
Author Topic: Offical Nfl Thread (nfc East)  (Read 95 times)


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Offical Nfl Thread (nfc East)
« on: August 09, 2004, 05:04:00 PM »

Ill try to keep everyone updated on the NFC east division of the NFL as much as possible.

For the record this division consist of 4 teams

Dallas Cowboys
new jersey giants
philidelphia beagles

dont flip if its mostly bias updates about the cowboys and of cource trash talking on the other 3 teams listed.



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Offical Nfl Thread (nfc East)
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »

QUOTE (bygjerry @ Aug 10 2004, 02:34 PM)
Cowboy's fan huh? Man the boys line just needs to give Vinnie 5secs to throw the ball and we will be back in business in no time at all, hand it off to Big Ed and the rest will take care of long as he is not carrying in the fourth quarter of the NFC championship game its all gravy...oh and plus get Keshawn the DAMN ball. cool.gif

Ha ha ha ha, funny you say that. Lets see here, my observations from last season mixed with this off seasons aqusitions are as folows:

Ok our offesive line was horrible, quincy carter had like 3 or 4 seconds (if that) after every snap to throw the ball. We had no running back worth a beans, hell the bum we had last season couldnt even pick up the xtra block when we needed him. (thank god that slob is gone, even old ass emmitt smith would have had a better season with the boys last year). so oposing defenses didnt really HAVE TO HONOR THE RUN, thus stacking the line with like 8 and 9 man fronts  to blow out the running back/qb tandem every time....knowing that no team in the NFL can throw every down. now thank god we had a mobile quarterback last season, q.c. avoided umpteen sacks even if his touch down to interception ratio sucked, the guy set a record for avoding sacks, if only they counted those. Eddie george is declining and banged up all the time even if his work ethic is still strong, ifgeorge cant run the ball it already spells doomsdy for the entire offensive core.

We still have a shitty o-line, now if eddie george CANT establish the run early on is the season expect to see those same 8 and 9 man fronts, but this time with a 40 yr old imobile quarterback that will be CHASED AND on his back like a 2 dollar slut, and a o-line with not a whole lot of improvement.... this will happen a lot like the 2002 season. I belive we drafted 1 o-line member who might or might not start, thank god and larry allen seems to be healthy now i hope he could hold is weight, if so expect him to pave the way for george or jones to run down the left side of the field. If you ask me id much rather start julis jones his rookie yr as the guy has great speed and vision. And as of right now he is our future. But then again eddie is a work horse if he can stay healthy and make teams honor the run...... then old ass vinnie might have 1 last decent season and some time to throw the ball.

Now that thats said and done on to keyshon, this is one thing i am excited about, no keyshon has not done a whole lot of marvel over in tampa bay, but he is a big mean ugly possesion reciver, something the cowboys have been lacking since michale irvin left the team... (and you wonder why our tight end jason whitten had an amzing season last yr, he was our only big back, and the guy was used like a wide reciver to an extent, even if he was a TE ) a guy thats not afraid to go over the middle, i swear every week last season i was shitting my pants watching terry glens frail ass go over the middle, now that we have keyshon our wide reciver core might be strong once again, but it all boils back down to the ofensive line and the running game, they both need to be there or we will have the plague of 2 seasons ago... that being a jail break after the quarterback/RB.

There is not a whole lot to say about the defense, marcellus wiley is a great addition and is the pass rusher we needed to keep the number one defense hungry for more, and darren woodsen might be back sonner than expected. We already have one shutdown corner in terrance newman...(even though the god damn video games make his stats look like shit) if we can find a better left corner to compliment newman i dont see why we wouldnt have the #1 defense again this season baring injuries.

So there is my rant for the day, ill hit up 1 of the other 3 teams with a fair opinion today or tomorrow as i am the all knowing nfc east god, but for right now i have a lot of shit to do.
