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Author Topic: War Dodgers/american Defectors  (Read 217 times)


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War Dodgers/american Defectors
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2006, 07:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Jun 22 2006, 08:09 AM) View Post

The large international oil companies (Brtish/American) get cheap access to Iraqi oil reserves.

Iraq has the 3rd or 4th largest "known" oil reserves (given the vast majority of the country has not been explored).

Pretty much the upper echelon of the W.H is bought and paid for by big oil interests.

$70.00 barrel of oil = $350.00 of gasoline after refinement.

Wars are fought over resources, not ideology.

That's not exactly what I was asking. I'm asking for exactly who gains access to this cheap oil (you said people were bought and paid for... so you must know they are and who is gaining this access) I'm also asking how they get the oil and when.
Again, I'm really looking for some sort of proof instead of vague generalizations. I can't argue with my friends if I don't have a leg to stand on. Help me out.


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« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2006, 08:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Jun 22 2006, 09:33 AM) View Post

That's not exactly what I was asking. I'm asking for exactly who gains access to this cheap oil (you said people were bought and paid for... so you must know they are and who is gaining this access) I'm also asking how they get the oil and when.
Again, I'm really looking for some sort of proof instead of vague generalizations. I can't argue with my friends if I don't have a leg to stand on. Help me out.


Cock Chaney is ex-CEO. Halliburton has made alot of money out of the $400 billion in no bid/ no competition contracts, fuel deliveries, troop meals. Building malls/infrastructure for troops in Iraq.

Watch the news the Iraq green zone dining hall looks like the white house banquet room. 31 flavors of ice cream.

Fraudaulent charges for "ghost"meals steak dinners.

Cost Plus

Taxpayers gotta love it.


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« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2006, 03:38:00 PM »

One could argue the resource was people. Converting all of those people to their religious belief.


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« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2006, 04:03:00 PM »

also many wars have been claimed to have been about religion, when they are really about land/resources (leaders simply called it a holy war to gain popular support)


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« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2006, 05:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(makaveli91 @ Jun 22 2006, 05:24 PM) View Post

I disagree with this statement.  Most of the worlds wars have been over religious beliefs.  Or started over religious beliefs and ended with something else fueling the war fire.

WHICH ONES!!!!!!!!!!!  dry.gif


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« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2006, 09:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Jun 22 2006, 09:33 AM) View Post


Cock Chaney is ex-CEO. Halliburton has made alot of money out of the $400 billion in no bid/ no competition contracts, fuel deliveries, troop meals. Building malls/infrastructure for troops in Iraq.

Watch the news the Iraq green zone dining hall looks like the white house banquet room. 31 flavors of ice cream.

Fraudaulent charges for "ghost"meals steak dinners.

Cost Plus

Taxpayers gotta love it.

Ok this is all good stuff. Now provide sources.


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« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2006, 06:02:00 AM »

QUOTE(makaveli91 @ Jun 22 2006, 05:24 PM) View Post

I disagree with this statement.  Most of the worlds wars have been over religious beliefs.  Or started over religious beliefs and ended with something else fueling the war fire.

We are still waiting, which ones??


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« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2006, 07:29:00 AM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Jun 27 2006, 07:09 AM) View Post

We are still waiting, which ones??

We are still waiting... where's your sources?


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« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2006, 08:54:00 AM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Jun 27 2006, 09:36 AM) View Post

We are still waiting... where's your sources?

I dont know where you got the impression that I was having a conversation with you.  

Your opinions are yours for a reason.

I am not a scout leader, teacher, or your baby sittter.

You have internet, google, and free will, learn how to debate and do your own research.

You clearly overestimate my desire to "prove" something to YOU.

@makevli 3x I am still waiting on your response.



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« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2006, 10:08:00 AM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Jun 27 2006, 10:01 AM) View Post

I dont know where you got the impression that I was having a conversation with you.

Your opinions are yours for a reason.

I am not a scout leader, teacher, or your baby sittter.

You have internet, google, and free will, learn how to debate and do your own research.

You clearly overestimate my desire to "prove" something to YOU.

@makevli 3x I am still waiting on your response.

