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Author Topic: God's Existence?  (Read 686 times)


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God's Existence?
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2008, 01:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:02 AM) View Post

It's the theists job to find proof for what they believe in, not the atheists job to disprove what they don't believe in. In all fairness, we are right until you can prove us wrong. Despite thousands of years of belief in various gods, there hasn't been a shred of evidence for any of them. The only way I can reasonably see this change would be if god shows herself, otherwise it will be hard(impossible?) for atheists to ever disprove her. Until she's somehow been proven, I cannot really understand how so many theists can hate us and some even want to kill us. It's only reasonable not to believe in what hasn't been proven, right?

with science it is impossible to prove anything, you can only disprove it or fail to disprove it.  That is fundamental to the scientific method.  your arguement that the lack of a way to test the theory at this moment means that we should not believe it is flawed.  The only answer we have is that we dont know.  What you choose to do with that answer is based on faith.  Agnostics are the only ones here that have any ground to stand on as they choose not to take a stand on the matter.

as far as being hated, I can tell you that I have never been more hated in my life since I became a christian.  mostly by agnostics and atheists calling themselves "humanists".  theres some hypocrisy for you.  you can argue that they are not true humanists, but I can also argue that the atrocities commited by past theists were not true practitioners.  I dont understand the aggression or hatred on the part of atheists.  as an atheist, which is how I was raised, I never experienced anything that I would equate to hatred or oppression by christians.  That has been my personal experience.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:02 AM) View Post

No, you're right(even if you're ironic), the arguments for the holocaust were not rational and that's the core when people try to argue that atheism is the cause of the greatest genocides, because it has nothing to do with atheism. As Dawkins and the others say, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot etcetera never committed their atrocities for the sake of atheism, but only for the sake of irrational arguments which had nothing to do with atheism.

We have however seen other great atrocities being made specifically in the name of various gods. And even Hitler is controversial as many view him as a christian(even if I'm not too sure myself).

are you talking about rationalism as in the rationalist movement?  any rate, thats the problem, they were not irrational arguements.  they were stone cold logical arguements.  

in the past g-d represented a way of life.  not necessarily the deity itself.  Even then, most of the autrocities were done for power not for the deity.  The deity or "way of life" was just a rallying point.  Now people fight for numerous secular reasons which are by definition atheistic.  Just because people are not yelling "in the name of science" or "in the name of atheism" as a battle cry does not mean it was not done for secular reasons.

hitler may have considered himself a christian.  its hard to tell.  He apparently never attended mass or took sacraments which is frowned upon by catholics.  Its obvious that he considered religion a vehicle to accelerate his own goals.  so was he a believer, was religion just a tool, or was it both?  only hitler knows.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:02 AM) View Post

What do you mean by "centrally controlled"? Please elaborate. My country is the most atheist in the world and we have far less criminality than most other countries. According to most theists, we should be shooting each others on the open street. Please compare us with USA. Now, however, we've received an extreme amount of immigrants(virtually all because of USA), who apart from being poor have brought their religion here, and criminality has since gone up badly.

when the state controls morality, science, and the ability to move the masses bad things can happen at a rapid pace.  its far easier to put out an illusion of freedom and free thinking for that matter.  Really the masses have no way of knowing what is true and what is not.  hitler did use religion, but he primarily used science and logic to defend and push his agenda as did Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.  And really, the only thing we have learned is how easy it is for someone to do.

sweden, up until now, has remained a fairly homogenous and peaceful country.  this makes a lot of things easier.  You are importing a lot of people that are of a radically different culture that dont necessarily have a tradition of peace.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:02 AM) View Post

As much as I hate to say it, your belief is of my concern. I don't want to be killed in the name of some unproven God. And frankly, I believe there's a great chance I will.

your fear is largely misplaced.  if you want something to fear, fear violent cultures regardless of belief.  Mexico is one of the most violent countries in the world.  Do you believe they would be any different if they were largely atheist?  Do you believe the Zeta's and MS13 would suddenly start saying, "well that doesnt seem rational" and stop all the killing.  I have remained un-convinced of the idea that if atheism ruled the world we would all be holding hands and sucking on lolipops.  There are plenty of other reasons for us to kill each other over.  Atheism is not immune to the human desire for power.


