
Author Topic: China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!  (Read 97 times)


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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« on: December 20, 2006, 06:45:00 PM »

Hope you're hungry enough to eat your consoles...

Tells visiting Bush administration officials they will not sit back and lose their shirts as U.S. Dollar collapses; they are getting out fast and large!

BEIJING, CHINA -- Sources with a U.S. Delegation in Beijing have told The Hal Turner Show  the Chinese government  has informed visiting Bush Administration officials they intend to dump One TRILLION U.S. Dollars from China's Currency Reserves and convert those funds into Euros, gold and silver!
China was allegedly asked to withhold the announcement until Bullion Markets closed for the weekend to prevent an instant spike in gold and silver prices.  This delay will give the world the weekend to consider appropriate actions rather than have a knee-jerk reaction which could see the U.S. Dollar totally collapse in value Monday.

According to this Senior source, China told the U.S. delegation they no longer have faith in U.S. Currency for several reasons:

1) The Federal Reserve Bank ceased publishing "M3" data in March, making it nearly impossible for anyone to know how much cash is being printed.  China said this act made it impossible to tell how much a Dollar is worth.

2) The U.S. Dollar has lost upwards of thirty percent (30%) of its value against other foreign currencies in the recent past, meaning China has lost almost $300 Billion simply by holding U.S. Dollars in its reserves.

3)  The U.S. has no plans whatsoever to reduce deficit spending or ability pay down any of its existing debt without printing money to pay it off.

For these reasons China has decided to implement an aggressive sell-off of U.S. Dollars before the rest of the world does so.  China reportedly told the US delegation; "we are the largest holder of U.S. Currency and if the rest of the world unloads theirs before we unload ours, we will lose our shirts."

Early this week, in an unusual move, the Bush administration sent virtually the entire economic "A-team" to visit China for a "strategic economic dialogue" in Beijing Dec. 14 and 15.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke lead the delegation, along with five other cabinet-level officials, including Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez. Also in the delegation is Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab.

The Bush administration wanted to get China's cooperation in preventing a dollar collapse.  The Hal Turner Show has been told the effort failed.

According to the source, Fed Chairman Bernanke left the meeting "pale and in a cold sweat" as the implications of China's decision seemed to sink in.

The implications are enormous:  The U.S. Dollar is likely to collapse in value against all other major currencies as early as Monday, December 18.

This would cause a worldwide sell-off of dollars, create almost immediate "hyper-inflation" in the US and also impact world markets at a level "worse than the Great Depression of 1929."

Arabs to the rescue?

In a strange twist of fate, Arabs and OPEC may come to the rescue of the U.S.!

Senior officials in OPEC made clear that they too would be severely harmed if the U.S. Dollar collapsed, and hinted they "would not be inclined to sell oil to any particular nation that intentionally caused such a collapse."

This was a thinly veiled threat to China, which depends heavily on OPEC oil for its rapidly developing energy needs.

The OPEC officials even went so far as to say "Since China lacks the ability to project their military power, OPEC nations need not worry about any Chinese military response to an oil cut-off."

Such brutally candid remarks will not sit well with China; and signal ominous things for the U.S. .

Arabs and OPEC will want something in return for saving the U.S. from economic collapse and it is already widely speculated what they want will be a complete change in U.S. backing of Israel in the Middle East.

If such demands are made by the oil-rich Arabs, the U.S. would be left with little choice but to virtually abandon the jewish state to preserve itself.


UPDATE 10:18 PM:
 The Washington Post confirms. . . .
"U.S., China Clash On Currency" Click Here
-- ---------------------------------

UPDATE 12:07 AM EST, Saturday, December 16, 2006:

Additional sources, one in the U.S. Commerce Department  and another in the US Treasury have confirmed the initial report above and referred me to another, Third, source in the Pentagon.