You know it's funny that you make all these blind statements and preach them as grail but when asked to provide sources you throw a putdown. That's typical. You were speaking to me as the previous posts reflect. I was either expecting this reaction or for you to post links to a left-wing spin wagon site rather than a credible news source. All you do on here is post slanderous points of view and play partisan politics. It's about time you people stop worrying about what is best for your particular party but what is best for the country. All you do is slam the government for this or that but you never propose what YOU would do. You don't have any ideas you just want to criticize others in hopes that people will believe you and you'll sway their vote in the elections to come.


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« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2006, 11:45:00 AM »

QUOTE(BCfosheezy @ Jun 27 2006, 12:15 PM) View Post

You know it's funny that you make all these blind statements and preach them as grail but when asked to provide sources you throw a putdown. That's typical. You were speaking to me as the previous posts reflect. I was either expecting this reaction or for you to post links to a left-wing spin wagon site rather than a credible news source. All you do on here is post slanderous points of view and play partisan politics. It's about time you people stop worrying about what is best for your particular party but what is best for the country. All you do is slam the government for this or that but you never propose what YOU would do. You don't have any ideas you just want to criticize others in hopes that people will believe you and you'll sway their vote in the elections to come.

Yeah, I came to PNR on xbox-scene to persuade you bunch of cack swabs to vote for party X.

WOW, you figured me out.

You know what I am really Hillary Clinton in disguise.

Would you believe ,I have a Cindy Sheehan tattoo also.

I hate Bill O Reilley.

Michael Moore is my father.

F*ing get a life.

P.S. The name of this thread is war dodgers/defetors. Not argue 5 year old BS with the new prick. Thats been covered on the news, print and blogs 1000X.



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« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2006, 12:09:00 PM »

QUOTE(jha'dhur @ Jun 27 2006, 12:52 PM) View Post

Yeah, I came to PNR on xbox-scene to persuade you bunch of cack swabs to vote for party X.

WOW, you figured me out.

You know what I am really Hillary Clinton in disguise.

Would you believe ,I have a Cindy Sheehan tattoo also.

I hate Bill O Reilley.

Michael Moore is my father.

F*ing get a life.

P.S. The name of this thread is war dodgers/defetors. Not argue 5 year old BS with the new prick. Thats been covered on the news, print and blogs 1000X.

Well it's obvious, if you don't come on here to convince people then you wouldn't spit your bs all over the place? You obviously arleady think the things you do so why post 'em if not for other's benefit? So there's nothing to "figure out".

If there was a line for people needing to get a life no doubt I'd be in it since I'm posting in a Xbox forum discussing politics. I just began posting in this section but I see you've splattered your cockamamy bs and racism throughout. I'm not sure I can see up the get a life line far enough to see where you're at. Everything you discuss has been covered 1000x but yet you still discuss IT. Why now do you decide you're above talking about it? It's probably because in those 1000x before it, the SAME claims you made were made but since there was no PROOF or evidence the argument is mute. If the things you say were factual and able to be proven the people you have implicated would be behind bars. The fact is you're going on blind speculation and you KNOW it. THat's why you can't provide sources for your outlandish claims.


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« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2006, 09:14:00 AM »

QUOTE(makaveli91 @ Jun 27 2006, 10:17 PM) View Post

World War 1.  Source.
World War 2 being a matter of opinion.  It was territorial at the start.  Obviously there would be resources included with territories occupied, but i believe that the initial idea was to take back what was taken from Germany.  I'm not a history buff, I'm not to up on it.  

What about the Palestinians and Israeli relations?  It may not be considered a war in terms of our world war definition or anything.  But its been going on for many years.  It's over religeous beliefs.  The american civil war wasn't over resources.  And i'm sure there are a million other civil wars that were over something stupid other than resources.  

I believe that wars are more a push for power than a push for resources..  But thats my opinion.  
And no offense to anyone, but i do have a life.  I have field training.  I've been IN the field all fucking weekend...  So i have better things to do than sit here and reply to your posts.  I admit that i should have explained my reasons why i said what i said.  It was more of a quick quip than anything.

Your interpretation of the source you provided is lacking.