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God's Existence?
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2008, 04:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Mar 13 2008, 09:10 PM) View Post

with science it is impossible to prove anything, you can only disprove it or fail to disprove it.  That is fundamental to the scientific method.  your arguement that the lack of a way to test the theory at this moment means that we should not believe it is flawed.  The only answer we have is that we dont know.  What you choose to do with that answer is based on faith.  Agnostics are the only ones here that have any ground to stand on as they choose not to take a stand on the matter.

Is it really flawed? There are way too many things we cannot disprove, yet there's absolutely no logical reason whatsoever to believe in them, such as Russel's teapot, or any of the other gods out there, such as Zeus, Thor or Vishnu. Do you really think we should not say Zeus cannot exist, because we cannot definitely disprove his existence? Should we really put energy in debating whether it's likely Thor exists or not? I cannot disprove any gods existence, but I find the logical arguments for their non-existence to be overwhelmingly great. If god exists or not, is a yes or no-question, whereas I don't find the question to be a 50-50% shot in whether it's likely or not. With arguments and personal experiences(I guess) you have come to the conclusion that she exists, and likewise I have come to the conclusion with arguments that she cannot exist. Therefore the more arguments we get on the matter, our percentages on the yes or no-scale will differ. Rendering it theoretically possible to switch ones mind with arguments to the opposite side.
I am definitely suggesting I would be able to become a theist if someone could convince me it's likely god exists, or that she shows herself.

as far as being hated, I can tell you that I have never been more hated in my life since I became a christian.  mostly by agnostics and atheists calling themselves "humanists".  theres some hypocrisy for you.  you can argue that they are not true humanists, but I can also argue that the atrocities commited by past theists were not true practitioners.  I dont understand the aggression or hatred on the part of atheists.  as an atheist, which is how I was raised, I never experienced anything that I would equate to hatred or oppression by christians.  That has been my personal experience.

Ok, maybe that's a question about oppressed minorities, over here an absolute majority are atheists or agnostics so maybe the christian minority is cocky because they feel oppressed. I always thought they were cocky because they thought they could do whatever as they were sure they were going to heaven anyway.

are you talking about rationalism as in the rationalist movement?  any rate, thats the problem, they were not irrational arguements.  they were stone cold logical arguements.  

My definition of rational may be wrong, but if killing people in order to achieve some goal is rational, then I need a better explanation(I'm not ironic, btw).

in the past g-d represented a way of life.  not necessarily the deity itself.  Even then, most of the autrocities were done for power not for the deity.  The deity or "way of life" was just a rallying point.  Now people fight for numerous secular reasons which are by definition atheistic.  Just because people are not yelling "in the name of science" or "in the name of atheism" as a battle cry does not mean it was not done for secular reasons.

Honestly, I respect you in so many ways, but I completely disagree with you here and cannot understand how you came to that conclusion. Sure, the reasons for many of the atrocities by religious people have not been for god herself, but they've always used god to justify their deeds. Practically meaning there was nothing holding them back when they had god's approval. You claim they did not commit atrocities for their gods, but atheists did commit atrocities for atheism? Stalin committed atrocities for a belief in socialism, not because of his non-belief in a deity. I don't really have anything in common with him, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot apart from our non-belief in a deity that hasn't been proven, meaning we have nothing in common. If you could give me some reasons to believe they did it for the sake of atheism, I'd be more than interested.

your fear is largely misplaced.  if you want something to fear, fear violent cultures regardless of belief.  Mexico is one of the most violent countries in the world.  Do you believe they would be any different if they were largely atheist?  Do you believe the Zeta's and MS13 would suddenly start saying, "well that doesnt seem rational" and stop all the killing.  I have remained un-convinced of the idea that if atheism ruled the world we would all be holding hands and sucking on lolipops.  There are plenty of other reasons for us to kill each other over.  Atheism is not immune to the human desire for power.

