
Author Topic: Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "  (Read 145 times)


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« on: March 03, 2007, 07:43:00 AM »

SANTA ROSA, Calif. - When a few classmates razzed Rebekah Rice about her Mormon upbringing with questions such as, "Do you have 10 moms?" she shot back: "That's so gay."
Those three words landed the high school freshman in the principal's office and resulted in a lawsuit...

When is too much, too much? This is ridiculous whether you sympathize with gays or not.
...I am at a loss for words.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 08:06:00 AM »

I was never a fan of using that phrase, and being rather young and just out of high school a couple of years ago, I can tell you that it is defiently something that is used constantly. So much in some cases that it becomes annoying because everyone uses it any context. I always found myself to be a bit more mature then most in high school, so I never really got caught up in it. I think it's good that this girl got written up, it's not going to stop this whole thing at all, but I hope she can atleast take something from it. I mean, her faith was being bashed and she wasn't in the right mind state to not say "That's so gay"? Something that would seemingly offend others? C'mon now, that's a bit much for an 18 year old.

The lawsuit is over done, I must say. There's no need for it. You can't just fight the school over something like this. Their defense is basically, "She didn't mean it that way, sorry!". Yeah, well she said it anyways, she must be held accountable for what she says. In this day and age the whole, "Well I didn't know it offends people!" doesn't really fly. Again, it's not going to go away, stuff like this always spawns within the youth over generations. Back 30 years ago there's no doubt in my mind that some derogatory term was used by kids without caring for what it really meant or was directed towards. I just think we live in a time where people are alot more aware of these things, and shame on them when they come out with a "I didn't mean it!"

Edit: Just re-read the whole thing, it was a 2002 incident. So that means she was what, 13? That sort of changes the aspect of things a bit. Young minds starting high school are totally different than someone who has been through atleast a year. I still stand behind what I stated above, though. She must be held accountable.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 09:50:00 AM »

who cares if you say something that offends anyone? this pc bullshit needs to be stopped, its quite quickly turning into a 'thought crime' issue...

what makes people think that they have the right to never be offended?

*yeah there are certain things that shouldnt be said in polite society, but the punishment should just be that your character is lowered in the minds of people that dont agree with you...


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2007, 10:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(gcskate27 @ Mar 3 2007, 10:57 AM) View Post
who cares if you say something that offends anyone? this pc bullshit needs to be stopped, its quite quickly turning into a 'thought crime' issue...

what makes people think that they have the right to never be offended?

*yeah there are certain things that shouldnt be said in polite society, but the punishment should just be that your character is lowered in the minds of people that dont agree with you...


Perfectly worded. Do people not realize that no matter what you do it offends someone?  What should offend EVERY American, is that these people are attempting to take your free speech away from you to protect a group of people who are in the minority.


Also, "that's so gay" is not targetted at anyone. It was not meant as a putdown AT anyone so it shouldn't have been offensive to anyone.


What IF she was calling someone gay? Why would that hurt someone feelings? If they aren't gay then they would obviously know that and just feel that the person that called them that is the lesser person. If they are gay, then it is an accurate representation and so they should not be offended.




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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 01:54:00 PM »

Not that I agree.  But if you are not black, you are not allowed to say the 'N' word to a black person.  Maybe some gay person was offended by the Gay statement.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2007, 02:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Mar 5 2007, 03:01 PM) View Post
Not that I agree. But if you are not black, you are not allowed to say the 'N' word to a black person. Maybe some gay person was offended by the Gay statement.


I guess I wasn't aware of that. I hear black people use that word constantly, so I thought its derogatory nature was a thing of the past. I suppose my thinking here is, if a word accurately describes a person or their choices why take offense? That is much less important than the fact that no matter how hurtful a term, it should not be censored.


(Now for my controversial question. Hopefully it doesn't offend anyone.)

Why are some people against giving up freedoms for the security of our nation, but FOR giving them up where they can't accurately describe someone just in case they might hurt someones feelings? (I don't mean the N word here. It doesn't really have any meaning so it can't accurately describe anything.)



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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2007, 03:09:00 PM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Mar 5 2007, 04:51 PM) View Post

(Now for my controversial question. Hopefully it doesn't offend anyone.)

Why are some people against giving up freedoms for the security of our nation, but FOR giving them up where they can't accurately describe someone just in case they might hurt someones feelings? (I don't mean the N word here. It doesn't really have any meaning so it can't accurately describe anything.)
The N-word is derogatory because that was THE word used to describe a slave and make them feel inferior. The connotation is still implied today.
Besides that, the N-word does have an explicit meaning. It means ignorant or under-educated, usually associated with black people but there is no reason for that, except our history.

What if somebody walked up to your mother and said "What's up fucker?" She would probably take it as an insult.
Now, what if your best-bud walked up to you at a bar while you were waiting for him and he said "What's up fucker?" You would probably laugh and call him a "piece of shit"

It is all in the context, and I think the N-word is inappropriate in any situation, however blacks can use it with each other because it is basically implying "the meanest cut-down I can think of" but since I am equal to you it is funny because I am equally "the meanest cut-down I can think of" therefor it is not an insult but an equal jab at both of us. Kind of like if I called you "an X-Scene forum dork."

