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Author Topic: Patriot Act And Meth  (Read 310 times)


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2006, 12:20:00 PM »

From what I have read the Patriot Act has been only invoked to shutdown and incarcerate the owner of a Las Vegas strip club, depicted in showgirls. I dont see the correlation between strippers and terroists, maybe weapons of arse destruction.

METH, the NAZI legacy lives on. Still taking white lives as Hitler intended nearly 70 years ago, But since only the hillbilly NAZI want a be's are wasting their teeth  biggrin.gif , and their lives, seems like  poetic justice.

AND who said the universe doesnt have a sense of humor....


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2006, 10:13:00 AM »

i still oppose this in the patriot act but my stance on meth is wavering . . .

One of my best high school friends just got put in jail for crimes committed while on meth.  We actually did meth occasionally (among other things) together in high school.  It blew me away the stuff they said he did.  What a sad waist of a life.  He was incredibly intelligent, got around a 1500 on the SAT's (while tripping on acid!) and got a perfect score on the PSAT.  Now you look at him and there is basically nothing there.    It might be one thing if he was the only one.  But I have a couple friends (actually most of them) from that era in my life that are heading down that same path.  Its very tough for me.  Freedom of choice means so much to me, even when it means your own ruin.  On the other hand, i cant help but wonder what would have happened had he never used drugs at all.  He has made some very sad choices in his life, and he has really hurt a lot of innocent people in the process.

The other thing is that I saw a show on frontline a while back about meth, that really convinced me that meth is something that could truly be eradicated.  Its not like coke, pot, shrooms, etc.  Its something that truly could be made very difficult to get, and therefore very expensive to buy.  Most of the war on drugs seems like bs to me just an endless pit to absorb my tax dollars.  But this is a model of getting rid of a particular drug that has worked in the past (w/ quaaludes), so it could work now. . .


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2006, 03:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Mar 2 2006, 12:20 PM) View Post

i still oppose this in the patriot act but my stance on meth is wavering . . .

One of my best high school friends just got put in jail for crimes committed while on meth.  We actually did meth occasionally (among other things) together in high school.  It blew me away the stuff they said he did.  What a sad waist of a life.  He was incredibly intelligent, got around a 1500 on the SAT's (while tripping on acid!) and got a perfect score on the PSAT.  Now you look at him and there is basically nothing there.    It might be one thing if he was the only one.  But I have a couple friends (actually most of them) from that era in my life that are heading down that same path.  Its very tough for me.  Freedom of choice means so much to me, even when it means your own ruin.  On the other hand, i cant help but wonder what would have happened had he never used drugs at all.  He has made some very sad choices in his life, and he has really hurt a lot of innocent people in the process.

The other thing is that I saw a show on frontline a while back about meth, that really convinced me that meth is something that could truly be eradicated.  Its not like coke, pot, shrooms, etc.  Its something that truly could be made very difficult to get, and therefore very expensive to buy.  Most of the war on drugs seems like bs to me just an endless pit to absorb my tax dollars.  But this is a model of getting rid of a particular drug that has worked in the past (w/ quaaludes), so it could work now. . .

Meth isnt going anywhere there are far to many ways to synthesize this drug, in comparison to x or crack.

I say good ridance. we need a good solution for the dregs of our society. Maybe Dsiney can buy Kentucky and turn into a jungle park.  biggrin.gif


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2006, 03:59:00 PM »

i think instead of the government using money to enforce drug prevention, they should research how to make the drug safer, and less addictive. smile.gif  huh.gif


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2006, 02:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(killerbootsman @ Mar 6 2006, 06:06 PM) View Post

i think instead of the government using money to enforce drug prevention, they should research how to make the drug safer, and less addictive. smile.gif  huh.gif

Yeah they call it Methadone, skillet or the fire either way you get burned.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2006, 02:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(slightly_damp @ Mar 8 2006, 02:33 PM) View Post

^^ But that's a heroin substitute, nothing to do with crystal meth!  blink.gif

"Meth" a done is a heroin substitue, but I am sure you most likely know better than I do.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2006, 04:43:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Mar 6 2006, 05:56 PM) View Post

I say good ridance. we need a good solution for the dregs of our society. Maybe Dsiney can buy Kentucky and turn into a jungle park.  biggrin.gif

Dregs of society?  Did you read damam's latest post?  At all?  He has many friends, good and intelligent people, that wasted their lives on drugs.  One can lead to another.  These people aren't the "dregs" you call them: they are PEOPLE, people that need help like someone with a mental disability needs help.  Do you consider schizophrenics the dregs of society as well, then?
Sure, you can say, "It was their own choice," but I ask you to remember this:
peer pressure can really be a bitch.  
Trust me, I've seen crap happen to good people because their "friends" pressured them into it.
They aren't dregs, they just need help.  Drugs are horrible, and even some strong people can't quit on their own.  


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2006, 01:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Mar 8 2006, 06:50 PM) View Post

Dregs of society?  Did you read damam's latest post?  At all?  He has many friends, good and intelligent people, that wasted their lives on drugs.  One can lead to another.  These people aren't the "dregs" you call them: they are PEOPLE, people that need help like someone with a mental disability needs help.  Do you consider schizophrenics the dregs of society as well, then?
Sure, you can say, "It was their own choice," but I ask you to remember this:
peer pressure can really be a bitch.  
Trust me, I've seen crap happen to good people because their "friends" pressured them into it.
They aren't dregs, they just need help.  Drugs are horrible, and even some strong people can't quit on their own.

War on drugs is biggest fraud since war on iraq.

If you are stupid enough to take illicit narcotics you probably get what you deserve.

Trust me, I've seen crap happen to good people because their "friends" pressured them into it.