No atheism is definitely not immune to the desire for power, it's very human actually. I do believe the world would be a better place without religion actually. I'm not talking about some kind of utopia, but a better place where reason will not be interfered with superstition. If you read my third post on the first page I say I've read a quote about how few are non-believers in american prisons versus believers.


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God's Existence?
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2008, 04:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:06 PM) View Post

Is it really flawed? There are way too many things we cannot disprove, yet there's absolutely no logical reason whatsoever to believe in them, such as Russel's teapot, or any of the other gods out there, such as Zeus, Thor or Vishnu. Do you really think we should not say Zeus cannot exist, because we cannot definitely disprove his existence? Should we really put energy in debating whether it's likely Thor exists or not? I cannot disprove any gods existence, but I find the logical arguments for their non-existence to be overwhelmingly great. If god exists or not, is a yes or no-question, whereas I don't find the question to be a 50-50% shot in whether it's likely or not. With arguments and personal experiences(I guess) you have come to the conclusion that she exists, and likewise I have come to the conclusion with arguments that she cannot exist. Therefore the more arguments we get on the matter, our percentages on the yes or no-scale will differ. Rendering it theoretically possible to switch ones mind with arguments to the opposite side.
I am definitely suggesting I would be able to become a theist if someone could convince me it's likely god exists, or that she shows herself.

Your point about the dogma’s surrounding a deity are well taken and I agree with them.  However, the idea of a creator in general is not that outlandish.  Ra, zeus, etc are all references to the same idea that something created all this initially which remains a valid theory about what was going on if and when time=0.  Applying morality to that creator is a different topic and bringing names of deities present and past into the discussion is tantamount to building a straw man.  Just because the stories of zeus sound funny to us today, does not invalidate the basic theory of a creator which zeus represents.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:06 PM) View Post

Ok, maybe that's a question about oppressed minorities, over here an absolute majority are atheists or agnostics so maybe the christian minority is cocky because they feel oppressed. I always thought they were cocky because they thought they could do whatever as they were sure they were going to heaven anyway.

I had someone from England tell me the same thing.  That Christians were smug because they thought they were going to heaven.  I suppose that those Christians probably do exist, but I don’t feel that I am one of them.  I can tell you that from my perspective, atheist seem smug because they feel a sense of intellectual superiority.  That theists are simpletons, prisoners of flawed thought, etc.  I am not confident that I am going to heaven if hell does indeed exist.  While I do believe in an after life, I don’t really believe in the doctrine of hell.  So if there is an afterlife, but no hell, then why would we not all end up in the same place regardless of our faith or lack there of it?

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:06 PM) View Post

My definition of rational may be wrong, but if killing people in order to achieve some goal is rational, then I need a better explanation(I'm not ironic, btw).

The holocaust started with the sterilization of mentally retarded people and ended with the attempted extermination of jews.  There are entire books which discuss in detail how this path was followed by the respected philosphers at the time.  I simply cannot address the complexity in a forum like this, but I encourage you to read up on it because the parallels to the current “rationalist movement” to which dawkins and singer are a part of is eerie to say the least.  In a nutshell, it started by applying the theories in evolution and other sciences by stating that these people are genetic dead ends so lets sterilize them to ensure they dont reproduce, and moved to these people are genetic dead ends and not fully human so lets just kill them because they are a drain on society so that we can focus on the genetically viable population whom is fully human.

