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Author Topic: Rep. William Jefferson  (Read 225 times)


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Rep. William Jefferson
« on: May 27, 2006, 10:27:00 AM »

my fist thoughts about William Jeferson was a yawn, same old same old.  A member of congress thats corrupted, What a surprise.  And a member of the all powerful "Ways and Means Committee" no less.  Of course I got my digs in because he also happened to be a liberal too.  To further add HCL to this wound, he is from New Orleans.  So while his constituents suffered he was raking it in.  The FBI also caught him on tape taking bribes less some of you out there think the $92000 in his freezer was legit.  Of course William Jefferson claims there is another side to this story, and america has been waiting for nearly a year to hear it. . .   Ever since then he has more or less stone walled the FBI.  So the FBI got a signed warrant to search his congressional office.  

So congress signs the patriot act, but heaven forbid its actually used on them.  Both dem and repub of congress came together to try to block the stuff seized from being used against him.  The arguement saying that a president could use the FBI to harrass individuals of congress.  Kind of like when Clinton ordered all of the FBI files of his enemies in congress to be shipped to the white house.  Of course for actual search and seizures to occur it would have to take two branches of governement to gang up on the third.  No single branch can do that.  Then you have them saying that he cant be arrested while congress is in session even though the Constitution itself precisely states otherwise, and includes felonies as a reason for removal and arrest.
Then you have the black caucaus ordering nancy pelosi to not discipline him or else they would with draw support during the next election.   Which in a sense says "yeah we african americans think its ok to take bribes so long as your a dem (and/or black?)".

With so many people, both repub and dem coming to his aid it really makes you wonder what is really going on uhh.gif

And if congress actually successfully blocks congressional searches, what will stop the inherent corruption in the future?


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2006, 06:29:00 PM »

Another liberal polititian that has been found out.  Wow im astonished!  

What's funny is that the dems have been throwing so much crap at republicans HOPING something would stick and their side of the isle has the mud coming right back at em as if they were throwing it into 50mph winds.

Waiting to see what happens to good ol Cynthia Mckinny who thought she was too important to be arrested.  

What pissed me off about the whole jefferson thing was that republicans and democrats were dismayed that their offices could be searched.  So we can be searched but you cant?  And you work for who?


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 10:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ May 28 2006, 05:52 PM) View Post

A little more complex than this Heet...

it is but . . .
surely you agree that stong evidence of a felony of this nature is ample reason to search any congressional office?  


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2006, 10:05:00 PM »

I know I do!


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 08:01:00 PM »

I think that the congress offices should all be on the public record.  Noone in the good'ol boys club want to be searched.


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2006, 11:24:00 AM »

QUOTE(damam @ May 27 2006, 10:34 AM) View Post

my fist thoughts about William Jeferson was a yawn, same old same old.  A member of congress thats corrupted, What a surprise.  And a member of the all powerful "Ways and Means Committee" no less.  Of course I got my digs in because he also happened to be a liberal too.  To further add HCL to this wound, he is from New Orleans.  So while his constituents suffered he was raking it in.  The FBI also caught him on tape taking bribes less some of you out there think the $92000 in his freezer was legit.  Of course William Jefferson claims there is another side to this story, and america has been waiting for nearly a year to hear it. . .   Ever since then he has more or less stone walled the FBI.  So the FBI got a signed warrant to search his congressional office.  

So congress signs the patriot act, but heaven forbid its actually used on them.  Both dem and repub of congress came together to try to block the stuff seized from being used against him.  The arguement saying that a president could use the FBI to harrass individuals of congress.  Kind of like when Clinton ordered all of the FBI files of his enemies in congress to be shipped to the white house.  Of course for actual search and seizures to occur it would have to take two branches of governement to gang up on the third.  No single branch can do that.  Then you have them saying that he cant be arrested while congress is in session even though the Constitution itself precisely states otherwise, and includes felonies as a reason for removal and arrest.
Then you have the black caucaus ordering nancy pelosi to not discipline him or else they would with draw support during the next election.   Which in a sense says "yeah we african americans think its ok to take bribes so long as your a dem (and/or black?)".

With so many people, both repub and dem coming to his aid it really makes you wonder what is really going on uhh.gif

And if congress actually successfully blocks congressional searches, what will stop the inherent corruption in the future?

You are very naive, money trail leads back to the white house. That is why Moron of State jumped in to stop probe, New Orleans, cmon I dont believe in coincidence.

