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Author Topic: The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity  (Read 458 times)


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2006, 04:04:00 PM »

I don't really see why people take joy out of making fun of other people for what they believe...the Bible in particular.  I rarely see anything making fun of Buhdists or Muslims or anything like that, they just like to poke at Christians.  If you don't believe, fine, don't.  Just leave the people alone that do, there's no reason whatsoever to harp on someone because they believe a certain way.  Someone probably believes that Microsoft created the planet and will determine where you go in the afterlife.  Just because that makes no since to me doesn't mean I'm going to go make a forum post about it.  People who have something against religion in general just need to chill.


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2006, 04:10:00 PM »

I rarely see anything making fun of Buhdists or Muslims or anything like that, they just like to poke at Christians.
And, a life lesson to help you. Christians are the least made fun of group of people. I am not sure what makes you think otherwise. I am Jewish and Christians give me a hard time more than any other group of people.

No Buhdist has ever made fun of me or anyone. any place or anything that I have ever heard of.

I am sorry for your confusion. If you wish to discuss it I will be more than glad. You can use this thread if you like. I don't think the OP will mind.


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2006, 10:31:00 PM »

Yeah, that came across wrong, I wasn't trying to say that they (as in the other religions) like to make fun of Christianity.  I was saying they as in people in general (particularly atheists/agnostics.)  This has been my experience anyway.  I too believe that you need a reason, I just don't feel that other people should demand to know it.  If they are interested in learning, sure go for it, but not just to stir up trouble.

If I was of another faith, I might see the whole thing of being poked at differently.  It just seems that everywhere I go if Christianity is hinted at I get slapped in the face by a thousand Bible burners.


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2006, 05:22:00 AM »

I find that interesting especially because you are from a part of the country where The Bible is so important to the culture. Alabama is right in the belt.

Maybe because it is your faith it almost is put under a microscope to you more to you than others. That is interesting I have always felt agnostic/atheist people mostly didn't bother talking about religion because it doesn't even interest them.

There are no stats to rely on for this sort of stuff.


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2006, 03:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(47_M450N_47 @ Oct 5 2006, 04:11 PM) View Post

I don't really see why people take joy out of making fun of other people for what they believe...the Bible in particular.  I rarely see anything making fun of Buhdists or Muslims or anything like that, they just like to poke at Christians.  If you don't believe, fine, don't.  Just leave the people alone that do, there's no reason whatsoever to harp on someone because they believe a certain way.  Someone probably believes that Microsoft created the planet and will determine where you go in the afterlife.  Just because that makes no since to me doesn't mean I'm going to go make a forum post about it.  People who have something against religion in general just need to chill.

This guy has posted these same rants on a number of religion based blogs.

It is a cry for help in my opinion.

Religion pimps (Sharpton,Fallwell,etc) are all the same, force there agenda onto others while they have but plugs in their closets.


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The Bible, Biblical Literalists, And Stupidity
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2006, 11:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jul 18 2006, 07:49 PM) View Post

I have just spent the day being accosted by idiots who believe in the inerrancy of the bible.
Apparently the Bible is the "exact" words of "God".

How stupid does someone have to be to believe this kind of notion?
Besides the obvious fallacies and the errors in the bible, why do few of these people know how to speak Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic?
If I believed that something was the "work of God", then I would sure as hell learn how to read it so that I could make sure that I grasped all of the subtle nuances of the original author's text.  I've heard that God made sure that the translators got all of the good stuff in there....but it just doesnt make sense.  Everyone knows that you lose a little bit in translation.  The words are not perfectly equivalent in certain situations.

So, why do all of these idiots still follow a movement that started during the 1850's?  
Biblical literalism is a rather new phenomenom.  While medievel catholics might have believed the bible to be divine, the church did this more for political reasons than practical reasons.
Even the protestant reformation was lacking in this obsessive "inerrant" bible.
So, why do we still listen to this crap?

Nearly all Muslims know Arabic, and this is one of the reasons Islam came to be. We believe previous religious texts had changed over time. The Qur'an somebody reads today is the exact same (with no translations) as was revealed in the 7th century. If you want to be an Islamic scholar, you've got to bewell-versed in theology, Arabic, and philosophy. No offense, but to be of high esteem in Christianity, all you do is say "Hallelujah" and "praise be to Jesus". If you're not a scholar, who can blame you for not knowing how to read the original text? But to have people come to you for advice, then you've got to know your stuff good. Just like how I don't go to a farmboy for help on quantum physics.

I have met quite a few agnostics in my life. Many either had poor reasoning to not believe in God (somebody said they didn't believe God existed, because if there was then there would be no suffering; to which you respond "what about the Day of Judgement"?) or were pure pleasure-seekers.

I agree, live and let live. But, don't be blind. Explore other avenues, believe what you believe, but have a reason. It is only fair to yourself.

I agree. I would rather be a knowledgeable agnostic (God forbid) than a blind Muslim. If you don't believe something, then seek understanding. This is the problem with fundamentalists. They interpret the Qur'an word for word. If it were that simple, then everybody would be an ayatollah (highest rank of scholar). There is much interpretaion (i.e. nuances) to be found in the original text. Sometimes, I go to a Qur'an tafsir class on fridays (interpretation). It is really interesting; you look at the roots and derivatives of Arabic words to try to understand the meaning. I would imagine in Christianity that only such intense thought occurs at the Vatican. Certain preachers are moving away from the scholarly past and moving towards the 2-phrase nature. We have these types in Islam as well. We call them Osamas.

I rarely see anything making fun of Buhdists or Muslims or anything like that, they just like to poke at Christians.

Danish cartoons? Kids mockingly imitating meditation by saying "oom" while making OK signs with their hands while sitting?

If you have a legitimate criticism against someone's beliefs, then I highly suggest that person bring it up. It can help expand the understanding of others. "If a tree falls in the woods with nobody around, then it makes no noise." I hope I used that right.
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