On June 28, 1914, Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, in Sarajevo. Princip was a member of Young Bosnia, a group whose aims included the unification of the South Slavs and independence from Austria (see also: the Black Hand). The assassination in Sarajevo set into motion a series of fast-moving events that escalated into a full-scale war. However, the reasons behind the conflict are multiple and complex. Historians and political scientists have grappled with this question for nearly a century without reaching a consensus.

This “official” explanation appeared in Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, often referred to as the War Guilt Clause. The argument was based on the fact that Austria attacked Serbia on July 29, 1914 and Germany invaded Belgium on August 3.[2]Thus, the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires were the initial aggressors and therefore, held responsible for the war. German academics such as Fritz Fischer, Imanuel Geiss, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Wolfgang Mommsen and V.R. Berghahn have all promoted this thesis in the post-World War II period. Fischer contended that Germany wanted to control most of Europe or, at the very least, unite it economically through Germany. However, as he points out, diplomatic efforts to do so had often centered around Anglo-Germanic cooperation, not war.

Where does religion come into play?

When you do a search for the word religion on doc there are no hits.

QUOTE(makaveli91 @ Jun 27 2006, 10:17 PM) View Post

What about the Palestinians and Israeli relations?

Simply cowboys and indians, religion is only the rallying cry. We want your land give it to us we buy guns from the americans. If the americans didnt hedge the Eurealis it would be a nonissue, becuase they wouldnt have military advantage.

QUOTE(makaveli91 @ Jun 27 2006, 10:17 PM) View Post

Obviously there would be resources included with territories occupied, but i believe that the initial idea was to take back what was taken from Germany.  I'm not a history buff, I'm not to up on it.  


Land = oil
Land = crops
Land = Uranium
Land = Aluminum
Land = Gold

It's over religeous beliefs.  The american civil war wasn't over resources.  And i'm sure there are a million other civil wars that were over something stupid other than resources.

Funny, I thought american civil war was over slavery economics, Southern economy (mostly US) was based on agricultural industry. The North didnt wasnt wedged in land based economics so abolition wasnt a big decision.

The south decided to leave union, coerced by the British who were still trying to keep hold of Americas.

This replayed today in context of Mexican issue, as well as Asian modern slavery, I buy electronics or whatever from China, Taiwan for $10.00 and sell for $200.00.

Thats why your leaders dont want immigration reform or round up illegals they make to much money from it.  

And you american blue collar middle class financially suffers from new age slavery.

You amuse me with your rhetoric, people dont change or evolve we are still doing the same things they did 1000 years ago only doing them with differing approaches.

You can pull up a bible verse written 2000 years ago and the moral of the story still resonates today.

I believe that wars are more a push for power than a push for resources.. But thats my opinion

You only prove my point regarding the Canadian military, you might want to study military strategy. You cant fight a war with out a supply lines (i.e oil, food, raw materials)

Why do you think the roads from airport in Iraq are so dangerous, they represent the supply lines.

I cant fight when im hungry.

My humvee doesnt run on air.

Bullets dont magically appear.

P.S. I hope you have seen the light regarding illegal orders, given the number of soldiers/marines indicted for murder since you started this "macho" tirade.


John Deadly

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« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2006, 08:00:00 AM »

QUOTE(throwingks @ May 5 2006, 06:37 AM) View Post

I agree with you. But, immediatley 2 people come to mind. Bill Clinton hid-out in Canada so he wasn't drafted to war. And, Muhammed Ali didn't "fight" in a war because it was against his beliefs. People will always cheat the system, and people will always get away with it. Despite what certain nameless people on this board think, there is nothing you can do about it.

you forgot to mention that coward George W Bush who hid out in the national guard to avoid combat, and his coward boyfriend Dick Cheney who got 5 deferments.


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« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2006, 05:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(John Deadly @ Jul 1 2006, 10:07 AM) View Post

you forgot to mention that coward George W Bush who hid out in the national guard to avoid combat, and his coward boyfriend Dick Cheney who got 5 deferments.

Actually, Bush's daddy got him move to a different state/unit when his unit was sent to killing fields, then when that unit got activated he just went awoll.

Chaney and Rumsfield both have more deferements than fingers.

Cundalingus has the biggest balls out of the whole chicken dinner.
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