Both the Commerce and Treasury Sources report that while China will not be able to simply trade their Dollars for other paper currencies, they will spend their U.S. Cash on commodities such as gold, silver and Rhodoium as well as military hardware; ships and planes, placing large orders and paying for those orders with the one point one trillion in cash dollars they possess.

Extreme Military Concern

In speaking with the contact at the Pentagon, I am able to now report the Pentagon views this currency-killing as a cunning military aspect to Chinese plans:

The Pentagon says that while China has a 2 Million man army, they lack the logistics and heavy lift capability to move that army and supply it.  They can, however, get that military to South Korea and to Japan.

The Chinese see that the U.S. Military is over-stretched  and almost exhausted by its globe trotting Commander-In-Chief.  They feel that by intentionally destabilizing the dollar, the U.S. economy will fail, putting tens of millions of Americans on the unemployment line and putting unbearable pressure on the US Government.

Then, with the U.S. economy in shambles and its manufacturing base eroded by a steady stream of manufacturing plants moving out of the US., the American government will be too occupied with troubles at home to do much internationally.  America will be in no position to challenge China, allowing the Chinese to act militarily elsewhere in the world;

Further, if the U.S. attempted to intervene against any Chinese military action,  the only plant in the world which can manufacture the specialized gyros needed for U.S. Cruise Missile guidance systems, is now located in. . . . .China.

China could prevent that plant from shipping to the U.S., and once our arsenal of cruise missiles was depleted, it would take a long time to re-tool a plant to make more gyros and resupply cruise missiles for battle.  The Chinese feel they could accomplish certain military goals before the U.S. could  re-tool.

They are also confident the U.S. will never "go nuclear" as long as the U.S. itself is not attacked.

The Pentagon source went so far as to say "Even if China was to lose the entire one trillion in cash to a collapse of the Dollar as a currency, they will have succeeded in taking the U.S. off the world stage as any type of effective military or economic power -- without firing a shot!"  A 'classic' Sun Tzu paradigm of victory - the art of fighting, without fighting.

The crippling of the US is a highly desirable military benefit for China at a relatively cheap price since it will leave their human capital and infrastructure assets in place; assets they know they would lose if a hot war erupted with the U.S..


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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 08:50:00 AM »

Japan is the largest holder of US Debt.  And the debt to china is not 1 trillion but more like $350 billion.

I suppose reckless spending by Bush put quite a dent on the debt that we have.  However, I don't see a major shift away from the US dollar anytime soon.

This post has been edited by pug_ster: Dec 28 2006, 04:53 PM


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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 12:46:00 PM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Dec 28 2006, 09:21 AM) View Post
Japan is the largest holder of US Debt. And the debt to china is not 1 trillion but more like $350 billion.

I suppose reckless spending by Bush put quite a dent on the debt that we have. However, I don't see a major shift away from the US dollar anytime soon.


Yeah I'm in agreement with you here. Since the dollar amount is so far off, what else is erroneous? Where are his sources? Basically this is nothing but bs.



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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006, 09:56:00 PM »

I'm sorry, but did you just cite, ah... Hal Turner as a source to something?
Hal Turner?

The racist biggot who condones violence?  The one that ALMOST makes me wish that we didn't have free speech (said in jest of course, Voltaire had it on lock but man do I hate saying this guy should be able to talk like this in America....).

Okay... it would be nice if you came back with an actual source instead of someone who called for the killing of some KIDS (yeah minors, under the age of 18) who called his show and pranked him.  He posted their phone numbers and addresses online and pretty much said he himself was going to "beat the shit out of them."
Oh man, do I hate this guy.  I hope he is in a burning building and is saved by a black Jewish firefighter or something.  What would he say to that?  


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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2007, 04:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Dec 29 2006, 11:03 PM) View Post

I'm sorry, but did you just cite, ah... Hal Turner as a source to something?
Hal Turner?

The racist biggot who condones violence?  The one that ALMOST makes me wish that we didn't have free speech (said in jest of course, Voltaire had it on lock but man do I hate saying this guy should be able to talk like this in America....).

