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Author Topic: Court Case a Warning to Pirates  (Read 675 times)


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2007, 08:09:00 PM »

Yea the reason drug dealers aren't getting in so much trouble, is because "drugs" aren't made by microsoft, they are made by google! tongue.gif

Back on topic though, Yea he got what he deserved. But he got some money before all that. Man, and British pounds equal almost like 2 dollars here now, so multiply those numbers by like 1.86745 or some shit and see how much American Greenbacks he made biggrin.gif

*edit* The guy was also 40, maybe he was a virgin? wink.gif


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2007, 08:22:00 PM »

tisk tisk


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2007, 08:45:00 PM »

XS Filter - 062508 - filtered. =[


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« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2007, 09:27:00 PM »

yeh what ever happened to xboxexpert didnt hear ne thing else about him
its funny how pirates of the sea and pirates of software all end up the same
both end up with some one putting something up there arse either in jail or on the 7 seas
bloody pirates


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2007, 09:43:00 PM »

No whats really sad is famous people like sports stars can take drugs (steroids) and the government knows and has proof that they are taking these ILLEGAL drugs but yet we don't give them any criminal charges. Instead we talk about how their records should be stripped from the books. Please, thats the LEAST that they deserve for doing something ILLEGAL. This goes for other issues to like abuse, rape, gun charges, murders, club fights, etc. They seem to get away with anything they want where a guy like this 40 year old would be put away for life.

How bout the obvious underage drinking/sex/drugs/etc. that the government knows some of these Hollywood stars are doing. How bout those Olsen twins? Brittany Spears? Lindsay Lohan? Need I even go on. Yea everyone in the world sees these people doing drugs or drinking underage or whatever, some even going into rehab, but no criminal charges ever. Funny stuff.

And how bout the government themselves. You know here in New Jersey the Governor can cause an accident while not wearing a seatbelt and get away with no points or tickets? Yet someone like me who drives over to Philly everyday, who drives safe all the time, gets his car towed away because someone decides I'm not far enough away from an Amtrak transformer even though theres no sign that clearly explains how far your suppose to be away (for the record I was over 2 car length away). Great stuff isn't it!

I'm not saying that pirating should be overlooked or anything. I'm just saying that the way the law is enforced on a global scale is totally unfair. Certain types of people are always targeted for these crimes. You think if he had a family and some kids that they would come down in him that hard? I'd have to say probably not. Do you think that if he was someone special he would get a pass? I bet so. And you think if the government was making some type of money off of this (like the drug world) they would be making as big of a deal about this as they are now? Yea thats what I thought. No one cares about the ethical side of piracy. All anyone really cares about is the financial and political side of it.


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2007, 11:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(jaygould30 @ May 2 2007, 09:19 PM) View Post

I'm not saying that pirating should be overlooked or anything. I'm just saying that the way the law is enforced on a global scale is totally unfair. Certain types of people are always targeted for these crimes. You think if he had a family and some kids that they would come down in him that hard? I'd have to say probably not. Do you think that if he was someone special he would get a pass? I bet so. And you think if the government was making some type of money off of this (like the drug world) they would be making as big of a deal about this as they are now? Yea thats what I thought. No one cares about the ethical side of piracy. All anyone really cares about is the financial and political side of it.

And that, is difference between this crime and the many others that have been mentioned that people get away with.  In this world, it's always about the money.


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2007, 11:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(47_M450N_47 @ May 2 2007, 09:52 PM) View Post

I just think it's funny that software pirates often get harsher sentences than friggin drug dealers.  Yeah, don't copy stuff and sell it, it's illegal, but seriously, if they are gonna take selling pirated stuff this seriously, then why don't they crack down on the drug dealing?  Everybody around where I live knows where to freaking get any kind of drug you want, it's definitely a more prominent and profitable business than selling pirated stuff, but it's rare that anyone gets caught for dealing illegal narcotics, which should be a much bigger concern than a few copyright violations, I mean there are human lives at stake here.</rant>

You're obviously looking at the world with a different perspective if you truly believe what you just said.   This software pirate only got 18 months in prison, drug dealers in California often get between 7-20 years. (A third striker automatically get's you 25 years minimum)  If you think this software pirate got a harsh sentence then you're just dillusional.

Also, news about some software pirate making ~$150,000.00 US and getting caught is unusual news so that's why you see all these news agencies running stories about it.  Drug dealers get caught and sentenced all the time.   It happens so often that it's no longer considered a headline news story by most news agencies unless there are extenuating or interesting circumstances behind the bust.   The point is, just because you don't see headline news stories about drug dealers being caught doesn't mean it's not happening on a regular basis.


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2007, 11:52:00 PM »

Well, here in Alabama we don't see drug dealers getting arrested in the papers because they don't get arrested.  If they did, then the people in the trailer park behind my house would have been arrested 3 or 4 years ago.  It's just like what the other guys said, it's all about the money.  Until drug dealers start effecting the profits of large companies, they will go unpunished (or slapped on the hand at the most.)

It will always be screwed up like that, because noone that would actually fix it would get into office, and if they did, all the other corrupt political arseholes wouldn't let them do anything about it.

