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Author Topic: Another Grand Old Pervert Exposed  (Read 205 times)


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Another Grand Old Pervert Exposed
« on: August 27, 2007, 06:15:00 PM »

Looks like Idaho Senator Larry Craig went to the restroom of some Airport and was looking for some action.  Some undercover plain clothes officer caught this Senator red handed and looks he is being punished.

I know, I know, some of you think I am wrongly accusing this guy as a sexual deviant.

Whenever you think of Congressman having illicit activity with Minor Pages, you think of Mark Foley.   Check out this interesting 25 year old video about then Congressman Craig being accused of illicit activity with a former Page.

This post has been edited by pug_ster: Aug 28 2007, 01:24 AM


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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 09:09:00 AM »

i am from idaho, and everyone here has generally accepted for a very long time that larry craig is on the down low.  honestly, i dont quite know what to make of these charges.  he was soliciting homosexual sex between consenting adults?  So what.  If anything, this speaks volumes about the sexually repressed nature of minnesota.

As far as craig's job record goes, i would have been glad to see him leave long ago.


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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 08:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(damam @ Aug 28 2007, 11:09 AM) View Post
he was soliciting homosexual sex between consenting adults?  So what.

I agree. I dont know much abou twhat was going on but I would like to see how he voted on homosexual matters.

Edit: Found this on Reddit.


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« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 11:20:00 AM »

I dont want to get into a position of defending craig.  His support of the patriot act, wire tapping, etc is unforgivable as far as i am concerned.  Having said that, i dont necessarily see any of the things posted in that article as necessarily being anti-gay.

hate crime legislation:
Idaho as a whole is very anti-"hate crime" legislation for numerous reasons.  Probably the biggest reason being that their is a general belief that segragating a group out and giving them an elevated status in the eyes of the law only serves to promote inequality as a whole in the community at large.  

As Ghandi said, "It is not possible to achieve equality and tolerance by instituting policies of preference and exclusion. The result will only be more preference and more exclusion."

While I cant speak for craig intention, i dont necessarily see those votes as being anti-gay.  

Gay Marriage:
His vote against gay marriage reflects the belief that it should be state issue, not a federal issue as stated in his press release.  Which kind of side-steps the issue.  Also, I dont think he could get re-elected here if he had voted any other way.  He has also been a strong supporter in the idea of civil unions for whatever that is worth.  Their is a movement in Idaho that basically says we should de-legislate all rights of married couples and let the religions, support groups, etc handle marriage definitions.  in turn we should implement at the state level civil unions for all consenting adults whether they be homosexual or heterosexual.  Essentially, civil unions would completely take the place of marriage in government and their would be a further seperation of church and state.  I dont know if larry craig supports this idea or not.  

just to give you some background:
every one to two years someone claims to have had a homosexual encounter with him.  He appears to be really into these anonymous one night stands.  last year it happened to be a promonant gay rights activists who used the sexual encounter for political gain.  Sad really.  This has been going on for as long as i can remember.  he always does the "i am not gay" interview.  No body believes him, but recognises that he has a right to his privacy.  I could be wrong, but as far as i can tell, Idaho has long accepted the fact that he is gay.


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« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 02:13:00 PM »

I'm not against Gay Politicians, but I am against a Politican, gay or not who don't practice what he preach.  

This has been going on for as long as i can remember. he always does the "i am not gay" interview. No body believes him, but recognises that he has a right to his privacy. I could be wrong, but as far as i can tell, Idaho has long accepted the fact that he is gay.

I don't know about that.  Unfortunately, there's alot of gullable people out there who believe him as his word, as alot of conservatives believe that Gonzo left because he was 'dragged thru the mud' when he was lying thru his teeth under oath.

Ultimately, if a politician, Democratic or Republican, was confronted to tell the truth, it is easier to come clean rather than dragging it out to the public and he/she will get burned later on.


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« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2007, 03:00:00 PM »


He quotes "I Did Nothing Wrong" and "I am not gay. I never have been gay."  That leaves alot of his Republican colleagues shaking their heads.


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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 12:53:00 PM »

found out two disturbing things about this case:

1)  I naevily believed that he was soliciting sex from another adult, and that that sex would take place in a private arena such as a hotel room.  That was not the case.  I am not opposed to public sex in situations where among other things kids are protected from witnessing it, but in the airport????  I certainly would not want my kids walking in on that.  

2)  He tried to use his status as a congressman to pressure the cop to let him go.


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« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 03:39:00 PM »

This is the police recording when this undercover cop was talking Larry Craig when he made the arrest.

You know, when most men go to a public toilet, they do their business and they leave.  Most men keep their feet inside of the divider.  This guy sounds just plain pathetic.


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« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2007, 06:37:00 AM »

Looks like this pervert will not going down quietly and plans to fight it out in court.  

