips. If you have a bunch of chips you are like bah, it's only a chip.


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« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2006, 05:53:00 AM »

Yup real currency is only good for the consumer and not the company. So I as a consumer think its a realy good idea.


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« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2006, 06:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(Pheidias @ Oct 14 2006, 04:17 PM) View Post

Calderra unless I missed something they talk about messaging in game, "but it's worth noting that the system does show you friend sign-ins and new messages received in overlays on top of the game you're currently playing" so most of what you talk abuot will work, too bad in the beggning you won't be able to answer those will playing but as they say in the article "however, according to Harrison, that functionality may well appear in an OS update". And betas and content is probably something we will see on the ps3 as well maybe even more since both versions comes with a HDD so dl content will be a a big thing (My guess)  If Sony is smart they will be giving out there entire movie library and such (ps3 apparently already have a music store) for download.

So unless I miss read the article it can do most of what you said and then some (webbrowser adds alot of possibilities and the ability to dl old ps1 and ps2 titles is neat

You didn't miss that there was a page two on the article?

Let me add that as much as this all sound thorough based on the article, Sony is definitely not the most thorough company when it comes to software (sometimes with hardware too). The message thing didn't surprise me at all  because even though they talk big, almost always they leave out the details. May I remind you of the promise of the psp and how much updates u had to do in order to turn into a semi decent device for media.  I just cant believe it took them a couple of years before you can simply drag and drop a video files onto the thing!! Something as basic as that!

What he was trying to say is just how simple and well thought out the 360 UI is. Sony isn't really known for that sort of thing. I guarantee you that as great as this (PNP) sounds, using the damn thing is going to be a WHOLE different story!


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« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2006, 09:44:00 AM »

Very nice read, nice to know that online gaming will be free, that has always bugged me with Xbox Live (never had it) because I just like to play Counter Strike Source on my PC for free online because I've already bought the game. I like the way Sony have set it up, buy any extra content you want, and play online games for free.

Finally it's been a long time coming, but Sony seem to be doing something right for once!

Mr Invader

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« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2006, 08:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(bucko @ Oct 15 2006, 10:51 AM) View Post

Finally it's been a long time coming, but Sony seem to be doing something right for once!

The fees are small for xbox live, but those fees help alot to make sure that M$ servers are at the highest performance possible. I remember way back before i had high speed internet, my friend just got broadband cable and purchased a modem adaptor for his ps2. I put in SOCOM 2 and played in a server with 3 people in it, none of them had internet short of high speed internet and it was still so laggy i couldn't hit anyone. I think that fees are okay as long as its a low but understandable fee. Fees help M$ to optimize the online gameplay.


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« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2006, 09:13:00 PM »

Yeah, 4.17 a month is soooooo pricey for what you get  rolleyes.gif

Some people need to stop looking for reasons to justify not getting Live, its embarassing.


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« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2006, 09:41:00 PM »

there is another plus point to XBL over Sony's attempt.

say game X comes out for Ps3, its got fantastic online and gets played to death for 6months.... then tails off. Within 2/3 months of tailing off the servers previously dedicated to game X would be given over to game Y.

on XBL you can always play any of the games, any time regardless of how low the demand for the game is.

paid services definitely have their benefits.


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« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2006, 10:44:00 PM »

I'm not sure if they are gonna be pricing differently for every currency (that would suck) or just do a simple converting each morning. I don't care if the pricing says 8.775 or 9.
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