
Author Topic: The Mccann Case  (Read 125 times)


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The Mccann Case
« on: October 06, 2007, 03:52:00 AM »

Don't get me wrong here now, I totally get how tragic the case is, but that's actually one of the reasons I won't care about it.

I just feel it's so incredibly awful that they(media) try to make us care so much about this one little girl instead of all the thousands of other kidnapped young girls and boys. How do their parents feel that everyone only care about this McCann? I bet if you ask people on the street, they'd think Madeleine to be like the only girl kidnapped right now. Where's the proportion?
150 people get blown up in Iraq virtually every day, heaps of young girls and boys die.. But we care about McCann?

If it's something the Swedish people talk about that you can read in the news, it's definitely this case, and it disgusts me. I understand they do this so they can sell more papers because it's easy to relate to a rich white girl, instead of thousands of kidnapped kids(probably poor as well).

Please debate the media circus around it, because I couldn't give a shit whether who's done what.


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The Mccann Case
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 09:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(gronned @ Oct 23 2007, 02:55 PM) View Post

Figure you took it up as I made a topic on it... Personally, I actually am one of the few that believe they're innocent, but I honestly don't give a shit  biggrin.gif

I have been following the case on fox news and the likes.  It amazes me you consider them innocent.

Tests on Kate and Gerry McCann’s twins support their insistence
that they NEVER sedated their daughter Madeleine, it was reported today.

Analysis of hair samples from their two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie found NO
evidence of sedatives, it was said.

The developments add strength to the couple’s denial of allegations they had
given their three children sleeping pills on the night Madeleine vanished from the family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, on May 3.


Police have been told Kate KNEW instantly little Madeleine had been snatched because there was still a clear imprint of the youngster left in the unruffled bed sheets.


The new updated evidence I found inst very compelling, and is mostly wishful conjecture not science.

Sky News and the Times of London reported Tuesday that forensic evidence discovered in a car rented weeks after Madeleine's disappearance implicated the parents.


I dont see how this particular evidence can be ignored.

Its pretty damning if you ask me and given the history of child abductions I probably would convict them on that if I sat on their jury if charges were brought forward.  

This case appears to have a severe media bias in favor of parents, almost an us against them and unfortunately people tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves.

Can you explain away her DNA linked hair clumps in rental car trunk? The rental car obtained weeks after her disappearance.

This case reminds we of the Mathew Eapan,  British Nanny murder case a few years back in N.E. U.S.