
Author Topic: Bush New Budget Cuts Medicare, Education While Increasing Spending  (Read 62 times)


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Looks like Bush is going to increase spending for defense while cutting spending on Medicare and Education.   Bush and his compadres say if we don't put this much money for defense, there is going to be an imminent terrorist attack.  While quality of life gets worse for Seniors because they do not have proper funds for Medicare.  Americans get dumber because of funds for Education gets cut.  Social programs like getting kids off drugs and cigarrates gets cut or eliminated altogether so that we are 'free' from another terrorist attack.  Sometimes I don't know what this president's priorities are.  Anyways, just my 2 cents.


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Bush New Budget Cuts Medicare, Education While Increasing Spending
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 04:02:00 PM »

After all is said and done Bush will go down in history as one of the most ineffective Presidents in this country's history.
But then again whatever agenda he has plan to make himself $$ that we haven't figured out yet would have been successful and Bush supporters will still be idiots.

Whatever investment plan Bush is using I want.... I would love to see where his money is going and invest some of my own as well, I too would love to get richer as he rapes and pillages our country and others.

My 2 cents