
Author Topic: Cold War Part 2  (Read 100 times)


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Cold War Part 2
« on: February 23, 2007, 06:28:00 PM »


One of Reagan's greatest legacies is to stop the cold war.  Looks like Bonehead Bush is trying to undo what he did.  As if Bush's rhetoric caused fractured relationships between us and the Middle East for decades to come, Bush decided to put up missle barrier systems in Europe pointing to Russia and Russia is doing the same.  Well, at least when Bush leaves, Cheney and Halliburton will benefit greatly because we need their products and services.


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Cold War Part 2
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 10:24:00 AM »

I don't understand why he hasn't been thrown out.

Every time he does something stupid it makes me think democracy is dead in america.

The people are kept stupid, and discouraged to think. They are forced to give up more and more liberties and rights. Taxed more, every year. They loose more and more jobs to foreign workers, and illegal immigrants.
Companies charge whatever they want with no restrictions. There are more guns than cops. 80% of inmates are meth addicts. Two thirds of the population will develop type 2 diabetes within their lifetime.

All this is happening and the government does nothing.


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Cold War Part 2
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 09:16:00 AM »

The most disappointing thing is that Robert Gates is no more than Bush's lap dog.  I thought he would have some balls like Colin Powell.  I think this generation forgot the fears of a nuclear attack by a superpower.  It is major compared to the fears of another 9/11.  Then again, Bonehead Bush misguided us that Nuclear attacks are not top priority.


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Cold War Part 2
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2007, 11:20:00 AM »

QUOTE(_iffy @ Feb 24 2007, 11:31 AM) View Post
I don't understand why he hasn't been thrown out.

Because he hasn't done anything to deserve being thrown out.


Every time he does something stupid it makes me think democracy is dead in america.

How would you not agreeing with someone signal democracy being dead? There is no correlation here.



The people are kept stupid, and discouraged to think.

This is true and is why you have the opinions you do. You're spoonfed liberal-biased news.



 They are forced to give up more and more liberties and rights.

Such as?


 Taxed more, every year. They loose more and more jobs to foreign workers, and illegal immigrants.

Due to the EPA and Welfare and if Hillary gets the social healthcare passed it'll get worse. You're putting the blame on the wrong entity.


Companies charge whatever they want with no restrictions.

Capitolism anyone? Socialism doesn't and has never worked.



 There are more guns than cops.

There is everywhere. This will never change and is a good thing.


80% of inmates are meth addicts. Two thirds of the population will develop type 2 diabetes within their lifetime.

All this is happening and the government does nothing.

The government has cracked down on sales of sudafed and other meth manufacturing goods. I don't know if your statistics are correct, but if you believe there are that many meth related inmates, then it sounds like the government is doing their job in arresting these criminals. Most mom and pop manufacturers have been forced out of business and now the drugs are coming up through mexico. Now we're trying to secure our borders. It sounds like you are misinformed.

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Feb 25 2007, 10:23 AM) View Post
The most disappointing thing is that Robert Gates is no more than Bush's lap dog. I thought he would have some balls like Colin Powell. I think this generation forgot the fears of a nuclear attack by a superpower. It is major compared to the fears of another 9/11. Then again, Bonehead Bush misguided us that Nuclear attacks are not top priority.


That whole statement is untrue, but HAHAHAHA. That is one of the funniest comments you've ever made.



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« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2007, 11:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Feb 26 2007, 07:27 PM) View Post

That whole statement is untrue, but HAHAHAHA. That is one of the funniest comments you've ever made.

You said my statement is untue without explaining why.  And you didn't even have your BS explaination like the last thread.  Please say something else than your 5-year old like "untrue" explaination.

Fact is that since Bush has taken office, N Korea has assembled and tested nukes.  Iran is actively pursuing nukes.  And it doesn't seem to be long before more nuclear warheads will be pointed at us by Russia.  The best part is that we can no longer deal with the situation ourselves like before when Bush was President.  All this is happening while Bush is complaining why we are not fighting the war on terrorism.  



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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 12:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Feb 26 2007, 12:44 PM) View Post
The most disappointing thing is that Robert Gates is no more than Bush's lap dog. I thought he would have some balls like Colin Powell. I think this generation forgot the fears of a nuclear attack by a superpower. It is major compared to the fears of another 9/11. Then again, Bonehead Bush misguided us that Nuclear attacks are not top priority.

You said my statement is untue without explaining why. And you didn't even have your BS explaination like the last thread. Please say something else than your 5-year old like "untrue" explaination.

No, I don't have to prove anything when you're as openly bias as you are. You said nothing but things that are simply not true. They are obviously not true. They do not deserve a rebuttle. I get tired of showing you why you're wrong all the time. I always do, you never see it. You're permitted to put me down and call me names, but yet I get muted and will get banned if I do so.


Fact is that since Bush has taken office, N Korea has assembled and tested nukes.

And the fact is, they were doing it long before that as well as your links in your posts showed.


Iran is actively pursuing nukes. And it doesn't seem to be long before more nuclear warheads will be pointed at us by Russia. The best part is that we can no longer deal with the situation ourselves like before when Bush was President. All this is happening while Bush is complaining why we are not fighting the war on terrorism.


See? that didn't even make sense. We ARE fighting the war on terror. Russia and the US are allies and will remain allies. We are trying to deal with Iran but the liberals are trying to defend them and saying that anything we have against them is unjust.



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« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2007, 02:47:00 PM »

No, I don't have to prove anything when you're as openly bias as you are. You said nothing but things that are simply not true. They are obviously not true. They do not deserve a rebuttle. I get tired of showing you why you're wrong all the time. I always do, you never see it. You're permitted to put me down and call me names, but yet I get muted and will get banned if I do so.

You don't seem to have problems dishing out personal insults, but when someone say something bad about you, you whine and complain.

Just look back on your other threads and see how many times you said "not true" and "you're wrong" about me yet you didn't bother to explain why, which resemble most 5-year old reasoning.  That lies the problem.  If you want to talk like an adult, stop saying "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude.


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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 08:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Feb 26 2007, 03:54 PM) View Post

You don't seem to have problems dishing out personal insults, but when someone say something bad about you, you whine and complain.

Just look back on your other threads and see how many times you said "not true" and "you're wrong" about me yet you didn't bother to explain why, which resemble most 5-year old reasoning. That lies the problem. If you want to talk like an adult, stop saying "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude.


Well you simply make things up. There is no point trying to prove you wrong because I have done that MANY times and you just move on and make something else up. Now you're whining and complaining because I'm not taking the time to show how you like to lie and spin. Everyone here knows that. Get over it.