This is good news for Democrats.  The 2008 election would be underway while the news would put a spotlight into his trial.


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« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2007, 09:25:00 AM »

Looks like that he can't reverse his guilty plea and he is planning to stay in the Senate.  Talking about Flip-flopping.


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« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2007, 11:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Sep 5 2007, 09:13 AM) View Post

Looks like this pervert will not going down quietly and plans to fight it out in court.  

This is good news for Democrats.  The 2008 election would be underway while the news would put a spotlight into his trial.

That makes me laugh.  I think Craig is guilty, but statements like the one quoted above are what really make me laugh about our political system.  When one party is happy that something else will be in the news so their shenanigans won't be focused on, we have a problem.   I'm not picking on the Democrats because all parties probably feel the same way.  "Ooooh.  The other side looks bad in the news right now.  Maybe this will take the heat off us and we might win."


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« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2007, 07:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(Ween311 @ Oct 6 2007, 07:18 PM) View Post

That makes me laugh.  I think Craig is guilty, but statements like the one quoted above are what really make me laugh about our political system.  When one party is happy that something else will be in the news so their shenanigans won't be focused on, we have a problem.   I'm not picking on the Democrats because all parties probably feel the same way.  "Ooooh.  The other side looks bad in the news right now.  Maybe this will take the heat off us and we might win."

That's a fair argument.  However, Republicans like Craig calling themselves the moral majority are against gays yet he admitted to these lewd acts.  Maybe if these Repubs practice what they preach people wouldn't heckle at people like Craig.


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« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2007, 03:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Aug 28 2007, 08:50 PM) *

hate crime legislation:
Idaho as a whole is very anti-"hate crime" legislation for numerous reasons.  Probably the biggest reason being that their is a general belief that segregating a group out and giving them an elevated status in the eyes of the law only serves to promote inequality as a whole in the community at large.  

Idaho is a very well publicized skinhead haven so that doesn't seem to differ from the norm.

But I was curious if you are as consistent on issues that elevate women to a legal status above men.
Domestic Abuse
Child Custody

Mr. Darren Mack Shot a family court judge, and stabbed his wife to death after he was denied joint custody of his kids.

He went on a long tirade comparing his assault on judge to the colonial rebellion and George Washington.

I am surprised this hasn't happened much more often, although some cases nonviolent have been publicized in Britain over fathers rights.

Given you belong to a demographic that has seen the highest rate of homicide in the U.S.

Laws should be enacted to curb this trend.  Much like victims of crimes based solely on ethnicity, religion, or creed.

However, given your logic it would appear that you would be opposed to any state efforts to protect even yourself.

Even when white females are murdered at rates that exceed white males, and black males/females combined


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« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2007, 11:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(WetPamper @ Oct 31 2007, 10:02 AM) View Post

Idaho is a very well publicized skinhead haven so that doesn't seem to differ from the norm.

its about 20 skinheads.  every state has them ours sadly are just very vocal.  that combined with a press who likes to make all rural areas like northern idaho look like inbred hicks, and wallah idaho has been transformed into this hate haven.  its a bunch of bs.  the group in question was actually sued out of existence and left but I see the reputation of a small group lives on.  but just to let you know how small of a group this is.  they were located near sandpoint, and Ben Stein, the famous conservative Jew, has one of his homes in the exact same area.  He has been vocal about how much this is over blown.  

QUOTE(WetPamper @ Oct 31 2007, 10:02 AM) View Post

But I was curious if you are as consistent on issues that elevate women to a legal status above men.
Domestic Abuse
Child Custody

domestic abuse
errr I am against domestic abuse regardless of who is doing it . . .
when i lived in alaska, my neighbor used to get the crap beaten out of him by his wife on a daily basis.  he always had a black eye or some visible bruise.  it was really sad.  

child custody
kid should go to the best parent for the child, both parents should stay as involved as possible providing they are non-violent.

depends on the terms of the marriage.  in my marriage, i have agreed to be a stay at home mom.  I have essentially shot my carreer through the heart, because i have taken a leap of faith that my husband will stay with me so that i can enrich my daughters life.  furthermore, i am helping build his carreer every day.  I go to social gatherings to promote him, I build referals, i help him at the office, etc none of which I am finincially compensated for directly.  I have invested heavily in his success.  If he leaves me, I would definitely expect to get a return on my investement in him.  
However, if the situation was reversed (as it is with a friend of mine), I definitely believe that the stay at home dad should get equael compensation for his investement.
If neither party has made a sacrifice for the other's carreer.  then there should be no alimony.

QUOTE(WetPamper @ Oct 31 2007, 10:02 AM) View Post

IPB Image
Mr. Darren Mack Shot a family court judge, and stabbed his wife to death after he was denied joint custody of his kids.