The Zep Man

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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2007, 12:50:00 AM »

I'm not going to judge whether this is harsh or not, but he did know the risks of selling 'backups'. Just look at the past. That's the way it goes in the good ol' U, S and A.

He also could have sold drugs instead. I mean, there are less risks (less prison time) and once people get addicted, they'll come back for more. You can't be too sure about that with 'backup' games. rolleyes.gif

Note: with this post I do not promote drug use or drug sales. Do not interpret my words any different.


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2007, 04:13:00 AM »

16 months n jail and a fine!!!!
just for boot legging video games!!
why dont they solve some real fucking crime
rape murder robbery etc

btw. he shoulda sold weed instead. he'da made more$$


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2007, 04:58:00 AM »

I love the way they try to make it look really bad by saying he had the ability to produce 16 copies at a time. Seriously, is that a joke? I'd hardly class 16 DVD writers and a PC as a major operation. Just go to my local sunday market and you'll see real pirates in action. The blokes there sell bootleg games, audio cd's and DVD's by the thousand and noone does a thing about it. Shit, there are illegal factories out there that produce millions of pirated discs a day. Had they have said he could produce 500 copies at a time i would be able to understand his punishment, but 16? I could go out and buy 16 burners right now.

Hows about punishing some real crimelords instead of thowing the book at easy targets.

I'm not saying i condone what the guy did in any way.


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Court Case a Warning to Pirates
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2007, 05:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(jimbobjim @ May 3 2007, 12:34 PM) View Post

I love the way they try to make it look really bad by saying he had the ability to produce 16 copies at a time. Seriously, is that a joke? I'd hardly class 16 DVD writers and a PC as a major operation. Just go to my local sunday market and you'll see real pirates in action. The blokes there sell bootleg games, audio cd's and DVD's by the thousand and noone does a thing about it. Shit, there are illegal factories out there that produce millions of pirated discs a day. Had they have said he could produce 500 copies at a time i would be able to understand his punishment, but 16? I could go out and buy 16 burners right now.

Hows about punishing some real crimelords instead of thowing the book at easy targets.

I'm not saying i condone what the guy did in any way.

hah yeah you see those little stalls, and theyr around for years.

filthy pirates  grr.gif


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« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2007, 05:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(grim_d @ May 3 2007, 12:45 PM) View Post

hah yeah you see those little stalls, and theyr around for years.

filthy pirates  grr.gif

Exactly, they're there for years. Everytime i go to the market i see the same faces on the same stalls, in the same places and not one person bats an eyelid. And i know for a fact they make more than the guy this topic is about. They sell any five discs (doesn't matter what's on them) for £10, and trust me, people crowd round them all day long. Even off duty police officers will visit the market regularly and still nothing is done. I also know a police officer who says they know it goes on. So how is it this small time crook is given the maximum sentence possible but these guys are walking free? Makes no sense.


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« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2007, 06:09:00 AM »

QUOTE(ThaJuggla @ May 3 2007, 01:09 PM) View Post

oh, and about cops knowing whats going on... I worked at 7-11 2 years ago the night shift.  A cop used to come in there all the time and talked about how he used DVD X COPY and couldnt get it to work after a while, and he was asking me all kinds of crap and he even gave me burnt copies of dvds to copy myself.  He also confiscated illegal fireworks around 4th of July, and showed me his trunk full and told me to pick what i wanted. Get in right with people, Hes pulled me over for doing 60 in a 30 and let me off, hell this dude even helped me get off in court a year later cause I was drivin on a suspended license (i didnt know it was though)lol.  Cops are people too, not all of them are hardasses.

It's people like you and this "cop" friend of yours why society is falling apart. What if a kid was crossing the street when you decided to travel at double the speed limit? you wouldn't be so smug then would you? If someone like you ran my kid down, it would be the last thing you'd ever do.


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« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2007, 06:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(UB6_IB9 @ May 3 2007, 12:57 PM) View Post

Haha yeah i reckon he could have got out of most of the charges if he didn't plead guilty. If he made a proper disclaimer to put on the lists of games that he sells just saying something like, "By purchasing a BACKUP game you are agreeing that you already own the game and will be using it for BACKUP purposes only and you are also agreeing that I (the seller) am only providing a service for you", they wouldn't be able to put anything on him since the buyer takes all the responsibility. I would like to see the 17 offences they charged him for, does anyone know?

i think that only applies if YOU made the backup of YOUR game, if that was the case as stated unless he made you produce a retail copy with a recipt to prove it was yours and not some random persons that you borrowed it would still be piracy because he would be taking your word of mouth as proof of ownership which would hold no legal binding.

Here in the uk it's different i spoke to someone about this a while ago, i used to go to a lot of lan parties and they were always in the same houses so i had the idea of backing up my copy's of xxxx2 and farcry so i could leave the original safely at home and keep a bag with a pad, spare plug, av lead, network cable and a copy of the 2 games at the houses so all i needed to bring was my xbox. A couple of my friends work at game and gamestation, now one of them is a manager and he said in the uk even if you own the game you are not legally allowed to "reproduce" it even for a backup purpose.

And also lets say M$ for eg took out the law suit, if you had 100 copy's of say kameo and the fine was £10,000 that fine would be for EACH copy you are in possession of not a grand figure.
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