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Author Topic: Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions  (Read 427 times)


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2020, 10:44:00 AM »

Well I think Obama broke his promise of not taking foreign money. Now he isn't going to admit to it. But as we can see its true. But you're right, the media(most anyway) won't report it. Also something interesting from the VP debate; Biden said he didn't read McCains policy's in a response to Palin. But yet in other sentences compares McCain to Bush. Now, anyone being resonably intelligent should say'"how can you compare when you don't even know what you are comparing?" McCain voted along party lines. Just like Obama does for his side. But they put a twist on it. Seems like Obama puts a lot of twists on things. Everyone is looking for for the "perfect" canidate. Well good luck. I just don't think socialism is the way to go. One of the big points of socialism is wealth distribution or redistribution. How can the government tell you what you can make? Anything over would be redistributed. Thats BS. But thats what you'll get if Obama is president. And for those that can remember, how about the 70's energy crisis? The same thing was preached. Alternate this and that. But as history shows, what got done? Same thing here. Nothin will happen on that front, but it sounds good to the voters. And just wait till the ACORN thing breaks. Just last week I was approached by them. They asked if I was registered to vote. I was but wanted to see what would happen so I said no. They said great. Fill this out. I said do I need I.D? they said no. They then asked if I was to register Dem or Rep. I said Republican. Then they took the clipboard they handed me and walked away! Now if thats not bias. Well,people will see what we are in for when its to late. And as far as the economy. You know what caused that? GREED. Not Bush. GREED. Banks made loans they shouldn't have. People took loams they shouldn't have. And investers invested in things that were extremely risky. Didn't matter who was president. It was greed from both sides. As for the war. Lets not forget, The Dems voted for it! They had to because the Dems outnumber the Reps in both the House and Senate. So now the very people who voted for it, made a complete turn around, funny huh? And people are eating it up! There is no such thing as the perfect canidate. Never will be. But you have to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. No politician,Republican or Democrat, is or was looking out for the common man. Lets not forget these are rich people. When was the last time a rich man looked out for you?

This post has been edited by out4it: Yesterday, 06:54 PM


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2020, 02:46:00 PM »

whoa there...

As for the war. Lets not forget, The Dems voted for it! They had to because the Dems outnumber the Reps in both the House and Senate.

yeah NOW they do, not when the iraq shit was voted on...

im not arguing they didnt vote for it, but get your story straight...


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2008, 03:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(Reaper527 @ Oct 11 2008, 11:05 PM) View Post

actually, the bailout still sucked. the reason it passed the 2nd time around was because they took the $700b bill, and added a $150b bribe to it in order to buy a few votes. as far as i'm concerned the "revision" you mention is just corruption.

I was talking more about the people's reaction, and refusal to just go along with something, because the Bush admin. wanted the people to. As for the added shit, to pass, it just adds to peoples growing mistrust in Govt. (which is good)

QUOTE(Reaper527 @ Oct 12 2008, 12:07 PM) View Post

huffingtonpost is liberal spam. unfortunately, we all knew that either them, or dailykos was going to put this spin on that. i agree with what you said, they are definitely taking this out of context.

I agree, although if it was the other way around they'd do the same thing.

What that Old lady said was Very Ignorant/Racist, BUT that's what happens when many people are being deliberately misinformed, and manipulated.

 As I said I don't blame the McCain Campaign, but the far right nutjobs.

I got into this debate with someone the other day about Fox News and Msnbc. but that's a whole different topic, I may start another day. I want to see what other people think about it.

Just a Shadow

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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2020, 03:23:00 PM »

I hope they shut acorn down, bunch of stupid ass liberals paying people to vote for the canidate they want in office. And using our money to do it

This post has been edited by Just a Shadow: Yesterday, 11:23 PM


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2008, 04:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(gcskate27 @ Oct 12 2008, 05:46 PM) View Post

whoa there...
yeah NOW they do, not when the iraq shit was voted on...

im not arguing they didnt vote for it, but get your story straight...

You're right. Thats what I meant to say, but they still keep voting to fund it before they were the majority, and after. Now they make it seem like a bad thing. Typical political bullshit. How can you vote for both the war and CONSTANT funding, then turn around and say its bad? Maybe because of this misinformation the Dems have been spewin. Part of a master plot I believe. Now they are bashing the bail out when most Dems voted for that as well. I guess anything to get peoples votes. But its been that way for a while with career politicians. I just can't believe people are buying it. I guess it shows the intelligence levels of some generations.

And lets not forget the dumbass kid who hacked Palins email. Son of  a Dem State Rep. I wonder who put him up to that? I guess " by any means neccesary" huh?


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2020, 09:18:00 PM »

Why isnt anyone talking about the real issues.Here or on the campaign trail.

That the patriot act kills 7 of the 1st ten amendments and treats all citizens as terriost.

That the federal reserve and income tax system is a fraud and never met the states approval.We fought for our independance from england on the bases of taxes.Our great fathers fought this war on every aspect not limited to the demise of the central banking system because they knew the end result of the central banking system is slavery.Then how the bankers put there own president in office to get this system reinstated because this is the way they control our economy.They even assasinated a us senator who brought criminal charges against the president and other members of the presidents cabinet.His name was louis mcfadden and it is not listed as an assasination only that he was poisoned at a government banquet .The president was woodrow wilson and he wrote in his diary after his presidency ended that the central banking system was his biggest regret in life and that the government would never be able to succeed with that system because the end result is slavery.

The fact that are elections are a farce and the popular vote does not weigh into the next president but is decided by the electoral votes.So this just makes the election process nothing more than a mock up.

That all the media is censered by the goverment and they are only going to tell us what they want us to know.By doing this the goverment uses the media as a massive tool for public support and twist stories so the public get behind them.If you really want to know you must look at other media sources that are uncontrolled by the goverment.

This is nothing new there is proof of the governments ways all over the place.So I dont think this war is any different than the others.It was created by the government and was twisted to create panic among the people so we would willingly give up our rights.

We are in trouble as a nation as a world and no one can change anything but us not obama not mccain because they are part of the problem not the solution.We are getting closer and closer to a one world government and when that time comes you can take all the rights you have and throw them out the window.Once there is one power that answers to no one corruption will be right there behind it.


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Obama Money From Abroad Could Total Millions
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2008, 09:57:00 AM »

^ How are those Presidential issues?

I, personally, don't like the Patriot Act. but it is still open to the interpretation of the Supreme Court.

I, personally, don't like income tax. But, it is lawful. This again isn't up to the President. The President can push for reform, but he cannot do it by himself. The problem is, the government is now dependent on the money, and nobody can get rid of it.

I, personally, do like the Electoral College. I can explain why, but what does this have to do with anything? It is the way it is setup, and both campaign based on that fact. They both have to follow the same rules and they have both known the rules since day #1 of their campaigns. Who do you think the Electoral College is biased towards?

I am not sure what your point is with media. Do you want the media to mention the media is censored by the government. What will that do? If you don't like the MSM, browse the net. Read Al-Jazeera and the BBC. You aren't forced to tune in.

Both camps have voted for the war, so there isn't too much to talk about. They were both in agreement, regardless of your stance on the war.
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