But as usual you see everything through your typical spectrum.

Then you have the black caucaus ordering nancy pelosi to not discipline him or else they would with draw support during the next election.   Which in a sense says "yeah we african americans think its ok to take bribes so long as your a dem (and/or black?)".

You should mention that the top 10 list of corrupt government officials are all "honkies" as you put it before.
Maybe you kind find some "great" revelation or poitical diatribe based on that fact.

How about the "honky" that delivered the money to him?

What does that say?


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2006, 01:36:00 PM »

You are very naive, money trail leads back to the white house. That is why Moron of State jumped in to stop probe, New Orleans, cmon I dont believe in coincidence.

what are you talking about?  The FBI investigation started happening before Katrina if that is what you are implying.  And, if this goes to the white house, I want it exposed there as well.  

You should mention that the top 10 list of corrupt government officials are all "honkies" as you put it before.

when did i ever say that corruption only comes from black people?  Corruption is usually found with the party that is in power and cares not about race.  I only found it odd that so many were coming to support him from both parties as well as the black caucus, when the evidence is looking pretty bad.  

How about the "honky" that delivered the money to him?
What does that say?

I dont know- youll have to help me out.  
She seems to have done a lot of good work with her foundation for poor communities in the washington DC area.
Read about Lori Mody


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2006, 08:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jun 8 2006, 03:43 PM) View Post

what are you talking about?  The FBI investigation started happening before Katrina if that is what you are implying.  And, if this goes to the white house, I want it exposed there as well.  

when did i ever say that corruption only comes from black people?  Corruption is usually found with the party that is in power and cares not about race.  I only found it odd that so many were coming to support him from both parties as well as the black caucus, when the evidence is looking pretty bad.  

I dont know- youll have to help me out.  
She seems to have done a lot of good work with her foundation for poor communities in the washington DC area.
Read about Lori Mody

Given the vast number of corrupt Gov. officials exposed in the last several months I also found it somewhat telling that you chose to point out this one.

Frist, Tom Delay are probably the big fish on the pond.

Plus If ayone is insinuating it is OK, would probably be Bush, but he is only covering his own arse.


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 07:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jun 8 2006, 07:12 PM) View Post

What are you guys talking about...I thought this guy was white....
I might be mistaken....but I swear thats what i saw on TV....

I thought he was white too (funny that I am not the only one that made that mistake), until I actually was writing the post and could not remember one piece.  Thats when i read that the black caucus threatened to with draw support from Nancy Pelosi if she tried to punish him in any way.  I thought it was odd, so I googled his picture.
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What Tom Delay did has a lot of grey area (not that I am defending him, I think he's guilty).  In contrast, however, it is not grey what Jefferson did.  And the tapes prove he knew it was wrong.

Here is a from the tape quote:
"All these damn notes we're writing to each other as if we're talking as if the FBI is watching,"


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 10:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jun 9 2006, 07:56 AM) View Post

What Tom Delay did has a lot of grey area (not that I am defending him, I think he's guilty).  In contrast, however, it is not grey what Jefferson did.  And the tapes prove he knew it was wrong.

You OBVIOUSLY dont know what you are talking about and have not done one shread of research.


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Couldnt find his MUG SHOT.

DeLay's defense is that he didn't know the details of what was happening in the organization, that the matching numbers of the $190,000 transfers were just a coincidence, and that the money raised from corporations was spent on administrative office expenses, which is legal in Texas legislative races. But all of those arguments have major weak spots that the experienced prosecutor on the case, Ronnie Earle, could expose.

House ethics rules prevent members from taking trips abroad funded by lobbyists or by "foreign agents," groups or individuals registered to do political work for foreign organizations or governments. DeLay, however, has reportedly taken at least three such trips. In 1997, he went to Russia on the dime of a peculiar company based in the Bahamas and connected to Russian oil interests. In 2000, he went to Britain, his lavish journey paid for in part by a lobbyist. In 2001, he went to South Korea, funded by a recently registered foreign agent.

DeLay and Abramoff are old friends and allies. Now Abramoff is one of the most toxic men in Washington. John McCain is investigating him, as is the Department of Justice for allegedly bilking Native American tribes out of tens of millions of dollars while working for them as a lobbyist.

