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Author Topic: Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy  (Read 534 times)

Fox the Sly

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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 11:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(Master Reefed @ Sep 13 2007, 08:55 PM) View Post

and isnt that what GTA3 was...scarface and the godfather all rolled into the 80's. lol

GTA3 was set in the year of it's release, 2001.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2007, 11:59:00 PM »

No! can't you people see? Now that he his son has seen a huge scuba-tank wearing monster pile a large drilling implement through the body of a man who was trying to kill a small girl the only result possible is a murderous rampage, a drug problem, underage sex and terrorist funding!


(Yes, the kind you support by using pirated material! Remember, CD-R's = tools of the terrorists.)



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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2007, 12:48:00 AM »

QUOTE(jeff10 @ Sep 14 2007, 12:31 AM) View Post

I am a police officer have been for years I have three children, The problem in the world today is that parents do not raise there kids they want someone else to do it, whether its a tv a baby sitter or school, There are 10-12 year old kids in town as I write this at 11:00 pm riding there damn bikes around, The problem is parents dont raise there kids, How the hell does a 15 year old get to best buy, where does his money come from to get the game, If he has a game system the parents should understand what the game system is, how to set parental controls, just like they do fo porn channels or pay per view Its no different, Thompson, Go FYself jesus christ,. I am 32 years old I play games I dont care for cutsie titles I want to kick back drink a beer cuss, blow off a head chainsaw a monster , why because I am a GD american and thats my right, Do i let me kids (NO) do I set my mic volume so my kids can here what others say (no) And why do I not let my kids play (some) mature rated games , well hell I dont know maybe because I raise my kids and pay attention to them and dont hope someone else will,

Hell I just came from a call for a out of control kid, I get there its a damn 6 year old,. The parents want me to tell the kid I will take him to jail If he doesnt listeen to them, I tell the parents (your both idiots) Its people like you that makes children afraid of the police and how the hell does a 6 year old get to the point of them not being able to control them, I bet its because he played a mature rated game, And I bet its not from video games.

I actually have 10 xbox 360's I have purchased with confiscated drug money and plan on having weekly or monthly tournements and giving them away. And youknow what I may even give a game to the winner also. Hopefully this doesnt make the kid go out and kill someone.


I knew we had DUMB pigs in here!!!!!  ON TOPIC NOW. Lol.. Wouldn't that make him a bad parent?? His son knows where to get the games now...  hahah


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2007, 03:47:00 AM »

Oh not this guy again he should of been there with his son to stop him dumbass.

Someone needs to lock this Thompson guy up he is no lawyer at all, he accused Counter Strike Source for the virginia tech massacre.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2007, 04:11:00 AM »

Jack Thompson is a disgrace to the legal world.

The ESRB is a seperate organisation that rates games accordingly to guide PARENTS on their purchases. Games retailers have taken this rating system as a guide also and have taken policies to prevent the sale to under-age people. It is in NO WAY the fault of the game developers, the publishers or the gamer themselves that Best Buy or any other retailer for that matter sold the game to a minor.

Jack Thompson believes that no-one has their own mind. No-one is capable of determining the difference between right and wrong. When mentally disturbed people who carry out real world violent acts play games with violent acts, you cannot say that the game drove them to do it, or even more moronically, the game 'TRAINED' them to do it. You need to have some serious physcological problems to carry out physical attacks on another human being without restraint. Thats something a video game cannot do to you.

Jack Thompson is wasting peoples time and money with this endless persuit of Take 2 and Rockstar alike, I wish Take 2 would just sue the fuck out of him and make him bankrupt. The man is a loser, he is in a position to help people, people with real needs, but instead he's going after things that just don't matter at the end of the day. Take 2 if you're reading sue him to hell on the grounds of his tirade against you being personal and not at all justified professionally.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2007, 06:01:00 AM »

Well any publicity is good publicity, so what do I care.  Thompson has suceeded in nothing in all of these years of campaigning.

Anyway, at least his kid will get to play the Game of The Year (so far), Bioshock.  Everyone should get to play that game, mature or no.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2007, 06:36:00 AM »

Firing that girl is too much. Suspend her for a week and make an example of her. Firing the general manager is stupid since he didn't have anything to do with the sale. Take-Two can't follow each game down the line to each customer to make sure kids can't buy it. They submitted it to the ESRB and put the label on the game. That's where their end of the responsibility stops.

I wonder how the kids at school treat his son.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2007, 07:48:00 AM »

Any body heard of the chessboard killer, his aim was to kill 64 people, the same number of pieces on a board.

Now would that mean chess should be banned because people can become psychotic.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2007, 09:08:00 AM »

QUOTE(baghnah @ Sep 13 2007, 10:47 PM) View Post

i actually feel sorry for his son. no one deserves to have a father like that.

I came here to say the same exact thing.  I think one of the gaming magazines should interview him.


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2007, 12:52:00 PM »

this guy needs to get a life... i actually can't believe he has a son

that kid will be so f'ed up when he grows up

other than all kinds of parental settings on the 360, its not like take-two representative is standing behind the counter at bestbuy saying 'yah, sell it to him'

although it is the responsibility of retail chains to abide to the rating systems, one cannot trust them as they will just sell it anyway... its the parents who have to know what they kids are playing and they need to educate themselves on the system their kids have and tools at their disposal to keep a watchfull eye

on a side note - when i got gears of war i got IDed at futureshop before i could buy it (and i be 21)

Altima NEO

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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2007, 01:10:00 PM »

Oh man, its gotta suck being Jack Thompsons son. I feel bad for that kid. He probably hates his dad (I hope).


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2007, 01:22:00 PM »

Wow, there are alot more worth while causes that deal with indecency and exploitation of children that jack (ass) can get behind.

Of Course they don't get your name and ugly mug in the paper or the TV (which is what he is really about)


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2007, 04:10:00 PM »

No word if Thompson will allow his son to play the copy of BioShock he purchased.
ha!  biggrin.gif


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2007, 05:13:00 PM »

ugh, this pisses my off. my mom actually RAISED my brother and i to know the difference between real life and video games. heck, she doesn't mind buying us M-Rated games. i can even ask her to go in with me so i am able to buy them and she doesn't mind. she knows she RAISED us to know the difference.

parents need to learn to raise their kids. many issues can be resolved if that happened. sadly, it likely won't and we'll live in a world where video games are banned because of lazy parents and prick like Jack Thompson. i honestly wish he would just kill over....


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Thompson sends own son on personal sting operation against Best Buy
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2007, 06:35:00 PM »

Four your entertainment... Jack Thompson was interviewed on Attack Of The Show on G4/TechTV for a roundup against Adam Sessler...

Link To Interview

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