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Author Topic: Iran, Ahmadinejad…..  (Read 174 times)


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Iran, Ahmadinejad…..
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2007, 11:33:00 AM »

This is the footage of what I was referring to. If you still would like stills I can do that. I really wanted to post this though, as it is from a liberal biased news source. I know if I post something that tells nothing other than facts that the libs will flame me.


(click on the video on the left entitled "U.S.: Weapons linked to Iran".



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Iran, Ahmadinejad…..
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2007, 06:23:00 AM »


The link you posted needs you to subscribe to view the content so therefore your link is invalid, null and void.  

When you insinuate that I am lair, please be more specific on the lies that I am telling.  Then I can defend myself in the correct manner without coming across as a immature juvenile jackass.  

Ahmadinejad controversial speech which was reported by the western media produced international outrage when he was reported as saying “wipe Israel off the map” .  I was outraged and even suggested in a similar thread that Iran should not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.  A few months after the speech I flip flopped and changed my mind on the situation as a Iranian friend told me Ahmadinejad did not want Israel wiped off the map merely the present government of Israel.  

The quotes and links I provided on Ahmadinejad speech proves both of us right.  Noone is intentionally lying on this subject.

The pictures of Iranian made weapons sold or given to Iraq insurgents are supplied by the US military.  The pictures I posted are running on every mainstream news outlet, so either the Iranians have fooled our media by supplying them with propaganda or they are the real deal.  The only person who has intentionally lied about the pictures is you BC.

To be fair BC I think the only thing you got right in this whole thread is the fact the US thinks it is the UN and goes against the international community.  Also Britain is part of Europe, so what you are saying about America invading Europe is incorrect or blatant lie.

/back to work


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