Before the House Ethics Committee was waylaid, it admonished Tom DeLay on three different fronts last year. The first was for appearing to offer a bribe to fellow Republican Rep. Nick Smith to win his support for the closely contested Medicare reform bill. The second was for soliciting donations from a company called Westar Energy just as the House considered a bill of crucial import to the company. The third was for using a federal agency, the Federal Aviation Administration, to track down Democratic members of the Texas Legislature who were fleeing the state to block a vote regarding redistricting

As revealed in Wednesday's New York Times—to DeLay's fury, as he expressed today—his wife and daughter have long been on the payroll of several of the political organizations he controls. Friends and family of congressmen have done this kind of work for a long time, but they don't normally rake in the sums that Christine DeLay and Danielle DeLay Ferro did: $500,000 in four years

Here is the part where you pick your cliche'

1) Sounds like the pot calling the kettle "BLACK"

2) Guilt by association

3) BITCH PLEASE!!!!  dry.gif


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2006, 04:27:00 PM »

The way that Delay did it has some legal grey area, and Judges can interpet law as they see fit. Jefferson did was very stupid.  I think that they should both go to jail, as well as much of anyone above the level of city council.  But getting the source from a site that is biased is typical of both sides.


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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2006, 10:03:00 PM »

You OBVIOUSLY dont know what you are talking about and have not  done one shread of research.

DeLay's defense is that he didn't know the details of what was happening in the organization, that the matching numbers of the $190,000 transfers were just a coincidence, and that the money raised from corporations was spent on administrative office expenses, which is legal in Texas legislative races. But all of those arguments have major weak spots that the experienced prosecutor on the case, Ronnie Earle, could expose. reread what you posted.....
I believe that you are seriously misunderstanding the point PhatBastard.
They are both equally guilty.....but Jefferson got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Delay at least tried to cover his ass....he has an excuse(maybe not a good excuse).  Jefferson is still trying to figure out how he is going to explain his blatant disregard for the law.

What is Jefferson's excuse?  He cant even develop one.  Delay may be lying about his excuse...but at least he gave himself enough leeway that he could lie.  All Jefferson can say is "its all a conspiracy".



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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2006, 09:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jun 10 2006, 12:10 AM) View Post reread what you posted.....
I believe that you are seriously misunderstanding the point PhatBastard.
They are both equally guilty.....but Jefferson got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Delay at least tried to cover his ass....he has an excuse(maybe not a good excuse).  Jefferson is still trying to figure out how he is going to explain his blatant disregard for the law.

What is Jefferson's excuse?  He cant even develop one.  Delay may be lying about his excuse...but at least he gave himself enough leeway that he could lie.  All Jefferson can say is "its all a conspiracy".

Dear Dumbass:

Tom Delay has been arrested and charged with conspiracy and money laundering in the hillbilly state.
IPB Image

DeLay is charged with conspiracy to violate state election laws and money laundering, felony counts that triggered House Republican rules that forced him to step aside as majority leader.

However, I am sure you already knew that.  blink.gif

Jefferson has not. (been charged with a crime) In case you didnt know.

Jefferson doesnt have to comment because the White House has sealed whatever evidence (if any) that was collected so at the moment it appears he will not face any criminal charge.

The way that Delay did it has some legal grey area, and Judges can interpet law as they see fit. Jefferson did was very stupid. I think that they should both go to jail, as well as much of anyone above the level of city council. But getting the source from a site that is biased is typical of both sides.

YEAH, pretty f*ing grey like a pair of handcuffs, or starring at 7-10 @ club fed.

But, you probably already knew that.  dry.gif

They are both equally guilty.....but Jefferson got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Delay at least tried to cover his ass....he has an excuse(maybe not a good excuse). Jefferson is still trying to figure out how he is going to explain his blatant disregard for the law

Delay is a year away from a guilty verdict, no avoiding it he should call Limbaugh's attorney. Unfortunatly for him Dubya shredded his "white" race card and now his arse is flapping out in the wind.

And not a darn thing is going to happen to Jefferson, becuase money leads back to DUBYA et al.

P.S. Has to be the prettiest mugshot ever.  Dont drop the soap BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!



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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2006, 05:13:00 PM »

Don't hold your breath,  nothing is going to happen Jefferson.  Delay is going to prison.



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Rep. William Jefferson
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2006, 08:36:00 AM »

because jefferson is black - in your world - doesnt that mean that he is automatically going to jail guilty or not?
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