So that would never happen today right?  Science, logic, and rationalists philosophy would never be used to justify the killing of innocent human beings today.  Well the humanists movement to which Dawkins is a self selected member of have outlined when it is ethical to kill innocent people.  For example, Singer, a leading philosopher in the humanist movement and 2004 Humanist of the Year, has stated that "I do not think it is always wrong to kill an innocent human being,"   He has written papers that justify killing babies one month after which they are born for any reason at all whether it be economic reasons or simply not wanting the responsibility anymore.  He has also justified the killing of infants post birth who have any genetic abnormalities at all as they become apparent.  Now, I am not sure about Sweden, but in America one thing that is generally agreed upon about abortion is that once the baby is born full term, you should take care of it and otherwise let it live.  Yet these are rational arguments put forthe by collegues of dawkins that argue that infanticide is not wrong because while they are humans they are not a fully human person defined as a self conscious being that sees itself over time.  Having gone through child bearing and child rearing, I have an extremely difficult time with people saying that the child is not self aware in the third trimester, let alone one month after they are born.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:06 PM) View Post

Honestly, I respect you in so many ways, but I completely disagree with you here and cannot understand how you came to that conclusion. Sure, the reasons for many of the atrocities by religious people have not been for god herself, but they've always used god to justify their deeds. Practically meaning there was nothing holding them back when they had god's approval. You claim they did not commit atrocities for their gods, but atheists did commit atrocities for atheism? Stalin committed atrocities for a belief in socialism, not because of his non-belief in a deity. I don't really have anything in common with him, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot apart from our non-belief in a deity that hasn't been proven, meaning we have nothing in common. If you could give me some reasons to believe they did it for the sake of atheism, I'd be more than interested.

First, there are people who have killed for their g-d.  there is no doubt about it.  Bin Laden comes to mind.  Also I don’t have anything in common with them either, other than I believe in the idea of a creator too.  I totally disagree with their methodology.

But Honestly, I don’t know how you can separate communism as represented in Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, and Marx  and atheism.  You, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Dawkins and Marx all seem to agree upon the idea that religion somehow imprisons people, creates the false illusion of happiness, and keeps them from rational thought.  You and company also seem to agree that the cure for the prison called religion, is atheism.  Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin sought to do a forced conversions to atheism.  Towards that end, they would often kill all the religious leaders first when taking over an area whehter they be christian, muslim, buddhist, etc.  Like me, however, you disagree in their methodology to attain an atheist society.  The conversion to an atheist society was a key idea of marx actually.  Through atheism and rational thought the people would be freed from social constructs and hence would be truly free, or so the story goes.  I dont think i am saying anything you are not already aware of though.

QUOTE(gronned @ Mar 13 2008, 12:06 PM) View Post

No atheism is definitely not immune to the desire for power, it's very human actually. I do believe the world would be a better place without religion actually. I'm not talking about some kind of utopia, but a better place where reason will not be interfered with superstition. If you read my third post on the first page I say I've read a quote about how few are non-believers in american prisons versus believers..

Atheist tend to be upperclass people in america so its not exactly the demographic found in prison.  Also, religion is seen as a way out of prison by many prisoners.  Its often seen as "proof" of a heart felt change of character.  So the fact that atheism appears to be 10x lower in prison is skewed.

A world led by people like singer and dawkins would be a scary world indeed.  Its a world I dont even think I would recognize.  But if you honestly think that it would be a better place and have really read what they are talking about, then all I can do is shrug my shoulders and say hey I guess we disagree on that.  I love you to death gronne, but i truly fear this path you are going down.  I really encourage you to read deeply into the movements surrounding dawkins to which he has lent his name too.  Get beyond the superficial stuff, and start digging into what they are really saying, and the world they invision.



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God's Existence?
« Reply #63 on: March 26, 2008, 03:31:00 AM »

The error here is in the question itself. By asking "Does God exist"? You are making an inherent assumption that God is a sub-set of existence. Any god that fits that criteria is too small and will fail any rational inquiry.

If one reverses that structure, however, the question ceases to have any mystery whatsoever. Rather than God being a sub-set of existence, existence is a sub-set of God. Furthermore, the world that we can understand and experience is a very limited sub-set of existence.

Human Experience
Personal Experience

Claiming God is not real because you have no evidence for Him is like a tissue cell claiming there's no such thing as Texas based on evidence in the organ in which it is a member.


"The Tao one can speak upon is not the true Tao".
-Tao Te Ching 1:1


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