
Author Topic: What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch  (Read 419 times)


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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« on: February 18, 2009, 05:21:00 AM »

This economy is like a car running out of gas and constantly stalling. At some point the car will run out of gas and not start again.


There is alot more links just do a google search on web or news.



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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 11:41:00 AM »

yeah, i read a little bit about this last week. its scary stuff, and i don't think anyone really has the answer. unfortunately, i think whatever the "correct answer" is, we just took a huge step away from it with a 800b spending frenzy with money that we don't have.


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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 12:11:00 PM »

^ And, the 700b one a few months before.

That is > $1,500,000,000,000.00 blink.gif


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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 03:40:00 PM »

This is an excellent article. It is unfortunately out of date now but it puts the bailouts from last year at around $8 trillion dollars total. The national deficit for the U.S. recently topped $10 trillion.

But this article is still good since it breaks down where the bailout money went. It is funny most mass media isn't covering the fact that over $8 trillion has been spent in bailouts total. I wonder what the most current total would be now.

National debt clock

"The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$3.51 billion per day since September 28, 2007!"

But like I said in another post people should take extra money and buy tangible physical supplies like non perashable food. Eventually it will run out when economy dies and you will have grow a garden but it will ease transition.


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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2009, 08:47:00 AM »

hey guys check out it has a great video series called "The Crash Course" which presents the argument that the next 20 years are going to be completely different from the last 20 years, not only because of the economy, but also due to future problems with energy production and environmental concerns, which unfortunately are being given little attention due to everybody focusing on the economy and trying desperately to return to "growth".

What our leaders fail to realize is that growth is the problem, not the solution. Anything that grows a fixed percentage each year grows exponentially, and continued exponential growth is the most absurd, insane model to follow, when we are confined within a world of limited resources, limited space, and (somewhat) limited energy (solar panels, wind turbines, dams, etc. all still require huge amounts of resources and energy to make them, before even one watt of electricity is produced. These renewable energy sources are nowhere near enough to replace fossil fuels, and by the time that people realize that there isn't much left, where will the energy come from to produce all the equipment necessary to harness these "renewable" sources? Especially if the global economy is in shambles so there's no money to be invested in R&D)

To be honest, I'm tired of the world we live in. I'm tired of all the worthless consumption, the dependency on our infrastructures, the media telling us who we should be and how we should think. I'm tired of having my freedoms taken away in the name of "security" and "protection", when Ben Franklin said that those who make that decision deserve neither freedom or safety. I'm tired of money, and how it corrupts people.

I for one am welcoming the economic crash, for people will realize that there is a life beyond corporate America and new cars and fancy houses and other crap. As global economies fall, local economies will emerge and thrive. Money will become worthless. Trade and bartering will be king. Life will be much simpler and less complicated. All the bureaucracy and paperwork will be washed away.

It's funny how somebody that thinks that the economy will get worse (or collapse completely) is labeled as a "doom and gloom" type of person, yet most that I talk to acknowledge that collapse is the most likely scenario, but do NOT believe that this means certain doom and armageddon. In fact it's quite the opposite. This could be the best thing that's ever happened to us as a society. It will encourage people to not use banks, not use money, trade locally for what you need, and punish the ones responsible, the bankers, Wall Street, the government...

It will inspire people to reduce wasteful consumption, to live a more sustainable life, to be closer to nature, to have a better sense of community, and though there will be a lot of pain in the next few years, what will (hopefully) emerge from the rubble is a better, more simple, sustainable way of life.

Otherwise, what will we leave for our children? More debt? A depleted planet? A totalitarian government?

do some research on permaculture


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What Almost Happened On September 18,2008? Watch
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 04:54:00 PM »

I still dont necessarily agree that it was the right thing to do, but i cant say i have a better solution either.  And atleast now we can understand why bush was so willing to sign anything that reid and pelosi put in front of his nose.  At the time i thought it was peculiar to say the least, I mean when was the last time you went to your largest opponent and said, "I am opening up my check book to you and you just put down whatever you want."

if there was a similar reason for this last ridiculous spending bill, i am open to hear it.  but i have my doubts.  Obama seemed to be saying it was all gloom and doom, and that we need that bill asap, but the moment it was signed he basically said, " well things arent as bad as i thought they were. . . "

Jerk.  well if thats the case barak, can we repeal that spending bill?  I would prefer not to be selling my children into economic slavery.