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Author Topic: Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...  (Read 344 times)


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Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...
« Reply #75 on: May 18, 2005, 01:53:00 PM »

does anybody know what frequency range usb2 uses?


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Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...
« Reply #76 on: May 18, 2005, 02:09:00 PM »

just did a search on yahoo and it said that it was 2.4GHz


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Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...
« Reply #77 on: May 18, 2005, 02:57:00 PM »

To jump back into the fray here...

First off, could someone please confirm that the PS3 CAN do HDTV/Analog?  Looking over the specs, I know they said it can do 2 HDTV's (and have 2 HDMI interfaces as well), but I can't find anywhere that states the HD/Analog setup...

Second, I do believe that the format war issue is still relevant.  Despite talks that favor the Blue Ray format, nothing is settled yet. This is an article from yesterday talking about the fact that the discussions have stalled, not to mention industry pressure to adopt HDDVD.  I can't really see Sony backing down from the Blue Ray and if the pressure keeps up on Toshiba, they may not settle this for a long while.

Besides, if you watch the video from ourcolony, look for the point when the guy has the faceplate off and is showing the wireless radio card on the 360.  You can clearly see that the drive is detached there, which would indicate that it should be easy to swap out for a different type (I.E. Blue Ray/HDDVD).  Or MS could EASILY include an external drive for watching movies and load drivers for that through Live if necessary.  Personally, I would prefer to pay $100 later for a 'proper format' add on drive than and extra $100 now for a 'might be' Blue Ray drive since it seems likely that the PS3 will wind up costing more.  To qoute Steve Balmer "It's not like we won't have an HD-DVD option...we'll be agile."

Blackchild:  Most people don't think that 2 controllers is enough because on the odd occasion you want to play with friends and will put up with 4 player split screen or the odd game like DOA, where 4 controllers work.  7 seems like too many and comes down to Sony just wanting to print a bigger number than MS.  

I don't see why you think Live is not a selling point.  First off, the fact that you do play games and download content over it is a great feature (of which I haven't heard any plans from anyone else to do that).  By adding the marketplace, they are making it easier to promote innovation.  Developers will be able to easily add new content and maybe make a bit more money from a title with little difficulty, maining that they will be able to extend the life of a game by new content.  You might not want to buy "trinkets" from other people, fine.  However, creating a wild race track in PGR3 and being able to upload it to your friends to race or getting a Halo 3 map from a buddy to test out are other uses for that same feature.  

I don't know about you, but some of the best Halo LAN parties I have played were using mods/maps created by other people.  This just allows them to share it with everyone (Modchip not needed).  If you really can't see the benefits of Live... :blink:

This post has been edited by Wicked_Vengence: May 18 2005, 10:05 PM


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Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...
« Reply #78 on: May 18, 2005, 03:16:00 PM »

i think the dual screen thing is just showing the ps3 has the raw power for sure. but at the same time shows that sonys best way to Use the power is dual screens. again they have power in there but just no real useable reason for it to be there. they came up with dual screens just because they Could do it rather than actually having a reason or demand for it.

you can say how they are just adopting new tech early and consumers will grow into it as tvs get cheaper etc. but really no matter the cost who is going to have to screens sitting next to each other in their living room? and beyond that, who is going to want to play a racing/fps/any game with a few inch gap between the screens throwing everything off. theres just no real use other than the cool factor. the best use i can see is the second screen used for online interface so you can see your online junk on the other screen while playing a game. but is that worth the cost and stacking tvs? it might be worth it if you can have one HD and one older tube tv at the same time but they dont mention that. alot of people will be buying a new HD screen leaving the old tube screen left to do no thing.

also everyone says how sony is so smart for making the consoles small to please the jap crowd. but how does linning two massive screens up save space? let alone what typical jap apt has room for doing this lol.


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Ps3's Dual Hd Display And 1080p Features...
« Reply #79 on: May 19, 2005, 03:45:00 AM »

it might be worth it if you can have one HD and one older tube tv at the same time but they dont mention that

Can you imagine doing this?  The screen on your left being HD, the one on your right being SD?  I get a headache just thinking about trying to look back and forth.  

Put any HD set next to an SD set showing the same movie.  Could you look back and forth and not be pissed off at the difference, especially if you invest thousands of dollars in the player and set on the left?
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