
Author Topic: Windows Media Player9 Probs  (Read 33 times)


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Windows Media Player9 Probs
« on: March 21, 2004, 12:41:00 AM »

I get this Error on any video file Directly Linked 2(not viewed inna Page, or zipped/rared ect.):

Windows Media Player cannot play this file. Connect to the Internet or insert the removable media on which the file is located, and then try to play the file again.

My PC is Win98SE(oldies)
IE 6
Windows Media Player9

It used 2 work, but now it Just acts up, Also I don't even get the option 2 right-click the File link 2 'Save Traget As...' what is Causing this? I read somewhere that it could be a CodeC Problem, so I removed all the 1s I knew how 2, an tryed again, an later only installed Decoders for DivX an XviD, an like 2 or 3 others. no luck, so I re-installed windows, witch removed all programs an defaulted my PC 2 stock(like when u just get it), my PC is so old it comes with Windows media 6.x somthin, maybe less, so I had 2 install Windows Media9(witch is what I want), then I didn't add any CodeC Files an still got trouble! so then I was mad Cause I just tried what I called 'Last Resort' an it was pretty much my overkill plan, an it still failed! can any1 help me? I want to get back the Right click, Have WMP9 Auto Downlo an Play in WMP9, and on Webpages. an I searched MS help stuff an found nothing but Crap on it, just what so called 'Causes the Problem'(CodeC Files), witch I've already now Determined it's not CodeC Files. as since I got a Buddy 2 download the File an send it 2 me on MSN, I could play it like that, just can't get it 2 work the way it's supposed 2? Somtimes I hate MS