
Author Topic: Psp And Ds - My Verdict  (Read 54 times)


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Psp And Ds - My Verdict
« on: June 02, 2005, 03:32:00 PM »

OK this is how I feel about both systems - 100% unbiased, I don't support Sony or Nintendo over the other (in fact I have an XBox  )

OK, I got my DS about 2 months ago now, on the euro release date. I have to say I love the system, it has some really interesting ways of playing. My main problem with the system is the current lack of games, but Mario 64 keeps me entertained with the mini games (damn they are good)
The PSP, I recieved as a Japanese import a few days ago. I love this system too. There is alot you can do with it and it is a very capable system. Before you say it, the battery life is actually pretty good. And there were no dead pixels (which says more for the PSP than my DS...)

Alot of people slate the "opposite" system, or the system they don't own to justify the purchase of the one they do own. QUIT IT.

Let's look at the prices here. DS = £90. You're getting a pure gaming system, with the potential for pleanty of innovation.
For around £30 more (My PSP was £150 with a game not including P&P, so that's £150 - £30 (for the game) = £120), you're getting a multimedia center aswell as a powerful gaming system, of course for it to be a fully functional media center you need to spend at least another £50 on a high capacity memory stick. Oh yeah and you get a kick ass screen that takes up about 3/4 of the system.

My final verdict would be this - there is no winner. They are both suited to different people (or in this case both suited to me, although I think my Girlfriend likes the DS more than I do). There is alot of hatred going around over "my system is better than yours". Well, for me, if I had the choice, I would chose my PSP because it has all the extra stuff which I do use, bit it would be a very hard decision, and ideally I wouldn't have to chose either. My scores for each system are as follows:

Graphical capabilities 75% (sure they're good but the PSP seems an entire generation ahead)
Sound: 95% - excellent sound
Potential for fun games 95%
Functionality/Features 60% - Sure it has a touch screen, and there is the play yan as an addon, but out of the box it doesn't have a vast amount of features
Battery life - 95%
Controls: 90% (The touch screen has pleanty of opportunity for great games for accurate controls, and is very good for FPS, let's hope for an Unreal Tournament DS.. Only downfall is no analog stick)
Durability - 100% Whoa I swear I could throw this directly at a concrete floor and it woudl still work, but I'm not gonna try.. The clamshell design also helps here, protecting the screens
Portability 90% Ok the system looks big opened up, but when folded its a fairly neat little package
Aesthetics - 75% I'm not overly keen on the looks of the DS, I mean it looks OK I guess, but also a bit cheap.
Value - 95%

OVERALL (Not an average): 95%

Graphical capabilities 100% (The PSP is in a league of it's own for a handheld)
Sound: 95% excellent sound
Potential for fun games: 95% (This of course depends on the person, just like some people like PS2 some like Gamecube)
Functionality/Features 90% (Can be a little arkwatrd for videos sometimes but overall very good features)
Battery life 80% (The battery life surprised me alot as to how good it was for such a capable system, although it doesn't quite match the DS)
Controls: 90% (The controls are great, and handily it has a little analog nub, which is arkward at first but actually works very well)
Durability - 75% OK this is one of those systems that get a easily fingerprinted and there is no clamshell to protect the screens. I ceratinly would not feel comfortable throwing THIS at a concrete floor. Still it's well put together and probably fairly durable.
Portability - 87%  Slightly bigger than the DS, but still fits into your pocket neatly
Aethetics 100% This system is absolutely gorgeous, nice and shiny etc. Proabably the best looking system to date, I even think the Revolution took a leaf out of the PSP's book. The only problem is the easy fingerprinting, but that comes under durability.
Value 95% (I feel like I'm robbing Sony here, they do in fact lose about $50 per system apparently, and for the price you're getting alot, it feels like its worth at least £250)

OVERALL (Not an average): 95%

I was tempted to give both systems 100% but decided that's too nice, neither is perfect.

I think it's also good to point out that the PSP seems far more hackable at a cheaper price than the DS which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are and how you look at it. I personally am looking forward to the upcoming SNES emulators for the PSP.

FINALLY - Who will win? BOTH


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Psp And Ds - My Verdict
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 06:55:00 PM »


i have abs no desire to get a psp... they are very impressive, but not at all what im looking for in a portable system...

i dont want to watch a tiny movie, ever... i dont want the same kinds of games i play on a console as i do on a portable... portable games should be:
a. fun
b. pick up and play/easy to put down/'bite sized'
c. have abs no loading times

nintendo had the ultimate system with the advanced sp, and the ds could surpass that assuming people actually dev for it and use its potential...

Kira Yamoto

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Psp And Ds - My Verdict
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2005, 11:20:00 PM »

i dont want the same kinds of games i play on a console as i do on a portable...

I see this being said from place to place BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE.

1. Portable GBA games are just like console games but those of an earlier generation.  We still have beat-em ups, RPG's, shooters, adventures you name it.

2. PSP games for the most part are made for portable gaming which means its easy to pick up and play a game but there are games that are long (MGA) just like how there are long GBA games.  Theres really no difference except for the graphics and the library.

3. Whos to say PSP games arent fun? I don't know how you percieve 'fun' but to me, theres a few titles that I have fun playing.

4. Loading times do suck but it can't be avoided with the new technology being utilized for the next-generation in portable gaming.  Some games barely have any load time at all (Hot Shots Golf Open Tee) while other games supposedly has horrible loading times (Tiger Woods??)  I've been playing most launch titles and some of the newer titles and the loading time only happens in the beginning.  Take for instance Rengoku.  In the beginnning, it loads the levels and once you are in the tower, you go seamlessly from room to room even w/ a cutscene.

Also loading times are never a valid argument NOT to buy a console.  There have been N64 camps swearing up and down on this but eventually get beaten out because there are better games to be played on a console that has loading times.  If theres a good game, go play it.


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Psp And Ds - My Verdict
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2005, 12:33:00 PM »

personally (owning both), i like the DS better, but only game wise. the psp has incredible value for playing tons of media, and also if you get wipeout, you have a web browser.


the ds is better gamewise. the games are more fun, they are easy to take care of (dont get scratched), and yes, believe it or not, it does have much better battery life.

the psp is a wonderfull thing to have for playing movies, music, and even look at pics. i use the hidden webbrowser in wipeout all the time, and the games are fun too. the only compliant is battery life (which isnt actually that bad) and how easy it is to scratch.

overall, i say they both have strengths, and if you have the chance, get both of them.


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Psp And Ds - My Verdict
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2005, 01:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Jun 12 2005, 01:31 AM)
1. Portable GBA games are just like console games but those of an earlier generation.  We still have beat-em ups, RPG's, shooters, adventures you name it.