
Author Topic: Last Nights Debate  (Read 249 times)


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Last Nights Debate
« on: October 03, 2008, 08:42:00 AM »

what did you guys think?

my two cents on the debate...

i cringe every time someone pronounces nuclear "Nuke-ya-ler". it isn't a very hard word, "New-clear".

i think palin should have hammered biden more on his tax proposal. she did however do a good job reminding everyone that the obiden ticket's tax policies will make things very difficult for small business.

palin reminded me that neither of their health plans will work. the system needs change, but obama's policy will bring the healthcare system crashing down, while mccain's plan will put the system in much rougher shape than its in now.

i think iraq needs milestones and metrics, not arbitrary withdrawal dates. i think "we accomplished goal x, we now don't need as many troops here" makes much more sense than "its obama's birthday, lets take some troops home". Palin didn't explicitly say she believed in metrics/milestones, but i think its implied by her "stay the course" approach.

gwen impressed me with her impartiality, although i was disappointed to see that no truly difficult questions went out. i think she should have asked about some of their more controversial stances, such as palin's extremely strong pro-life stance, and biden's ties to the RIAA/MPAA lobby strongly effecting his voting record in the senate.

i also think that when biden made a joke about the bridge to nowhere, palin should have tossed in a quick "the bridge that you and obama voted for?" quip.

forgot to mention, they had said they support co2 emission caps. this is a big problem, as it doesn't do anything unless it is implemented at the global level. we are simply punishing ourself and making the country less marketable by doing this.

also, biden lacks facts to backup his assertion that "global warming is absolutely a 100% man made thing". palin did a good job pointing to natural weather cycles, and perhaps should have mentioned that the records don't go far enough back to prove man's involvement.

Just a Shadow

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Last Nights Debate
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 09:20:00 AM »

I think Palin did very good last night as well as Biden did also.

Biden is very wrong on the issue of Global Warming. I had to do a report on pollution here back awhile ago for a composition class, Biden is very wrong about most of pollution being man-made. Its actually a fact that there is more natural polution than there is man made and you are totally correct on the part of it has to be accomplished and worked on at a global standpoint rather than just America reaper.
I thought it was a good debate though.


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Last Nights Debate
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 09:47:00 AM »

It was a good debate. Biden was prepared and gave answers and appeared to look like he knew what he was doing. Palin was well rehearsed and didn't really give answers, just "appealed to the American family." They both fibbed a couple times. So, basically there were no surprises.

Just a Shadow

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« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2008, 10:32:00 AM »

QUOTE(throwingks @ Oct 3 2008, 11:23 AM) View Post

It was a good debate. Biden was prepared and gave answers and appeared to look like he knew what he was doing. Palin was well rehearsed and didn't really give answers, just "appealed to the American family." They both fibbed a couple times. So, basically there were no surprises.

Well I hope he can appear like he knew what he was talking about, he's only be in there 25+ years...

Both parties are well rehearsed... duh. Any canidate could spend all night getting into the complexity of getting down to the nitty gritty of different problems with solutions, she addressed the problems at hand in a simple straight forward manner.

QUOTE(throwingks @ Oct 3 2008, 11:23 AM) View Post

just "appealed to the American family."

Isn't that what matters? Appealing to the American society?



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« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 12:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(Just a Shadow @ Oct 3 2008, 01:08 PM) View Post
Well I hope he can appear like he knew what he was talking about, he's only be in there 25+ years...
Length of time served doesn't matter. He knew his stance and spoke freely, without too many notes. He wasn't robotic. His answers seemed to be his own.

Both parties are well rehearsed... duh. Any canidate could spend all night getting into the complexity of getting down to the nitty gritty of different problems with solutions, she addressed the problems at hand in a simple straight forward manner.
Isn't that what matters? Appealing to the American society?
No she didn't. She even at one point said "I may not answer the questions the moderator or Joe have asked, I will speak to the American people" (or something like that.) That is a round about way of saying, "I don't know the answer, so I will try to be charismatic." Palin is not well rehearsed or qualified. She is trying to cover it up, with winks, batting her eyes, and cliche phrases. She succeeded slightly last night.

I believe politics today have a different face than before. The undecided voters don't just care about charisma anymore. That got them G W Bush and Bill Clinton. Face it decided voters rarely, if ever, cross over. Undecided voters want someone who has a plan for Americas future. Answers that can be played on YouTube, and sound bites on the tv and radio. Biden did a better job at that.

Palin needs more practice and knowledge to address the problems at hand in a simple straight forward manner. Both of which she can obtain, it is just a matter of how quickly.


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Last Nights Debate
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 12:29:00 PM »

I watched it and wasn't impressed... most likely will be voting for 3rd party. After seeing what has transpired in the past 7+ years I figured we can not do to much worst.

It's a real shame that Paul isn't an option McBama doesn't appeal to me.