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Author Topic: Why Pc So Slow?  (Read 224 times)


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Why Pc So Slow?
« on: March 10, 2004, 09:44:00 AM »

I know its been a while, but thought id let all know I got a PC3200 512 MB memory stick, to add to my PC2700 256 MB. Yes I know that 256 MB PC2700 is limiting my PC3200 down to PC2700 also, but im po...Well all in all my system is running plenty fast. The problem was I didnt have enough memory...

Thank you for everyones help!



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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 07:19:00 AM »

I dont know why, but I seem to have many problems with my PC. The main one Im concerned with, and probably the leading cause of all the rest, is that my computer goes slower than it should. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2200+ wonderful chipset and everything. My FSB is set at 133 so my processor speed is a steady 1.8 Ghz (been tested with proggies and internet before) The only downside, is that I only have 256 MB worth of my memory. I will get it bumped up later with an extra 512, but Im broke right now. I notice that the pc runs pretty damn well as long as its not using much memory. My total "comit charge" (located in the Task manager) is about 639480K . When I open the task manager and check how much of that commit charge I am using, it says closely around 178932-180456 (this is when I first login to WIdnows XP Pro without opening a thing) I notice my PC doesnt run programs at its fullest while only using this. For example, when I open up Internet Explorer it takes a couple of seconds before it even pops up (this is slow for what Im running) but if I log in as guest or soemthing, Internet Explorer takes approx. 1 seconds before it opens. ( my commit charge at login is about 136598K without anyone else logged in) I have also noticed that if my commit charge goes anywhere over 240000K my PC runs TERRIBLY. It takes forever to open anything at all. Seeing as how this is barely using any memory at all, not even half, then it doesnt make sense to me? I also notice my PC is unstable, like if it is using alot of memory such as 265482K of my commit charge, then it will usually do temporary freezes (cant click on anything, but mouse still moves, and it takes a minute or two before I see everything fall under the order at which was done while in the temporary freeze) If the temporary freeze isnt understood, ill try to give an example. I open internet explorer, then do a folder view of my computer close to the same time, temporary freeze happens. While the temp freeze is active, Ill click on miscellaneous things such as to close the broswer widnow to try and return my pc to normal, or click on the start menu, and then I will right click the taskbar. But while in these temporary freezes, I click a sequence of "commands" and it acts as if my left and right mouse buttons dont even work. After about 20 seconds the PC catches back up with itself and shows everything I did (click taskbar, close browser, etc.) very quickly. And then my PC is back to its normal state. Still slow state, but its normal. This happens often. FOr some reason I get this feeling that my PC isnt using my memory correctly or something, but that isnt possible is it?

Thats not even that strange part...Every day I go to school, every day I have the same PC to work at. The PC's here (the old ones) are only 930 Mhz and running 256MB memory also. They are also running windows xp pro. The processor speeds are a BIG diff from what Im runnign (1.8 Ghz) Except that the PC's here run faster when compared to the amount of memory being used. Their commit charge total is the same I believe, except that the PC I work on can be using 300000K or more of the total commit charge and STILL run better than my PC at home. They never do these temporary freezes, and they seem to run things as fast if nto faster sometimes than what my PC does. This is what bothers me...I know my memory isnt as high as it should be, but when comparing to the PC at school, then something HAS to be wrong with mine. I hope someone can help, because this is really annoying, does anyone have ANY suggestions at all? It cant be a overheating problem, I have 5 fans running in my PC and the temperature never goes over 33 degrees celsius (91 degrees fahrenheit) The only other thing I could think that slows down my PC is that I have a 60 GB HDD and im using a little over half of it. WHich will usually slow down the PC a little, but not much. But comparing to the pc at school, it has a 10 GB hdd and is using almost 6.5 GB . If any other info is needed about my or the schools PC, then I will do my best to get the info to you.

Like I said, soemthing has to be wrong, please help me because I cant seem to figure it out. Thank you so much for your help.



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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 12:28:00 PM »

Sadly I have a 900 mhz processor and 128 ram, so gain you can't be as bad off as me, to get more speed from your pc though, i'd add ram, but that's really only going to help so much, you really may want a new processor (maybe a 3 ghz or something)


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2003, 03:26:00 PM »

Man that post is long. I'll just say because you touch yourself at night. Yeah, that'll do.


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2003, 05:34:00 PM »

Thanks for the help so far. Ive tried many of these solutions already, and not many really helped much anyways. I guess once I get my x-mas money, Ill either buy a 512 MB stick of RAM, or Ill go for a nicer processor. 3 Ghz is alot of speed, meaning alot of money, im definitely not made of money. But depending how how much x-mas and birthday money I get, Ill see. Any other suggestions?

