
Author Topic: Hard Disk Required For 360  (Read 795 times)


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Hard Disk Required For 360
« on: April 11, 2009, 01:24:00 AM »

While I'm still struggling to find free time to advance my project of unified library allowing easy homebrew on many platforms (especially PC0, i.e PC without hard disk), I really tried to study 360 hitachi 47 firmware to be able to patch on the fly original King Kong and make vulnerable booting easier, but I finally gave up.
I lack the skills and time to perform insane reverse engineering on something that is becoming less and less common among 360 users... I will switch to 360 users community running linux with hard drive attached to their 360 (not very common, but at least less uncommon than a specific hitachi 47 drive firmware, since nowadays, I guess everyone will stick to iXtreme 1.51 and its future upgrades...). So, now, I will switch to looking for native sound on 360 under Linux.

I posted in this topic, in *nix forum (unix, linux, etc... on 360), that it's cheap and easy to get 120gb (or more) without the need to hack anything beside the console ability to boot Gentoo with vulnerable kernel :
(basically you put any hard disk inside a used 20gb official hard disk case, then format it under Gentoo. You can try to install Linux on drive, but it's not strictly necessary, you can boot stuff through Gentoo and just keep persistent files on drive)

Something else happened in my job too (the one that almost keeps me away from homebrew scene for 2 years now) : I've been asked officially to develop software on Iphone, for my company, using the official Sdk. That means I will be able to spend time designing the 1st layer of graphical APIs of the unified library in a way that will ensure compatibility with Iphone (jailbroken or not).

EDIT: I've finished the Iphone dev. Was fun. Apple sdk is really great. I've also edited the linked post above for a possible fix if you get neverending irq #36 when you attempt Free60 Linux distro installation scripts.