Okay... it would be nice if you came back with an actual source instead of someone who called for the killing of some KIDS (yeah minors, under the age of 18) who called his show and pranked him.  He posted their phone numbers and addresses online and pretty much said he himself was going to "beat the shit out of them."
Oh man, do I hate this guy.  I hope he is in a burning building and is saved by a black Jewish firefighter or something.  What would he say to that?  

racist biggot who condones violence..... oh shut the fuck up you fucking pussy communist.. you are so indocrinated with the `there is no race but the human race' bullshit that you don't have a fucking clue as to what Hal Turner is even talking about...

I hate these god damn pussy kids that whine about `no free speech for hate speech'.. do me a favor and go insert your head back up your ass...

as for the KIDS that called and pranked his show... that's not what he's going after them for.. Those mother fucking pussies ranup tens of thousands of dollars on his bandwidth usages by launching DoS attacks on his website.. Instead of being the tolerant little communists that they pretend to be, they choose to interrupt someone elses `free speech'... if you don't like what Hal Turner has to say, then don't goto his website or listen to his show...

as for sources... Hal Turner just posted what he got from other sites and his own sources..

the story is being carried by a number of heavy hitting financial sites..





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China To Dump One Trillion In U.s. Reserves!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 08:33:00 PM »

I was simply and AM simply saying that Hal Turner's website is not a reliable resource.  I am not saying what was posted was not true, simply saying that his site is not in any way a reliable resource.

racist biggot who condones violence..... oh shut the fuck up you fucking pussy communist.. you are so indocrinated with the `there is no race but the human race' bullshit that you don't have a fucking clue as to what Hal Turner is even talking about...

Yes, I am and am proud of it.  All people are created equal.  If you can provide me a single link to show why I should hate all Jewish people, black people, hispanic people, or Asian people, then I will admit that you are totally correct and help you support your position.  Until then, I think I will remain at my post with other more level-minded people.

I hate these god damn pussy kids that whine about `no free speech for hate speech'.. do me a favor and go insert your head back up your ass...

I never said this.  I simply said that Hal Turner's website is not a reliable source.  If you were to reference my post, you would see:
"The one that ALMOST makes me wish that we didn't have free speech (said in jest of course, Voltaire [I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it] had it on lock but man do I hate saying this guy should be able to talk like this in America....)."
So actually, I DO believe someone should be able to spread his or her filth... I have the right to listen to or ignore it (and ignore it I will).

as for the KIDS that called and pranked his show... that's not what he's going after them for.. Those mother fucking pussies ranup tens of thousands of dollars on his bandwidth usages by launching DoS attacks on his website.. Instead of being the tolerant little communists that they pretend to be, they choose to interrupt someone elses `free speech'... if you don't like what Hal Turner has to say, then don't goto his website or listen to his show...

So then running up tens of thousands of dollars in bills means they deserve to DIE?  Need I add that it was not the few people that called in that are responsible for this, but thousands of people on the internet?  The death penalty isn't even allowed in the US the criminal is a minor when they commit the crime.  And he wants them KILLED?  Along with their families?  This is where the line gets drawn.  You can call for laws to be passed agianst minorities because they are "inferior."  You can tell people why the Jews are so "bad."  Fine.  But when you ask your followers to KILL a child and their family (firebombing and throat slitting comes to mind) because they pranked you and cost you money, you have crossed the line.  Every famous person has devout followers, from musicians to talk show hosts.  The chance is one of these people is crazy enough to do a horrible thing because their favoirte celebrity said so.  

Please, I have no problem discussing this with you, but there is no need for the foul language and the name calling.  This is the Politics, News, and Religion Forum... there are and should be differences in opinion, but not such that someone gets called a "fucking pussy communist."

This post has been edited by CattyKid: Jan 4 2007, 04:34 AM