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Author Topic: Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat  (Read 483 times)


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Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat
« Reply #75 on: December 05, 2006, 03:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Dec 5 2006, 03:36 PM) View Post

You are clearly delusional because you make up what the other person are going to say. Wackos like O'Reilly and Limbaugh do that. They might as well be argue with themselves they can make up counterarguments as they go. Unfortunately it doesn't fly here.

What have I made up? Name 1 thing.


Oh geez, you are being nice and you use fowl language, that's nice. Gee, since you say the war on terror is mainly being fought overseas, then people who did 9/11 are not important because they attacked in American soil.

I didn't until YOU did smile.gif What about "mainly" didn't you understand? The whole point of the war on terror is so things like 9/11 don't happen anymore. Also, a war has two sides. I think 9/11 was pretty one-sided don't you? basically, you hvae no point here and you're wrong and plain stupid for trying to make a point here. Admit it, you're wrong.


You really stooped into a new low. I expect some sluck using O'Reilly or Limbaugh like tactics who would make up what the other person said to make their point. Or maybe some idiot use personal attacks rather than making a counterargument. Even those conservative stoops woundn't resort to foul language or the use of the word 'your momma' to put the other person down.

I didn't make anything up. You said it, black and white. I have used counterarguments to blow everything you've said out of the water. I used foul language because you did.... it seems to be the only thing you understand. Don't act all offended now. You did it first.



The last time that some idiot who decided to cuss me down and the use of 'your momma' was xmedia2004 I didn't see much of him much after that.

Well I don't know what he said, but I can assure you that you deserved it. You cannot say the things you said to me and not expect retaliation. At the very least we're guilty of the same thing, so don't sound so high and mighty, because if I get banned so do you. I would encourage you to be more respectful from now on, and I will. It is a two-way street.



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Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat
« Reply #76 on: December 05, 2006, 06:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Dec 5 2006, 11:11 PM) View Post

What have I made up? Name 1 thing.

Well you know...
is not a valid argument.

I didn't until YOU did smile.gif What about "mainly" didn't you understand? The whole point of the war on terror is so things like 9/11 don't happen anymore. Also, a war has two sides. I think 9/11 was pretty one-sided don't you? basically, you hvae no point here and you're wrong and plain stupid for trying to make a point here. Admit it, you're wrong.

So we ignore about terrorists at home.  Then why do we have homeland security for?  It is 'mainly' not important?

I didn't make anything up. You said it, black and white. I have used counterarguments to blow everything you've said out of the water. I used foul language because you did.... it seems to be the only thing you understand. Don't act all offended now. You did it first.

Liar liar pants on fire, cussing, putting people down, and talking about your momma is not valid counterarguments.

Well I don't know what he said, but I can assure you that you deserved it. You cannot say the things you said to me and not expect retaliation. At the very least we're guilty of the same thing, so don't sound so high and mighty, because if I get banned so do you. I would encourage you to be more respectful from now on, and I will. It is a two-way street.

Read the reaction after that moron xmedia2004 made that cussing about my mother statement.  Even people (pucksr) who argued against me said that went a little too far.  Figured that people like you don't understand.  People like you don't have the maturity to talk like an adult and have to drag 'your momma' in the picture.

Oh yeah, you speak alot of truths out there when you say "Here i am, being nice to you" and "I'd love to find your mother and slap the Goddamnit out of her for bringing your dumb ass into this world" in the same paragraph.  And now you admit that you cuss and insult people and always claimed that you were a saint.  You are truly a pathetic person because you say you are a man of God yet you don't preach it.


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Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2006, 07:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Dec 5 2006, 07:29 PM) View Post

is not a valid argument.

It's nicer ta\han saying "you're lying" which you are/were/are going to. So maybe you'll understand that better. Rather than, "you know that's not true" I'll just leave it at you're a liar. That better?


So we ignore about terrorists at home. Then why do we have homeland security for? It is 'mainly' not important?

No, again you're not smart enough to spin the subject away from what it is. The statement was "the war on terror is mainly fought overseas." Homeland security is ensuring there is no war here at home. Common sense tells you that.


Liar liar pants on fire, cussing, putting people down, and talking about your momma is not valid counterarguments.

I've slaughtered every one of your points. Don't get mad because I depicted how stupid you were.

Read the reaction after that moron xmedia2004 made that cussing about my mother statement. Even people (pucksr) who argued against me said that went a little too far. Figured that people like you don't understand. People like you don't have the maturity to talk like an adult and have to drag 'your momma' in the picture.

So now it's ok for you to have absolutely no points but to talk about nothing but me? Also, you cussed first. You put me down first. You went too far first. Don't be such a hypocrite. What are saying about "people like me". Black people? What do you mean by this racist?


Oh yeah, you speak alot of truths out there when you say "Here i am, being nice to you" and "I'd love to find your mother and slap the Goddamnit out of her for bringing your dumb ass into this world" in the same paragraph. And now you admit that you cuss and insult people and always claimed that you were a saint. You are truly a pathetic person because you say you are a man of God yet you don't preach it.

You misquoted me. I said "I had been being nice to you". To anyone who understands English, that means previously I had been being civil. Hell I've made several posts urging you to be more respectful but yet you manage to attack me more after I destroy your points. I won't be nice to you anymore. You are seriously the most stupid individual I have ever spoken with. This post that you just made shows that vividly because you're guilty of everything you've accused ME of. You have absolutely no points toward the subject because I've already shown how wrong you are. You should leave because you have nothing to offer.

I've never claimed I was a saint. Also, I don't preach the word of God to people who do not want to hear it. That works against what I want to do. Trying to bring my religion up is worse than me dropping "F bombs" on you. I disagree with Xmedia on everything he says except when he describes you. He nailed it.



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Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat
« Reply #78 on: December 06, 2006, 07:39:00 AM »

You misquoted everything and nobody knows what you are talking about.  You see everybody agreeing with you when you cried wolf that 'I lied'? You use this as your personal bitch thread.  You don't any creditability here.  Give it up.


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Al-qaeda Leader In Iraq Praises Republican Defeat
« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2006, 08:32:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Dec 6 2006, 08:46 AM) View Post
You misquoted everything and nobody knows what you are talking about.

Everyone knows what I'm talking about and I didn't misquote anything and you didn't depict where I did.


You see everybody agreeing with you when you cried wolf that 'I lied'?

They don't have to when it's blatantly obvious.


 You use this as your personal bitch thread. You don't any creditability here. Give it up.

Oh really? How is that? You also don't have any credibility here. YOU give it up.

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