He went on a long tirade comparing his assault on judge to the colonial rebellion and George Washington.

I am surprised this hasn't happened much more often, although some cases nonviolent have been publicized in Britain over fathers rights.

Given you belong to a demographic that has seen the highest rate of homicide in the U.S.
IPB Image

Laws should be enacted to curb this trend.  Much like victims of crimes based solely on ethnicity, religion, or creed.

However, given your logic it would appear that you would be opposed to any state efforts to protect even yourself.

Even when white females are murdered at rates that exceed white males, and black males/females combined

your absolutely right, no laws should not be enacted to curb this trend.  I wouldnt mind seeing some studies done to find out why white women are killed at a higher rate.  Their has to be some cultural reason . . . then we can try to alter it that way without laws.

Darren Mack is your example parental rights inequality?  Are you insane?  that guy was worth 9.4 million, and made over 40,000/mo.  he was mad because he was ordered to pay alimony amounting to about 1/4 of his monthly income.  it had nothing to do with custody.  he was just another greedy sob.  

having said that, I do think there are fathers who get the raw end of the deal.  I am not a listener of Dr. Laura show, but from what I understand she talks about this in-equity often.  I dont have answers but i recognize as a problem.


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« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2007, 11:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Nov 18 2007, 10:11 PM) View Post

its about 20 skinheads.  every state has them ours sadly are just very vocal.  that combined with a press who likes to make all rural areas like northern idaho look like inbred hicks, and wallah idaho has been transformed into this hate haven.  its a bunch of bs.  the group in question was actually sued out of existence and left but I see the reputation of a small group lives on.  but just to let you know how small of a group this is.  they were located near sandpoint, and Ben Stein, the famous conservative Jew, has one of his homes in the exact same area.  He has been vocal about how much this is over blown.  

I watched a few documentaries on the skinhead movement in Idaho, and from what I understand the JDL was instrumental in bankrupting the skinheads there. Guess Ben Stein missed the bus.

I don't by into the entire "Jewery pschy" however  I will not questions Ben Steins "jewery" given it (jewery) has been pretty much scientifically dismissed. In the sense you insist.

QUOTE(damam @ Nov 18 2007, 10:11 PM) View Post

domestic abuse
errr I am against domestic abuse regardless of who is doing it . . .
when i lived in alaska, my neighbor used to get the crap beaten out of him by his wife on a daily basis.  he always had a black eye or some visible bruise.  it was really sad.  

child custody
kid should go to the best parent for the child, both parents should stay as involved as possible providing they are non-violent.

depends on the terms of the marriage.  in my marriage, i have agreed to be a stay at home mom.  I have essentially shot my carreer through the heart, because i have taken a leap of faith that my husband will stay with me so that i can enrich my daughters life.  furthermore, i am helping build his carreer every day.  I go to social gatherings to promote him, I build referals, i help him at the office, etc none of which I am finincially compensated for directly.  I have invested heavily in his success.  If he leaves me, I would definitely expect to get a return on my investement in him.  
However, if the situation was reversed (as it is with a friend of mine), I definitely believe that the stay at home dad should get equael compensation for his investement.
If neither party has made a sacrifice for the other's carreer.  then there should be no alimony.

I in essence agree with you but I dont believe in the "industry" of alimony and child support. Women have transformed the system into a new job field.

QUOTE(damam @ Nov 18 2007, 10:11 PM) View Post

your absolutely right, no laws should not be enacted to curb this trend.  I wouldnt mind seeing some studies done to find out why white women are killed at a higher rate.  Their has to be some cultural reason . . . then we can try to alter it that way without laws.

Not what I said. Where there is smoke there is fire.  This is an epidemic.  What you are insisting is reckless. You can consider Teen Driving fatalities, cellphone drivers, drunk driving, Bald Eagles, internet predators, in all these cases targeted legislation was required to address a specific problem that was being ignored with fatal results.
Why should we have any laws then, Survival of the fit.

Hell, Jesus didnt say I could not have two wives, or beat both of them.

Jesus did say I couldnt fly an airplane into a building.

Jesus didnt say I couldnt marry my pet pig.

QUOTE(damam @ Nov 18 2007, 10:11 PM) View Post

Darren Mack is your example parental rights inequality?  Are you insane?  that guy was worth 9.4 million, and made over 40,000/mo.  he was mad because he was ordered to pay alimony amounting to about 1/4 of his monthly income.  it had nothing to do with custody.  he was just another greedy sob.  

having said that, I do think there are fathers who get the raw end of the deal.  I am not a listener of Dr. Laura show, but from what I understand she talks about this in-equity often.  I dont have answers but i recognize as a problem.

No I believe he is a glimpse into the future.

Do you speak or read Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek?

IF no:
I find it comical that you would argue the validity of translations of documents written in either of those languages.

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