
Author Topic: Binary Loader V0.2 For Psp Firmware 2.0  (Read 38 times)


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Binary Loader V0.2 For Psp Firmware 2.0
« on: September 24, 2005, 01:36:00 AM »

The creator(s) of the 2.0 Buffer Overflow have spoken with me and have created a way to allow the execution of a binary file from the root directory of the memory stick. I was told that it will load binary files up to 64k from the memory stick, but won’t load un-encrypted elf files yet. The file named ‘h.bin’ must be placed in the root directory of ms0: for it to run. Here’s what was said in the readme: “

Pure binary loader.

* it's loaded at 0x08810000
* it's max 64 kb
* it's pure binary MIPS code
* you have to use syscalls and not NIDs
* it runs in user space!
* it's called h.bin (paint screen blue yay!) in the root of the MemoryStick

Set the frame_buffer.png as background like before and Place the new overflow.tif in the photos dir and the h.bin on the memory stick. It loads ms0:/h.bin

I'm pleased to announce that will now be joining us as part of the toc2rta irc family. This will happen over the next few days and i'm sure you will see a post on pspupdates about it. Thank you all for your support. Join us at, channels #pspchat, #pspcaliber and #pspupdates.”