WTF is this some after school special, peer pressure is so cliche.

Methamphetamine was made by NAZI's for one reason to ruin european lives, no different from crack and others.

Cigarettes kill, tobacco kills no one puts gun to your head and forces you to smoke/drink/ inhale or suck young cocks(<- PuckSr's case).

Do you consider schizophrenics the dregs of society as well, then?

Are schizophrenics treated with METH??

The leading cause of new HIV infections in this country are IV drug users.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2006, 03:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Mar 9 2006, 02:08 PM) View Post

Methamphetamine was made by NAZI's for one reason to ruin european lives, no different from crack and others.

Methamphetamine was first synthesized in 1919 by Japanese chemist A. Ogata

hitlers personal physician gave him daily injections of methamphetamine, but its doubtful even hitler himself knew what it really was (it was always called a vitamin) and distributed to high ranking SS soldiers to increase their efficiency, it was also given to many allied soldiers as a stimulant, and the japanese used it widely as well

it was considered a "performance enhancer" and was used by the military, it was never intended to ruin lives, quite the opposite, it was supposed to create super-soldiers


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2006, 03:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Mar 9 2006, 05:38 PM) View Post

hitlers personal physician gave him daily injections of methamphetamine, but its doubtful even hitler himself knew what it really was (it was always called a vitamin) and distributed to high ranking SS soldiers to increase their efficiency, it was also given to many allied soldiers as a stimulant, and the japanese used it widely as well

it was considered a "performance enhancer" and was used by the military, it was never intended to ruin lives, quite the opposite, it was supposed to create super-soldiers

Nazis were circulating METH amongst British night scene and undergroung well documented.

Hitler on METH kind of doubt it was he on narcotics yes well documented. Meth probably not.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2006, 03:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Mar 9 2006, 04:51 PM) View Post

Nazis were circulating METH amongst British night scene and undergroung well documented.

Hitler on METH kind of doubt it was he on narcotics yes well documented. Meth probably not.

From 1942, the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler received daily injections of methamphetamine from his personal physician, Dr Theodor Morell. Hitler's ailments have been attributed to everything from tertiary syphilis to Parkinson's disease. But many of The Führer's clinical signs and symptoms may have been caused by his exotic drug regimen.

In Hitler's Wehrmacht, methamphetamine tablets branded as Pervitin were liberally distributed to German fighting troops throughout the War. Amphetamines are "power drugs" that reduce fatigue, heighten aggression, and diminish human warmth and empathy.

they probably gave the narcotics to the british, seriously, why would you give a drug to "reduce fatigue, heighten aggression, and diminish human warmth and empathy" to the enemy? that makes no sense


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2006, 04:27:00 PM »

Hitlers super soldier cocktail did not have much meth in it.  They also mixed it with things like cocain and heroin.  

The war on drugs is bs, but i do believe that meth is a battle that could be taken on with good results.  i do believe that ephedrines and pseodophedrines can be globally policed to a point where meth becomes scarce and the quality is low.  These chemicals are not easy to make, and there are only a handful of chemical companies that make them world wide.  basically making it so that meth would have to be made from ephedra and essentially you would get a low quality product for a high price.  history has shown that as the quality of meth has dropped the number of addicts has dropped as well.  The question is not whether this will work or not, the real question is should we force non-abusers to suffer as well.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2006, 10:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Mar 9 2006, 03:08 PM) View Post

War on drugs is biggest fraud since war on iraq.

If you are stupid enough to take illicit narcotics you probably get what you deserve.

WTF is this some after school special, peer pressure is so cliche.
Cigarettes kill, tobacco kills no one puts gun to your head and forces you to smoke/drink/ inhale

Kids are STUPID.  Trust me, I'm one of them.  Most kids think in the MOMENT, and don't look towards the future.  Once again, a lot of "good" kids do REALLY stupid stuff because it's "cool."
Why care for the future when you can have "fun" now? wink.gif

Are schizophrenics treated with METH??

Nope, and I didn't say that.  Schizophrenics have mental problems, Meth causes the user mental problems.

The leading cause of new HIV infections in this country are IV drug users.

What does this have anything to do with it?


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2006, 08:29:00 AM »

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Mar 9 2006, 06:29 PM) View Post

Kids are STUPID.  Trust me, I'm one of them.  Most kids think in the MOMENT, and don't look towards the future.  Once again, a lot of "good" kids do REALLY stupid stuff because it's "cool."
Why care for the future when you can have "fun" now? wink.gif

its interesting - my husband told me a while back that teenagers tend to have the same brainscans you would expect to see in a fullblown sociopath.  essentially very little, if any, frontal lobe activity or in other words no advanced reasoning skills.  its amazing any of us survive being a teenager, and that columbine is not a weekly occurance.


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Patriot Act And Meth
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2006, 12:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Mar 10 2006, 12:29 AM) View Post

Kids are STUPID.  Trust me, I'm one of them.  Most kids think in the MOMENT, and don't look towards the future.  Once again, a lot of "good" kids do REALLY stupid stuff because it's "cool."
Why care for the future when you can have "fun" now? wink.gif

Nope, and I didn't say that.  Schizophrenics have mental problems, Meth causes the user mental problems.
What does this have anything to do with it?

Kids are STUPID.  Trust me, I'm one of them.

Probably the smartest thing you have said in 2167 posts.

What does this have anything to do with it?

Getting pricked in the arm or the backside is the easiest way to acquire HIV. That should be self explanatory.


QUOTE(CattyKid @ Mar 10 2006, 12:29 AM) View Post

Kids are STUPID.  Trust me, I'm one of them.  Most kids think in the MOMENT, and don't look towards the future.

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