I think this gets to the root of a common problem we have on these boards. There is no body language to go along with what is said. That is why your sarcasm makes a few people angry, and you are confused as to why. You mean it 1 way and it is taken another. Words have different meanings and context just in the way it is presented.

I.E. Jewish people can say "I am a Jew." But, if you said "You are a Jew," that is considered derogatory.
"Jew" in 1 context perfectly legit, "A Jew" in a different context, is an insult.

I would think there was some kind of sensitivity training for policemen, that covered this. If there isn't, there needs to be.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2007, 03:50:00 PM »

QUOTE(throwingks @ Mar 5 2007, 04:16 PM) View Post
The N-word is derogatory because that was THE word used to describe a slave and make them feel inferior. The connotation is still implied today.

Besides that, the N-word does have an explicit meaning. It means ignorant or under-educated, usually associated with black people but there is no reason for that, except our history.

What if somebody walked up to your mother and said "What's up fucker?" She would probably take it as an insult.
Now, what if your best-bud walked up to you at a bar while you were waiting for him and he said "What's up fucker?" You would probably laugh and call him a "piece of shit"

It is all in the context, and I think the N-word is inappropriate in any situation, however blacks can use it with each other because it is basically implying "the meanest cut-down I can think of" but since I am equal to you it is funny because I am equally "the meanest cut-down I can think of" therefor it is not an insult but an equal jab at both of us. Kind of like if I called you "an X-Scene forum dork."

I think this gets to the root of a common problem we have on these boards. There is no body language to go along with what is said. That is why your sarcasm makes a few people angry, and you are confused as to why. You mean it 1 way and it is taken another. Words have different meanings and context just in the way it is presented.

I.E. Jewish people can say "I am a Jew." But, if you said "You are a Jew," that is considered derogatory.
"Jew" in 1 context perfectly legit, "A Jew" in a different context, is an insult.

I would think there was some kind of sensitivity training for policemen, that covered this. If there isn't, there needs to be.


Well you did an excellent explanation. I do believe we are having a gridlock though and here's why. Your point of view recognizes the problem but the solution is to try to avoid such comments. We're people... it will never happen. My point of view recognizes the problem but the solution is for each individual to not take the comments personally so it doesn't matter what anyone says. Again, we're people and that will never happen.

We have so many ways to distinguish ourselves in this country that it makes it very difficult to co-exist. We have sexists, white supremicists, black supremicists, homosexuals, homophobes, fat people, skinny people, tall people, short people. The problem is the descriptor. Take the descriptors away and we're just people. It's deep within us to not see "people" but see "black people". It's pretty sad.

Also, you cannot teach someone to bite their tongue and control their emotions. Either they are cut out for police work or they are not.



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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2007, 04:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Mar 5 2007, 05:57 PM) View Post
Well you did an excellent explanation. I do believe we are having a gridlock though and here's why.
Don't misunderstand. I 100% agree with you. I gave you the reason why. I made no effort to show how I felt.

Personally, I think all efforts to differentiate should be removed. I think the NAACP almost hurts themselves as much as they help themselves simply because they refuse to assimilate. Salad bowl vs. Soup bowl concept. America was supposed to become a soup bowl, and instead it has become a salad bowl. And, each vegetable wants the best for themselves without regard to the rest of the bowl. In my opinion, as garver said, if we all become Americans, Humans, Beige, Soup then the world would be better off.

People are generally good and do as they are told. People right now are being told, "Be PC, or you will get in trouble." I think that is the wrong attitude, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Every group chooses to distinguish themselves and I think that is the root of the problem.

Back to the point of this thread. Some homosexual person had their feelings hurt by the negative connotation of "gay" Now good citizens try to be PC or not get in trouble. They try not to say "That is gay."

In college I accidentally called my gay roommate a "fag" when he was being silly. He made a face and I laughed and apologized. Thank God noone was around or I would be in serious trouble.

This 11 or 12 year old girl and her friends had/have no idea what is right and wrong. That is why this case is ridiculous.

I am tired and chasing my son around at bathtime. If that was unclear I apologize. I will clarify later.



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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2007, 05:07:00 PM »

It's my opinion that the offensiveness of a word/term depends on tone and intent - two things that are impossible to ascertain once taken out of context.

Lawsuits over this kind of thing are ridiculous.  This falls squarely within the scope of parenting, not the authorities.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2007, 05:45:00 PM »

My belief is that if someone is offended, it is THEIR problem.  

The End.  smile.gif


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2007, 08:17:00 AM »

I think it is the problem with schools nowadays.  If a male teacher touches a female student in the shoulder and says 'good work', the female student will file sexual harrassment lawsuit.  That's why teachers are taught to 'limit' physical contact and watch their language in front of students.  I see this is no different.


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Lawsuit Over " That's So Gay "
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2007, 09:39:00 AM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Mar 6 2007, 02:52 AM) View Post

My belief is that if someone is offended, it is THEIR problem.  