As a quick side question I just thought about----Why does the Xbox run video games MUCH faster and smoother than a PC can? Or atleast my PC. The xbox has a small 32MB video card and only 64 MB of memory. I have a 128MB video card and 256 memory. This KILLS the xbox. The only conclusion that I have come up with is that PC's must run a much more sophisticated OS than the xbox does. So therefore more things are required to run a PC game and much more memory is being used. I did however notice that when running Linux on the box, it doesnt go very fast at all...SO thats the only reason I can think of that explains why the Xbox can run games better than a PC can. Of no importance, just thought Id state it. Anyways, I will definitely be getting either that 512 memory or a better motherboard with a good chipset. How much do these usually run? A good one atleast. Ive seen 512 MB PC 2700 DDR RAM for anywhere from 67-200 bucks. Why are there such big diff's in prices?



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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2003, 05:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (ScottParkerSucks @ Dec 4 2003, 01:26 AM)
Man that post is long. I'll just say because you touch yourself at night. Yeah, that'll do.

dood that was a pointless post its long because it takes more info to explain the prob if dunt kno what xactly is wrong with it we cant help the guy if its too long go to another thread.

i  agree get some tweeks and some more ram thas all u need (so it sounds)  wink.gif


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2003, 05:38:00 PM »

Label, do me a favor pleas i am really sure i can help you without buying anything. This only works if you are using Windows XP. Control+Alt+Delete and then go to performance and see how much CPU you are using and how much PF usage you are using. Please tell me how much and tell me if the bar is full, near full, not near full, and percentages. I can really help you  wink.gif

Large Dopant white

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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2003, 05:38:00 PM »

Some common maintenence might speed it up- try a full scandisk and defrag. Uninstall programs you never use. Set the resolution  down a notch. Sometimes, you can tweak the performance to acceptable levels without buying more hardware.
If you mentioned doing any of that, sorry. You're post is so long and inpuncual that it gave me a headache to read more than about three or four sentences.
EDIT: The XBox runs faster because it only runs one process at a time- like the current game you're playing. Your PC runs at least a half dozen at startup, Windows being one of them, so any program loaded has to compete for resources with a half dozen programs. That, and the XBox has no set amount of video RAM- the onboard RAM is shared, if I'm correct.


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2003, 06:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (Rebel-Soul @ Dec 4 2003, 03:35 AM)
QUOTE (ScottParkerSucks @ Dec 4 2003, 01:26 AM)
Man that post is long. I'll just say because you touch yourself at night. Yeah, that'll do.

dood that was a pointless post its long because it takes more info to explain the prob if dunt kno what xactly is wrong with it we cant help the guy if its too long go to another thread.

i  agree get some tweeks and some more ram thas all u need (so it sounds)  wink.gif

Sorry. I figured General Chat would be used to my pointless posts by now. Plus, it was a Family Guy reference!


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2003, 07:34:00 PM »

Sadly I have a 900 mhz processor and 128 ram, so gain you can't be as bad off as me, to get more speed from your pc though, i'd add ram, but that's really only going to help so much, you really may want a new processor (maybe a 3 ghz or something)

up until last june i was stuck on a pentium 133mhz with 96meg of ram

to the poster, yeh up the ram a bit first, then you might want to defrag, then you may want to format and reinstall everything if you are still having problems


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2003, 04:21:00 PM »

QUOTE (Large Dopant white @ Dec 4 2003, 03:38 AM)
Some common maintenence might speed it up- try a full scandisk and defrag. Uninstall programs you never use. Set the resolution  down a notch. Sometimes, you can tweak the performance to acceptable levels without buying more hardware.
If you mentioned doing any of that, sorry. You're post is so long and inpuncual that it gave me a headache to read more than about three or four sentences.
EDIT: The XBox runs faster because it only runs one process at a time- like the current game you're playing. Your PC runs at least a half dozen at startup, Windows being one of them, so any program loaded has to compete for resources with a half dozen programs. That, and the XBox has no set amount of video RAM- the onboard RAM is shared, if I'm correct.

Hi, thank you all for the help. The xbox does have a set amount of video RAM, its 32 MB. And system memory is about 64 MB. To whozyodaddy, at the current moment I have:

29 Processes
165904K of 637420K commit charge
CPU Usage stands around 0 to 2 percent. Usually staying at 0%
CPU Usage jumps to 100% quickly right when I open my task manager
my Page File usage is 161 MB

Anything else needed? Thank you again



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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2003, 06:40:00 PM »


Ive come to the point that my memory must be just cheap or something. I have a 256 MB PC 2700 DDR RAM stick, but it came bundled with my motherboard and chipset. SO im guessing it isnt that good. After x-mas Ill have the money to buy either a 512 or 1 GB to add to my PC. I see MANY price variants in the same memory. I see some 512 PC 2700 for about 60-70 bucks, then I see some 512 for a little over $ it just name brand or does some memory work faster and/or better than the other? Thank you again


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2003, 07:00:00 PM »

make sure your memory works with your mobo.. the memory has a fsb as well..


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2003, 07:01:00 PM »

make sure your memory works with your mobo.. the memory has a fsb as well..


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Why Pc So Slow?
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2003, 11:39:00 PM »

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