
Author Topic: Judge Blocks California's Violent Video Game Law  (Read 101 times)


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Judge Blocks California's Violent Video Game Law
« on: August 08, 2007, 08:49:00 AM »


In his ruling, Judge Whyte said he was sympathetic to the goals of the legislation, but said it improperly set free speech restrictions.

i suppose i support the judge on this one. the ESRB is way too flexible to taken seriously. their standards change on a case by case basis, and in some cases, certain companies will receive a harsher rating then another would have for the same game. i agree with keeping violent games out of the hands of minors, however a good rating system, with actual standards would have to be put into place first.


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Judge Blocks California's Violent Video Game Law
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 12:40:00 PM »

If they're going to do that to games, they need to do it to all forms over entertainment. I agree that parents need to be more involved in video game purchases, but I dunno about bring legal penalties upon those who sell violent games to minors. We're talking about a VERY small percentage of people who blame video games for their actions, and the fact that there's not solid evidence linking violent games and violent behavior makes it even less reasonable to have such penalties.

It really seems like another way to bleed revenue from a non-existent source.

The irony of Schwartzenegger being for this law is great. I wonder where he'd stand if this were being pushed when the Terminator games were released.

This post has been edited by Eksyte: Aug 8 2007, 07:45 PM