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Author Topic: No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?  (Read 278 times)


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2006, 07:17:00 PM »

The question is when enough is enough.  Before too much longer most games will be restricted on what they can be put in them entirly.  If you ask me, our rights won't be here for too much longer.


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2006, 07:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(Creathir @ Jan 24 2006, 01:53 AM) View Post

You're an idiot...
Porn is not the "number one reason why the Internet is here" (yes, itÂ’s Internet, not internet)

actually, to correct your statement, it was Internet, a year or so ago, but it has now changed to just internet, read it in a news article a year or so back


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2006, 08:15:00 PM »

Now aint this bull shit? Whats next ban the internet? dry.gif
What is going on with ppl, fuck the ppl that made that law must of been a bunch of women or gay men. Porn is one of the best things that has ever happened to e3, dude i wonder what it would be like without babes in there. Just a bunch of nerds huh???


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2006, 09:18:00 PM »

didn't you have to be 18 to attend one of these anyway?

seems like a stupid decision, but then again, I've been hearing a lot of stupid stuff this week  dry.gif


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2006, 10:38:00 PM »

Hey Creathir......

I am respectful of everyone here that has somthing to say about the topic on hand in this forum, but when someone comes along and strait up says i am an idiot, thats being counter productive on the topic on hand...

The whole reason this is a disscution is so people can dissuss there thoughts and opinions on any givin topic. When people who come along and and say things like "your an idiot" and other negitive comments twards an individual that has nothing to do with the topic on hand makes it harder for people with an opinion to step up and be herd....

I can give a shit if you think im an idiot, im only saying this so people become more aware of the fact that there   are people in these forums that attact a persons character insted of there ideas there trying to say....

 wink.gif  wink.gif  wink.gif  wink.gif

C o s m o

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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2006, 07:07:00 AM »

More lame political fallout of a conservative republican administration and congress.


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2006, 08:08:00 AM »

The people who made these rules obviously are gay and they just can't stand to look at beautiful half-naked woman anymore  biggrin.gif


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2006, 08:33:00 AM »

not that i am devestated by this news or anything in that nature . . .

but this does not sound like govt suppression or the "long arm of the law".  this sounds like self regulation of the industry by the industry.

Self regulation is far better than, congress getting involved.


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2006, 08:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(Creathir @ Jan 24 2006, 01:53 AM) View Post

 It is a trade show where serious topics are discussed
 - Creathir

Yeah video games are a serious topic, Creathir.     HAHAHAHAHA  Video Games Suck, The Xbox 1 fully modded with an X3 ControlPanel, Extender Kit, and 3 300 gig HDs, and XBMC dash now thats a somewhat serious topic.

 Comeone Dude, and I see no difference between Internet and internet.     you probably cry when someone sends you an email in all caps.

A real serious topic is Censorship, Dress Code, and the mind control of society.  




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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2006, 08:54:00 AM »

They can blame this on the Hot Coffee mod, but I think it was Penny Arcade that said it best;  You need access to the Internet to download the Hot Coffee Mod for GTA, and if you have the unrestricted access to the Internet, you can access all the porn you want anyway.  No more booth babes at E3?  What will this do to the Waitress/Model/Actress Economy down there?


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2006, 09:58:00 AM »

QUOTE(downlowfunk @ Jan 24 2006, 04:53 PM) View Post

Yeah video games are a serious topic, Creathir.     HAHAHAHAHA  Video Games Suck, The Xbox 1 fully modded with an X3 ControlPanel, Extender Kit, and 3 300 gig HDs, and XBMC dash now thats a somewhat serious topic.

 Comeone Dude, and I see no difference between Internet and internet.     you probably cry when someone sends you an email in all caps.

A real serious topic is Censorship, Dress Code, and the mind control of society.  


LMFAO!   I pretty much listened to what that 2nd or 3rd guy said on the first page... the rule has been in effect for a few years... you may have some big fat biotch higher up in the ranks in terms of administration and perhaps her husband ran off with a need for speed hoe... but reality is, they're probably lax on the rule and nobody is running around like an e3 gone wild... I'm from New Orleans, so I know all about rules that don't apply.. .02 peace


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2006, 10:41:00 AM »

If we're going to be politically correct(which we probably shouldn't) the decision is right. From a swedish perspective it seems rational, but since it's America one could believe it has strong religious morals over it(which then would be the wrong reason). The thing is that videogames don't have anything at all to do with hot chics. And always having the female body as an object for guys where it's not even related makes us having a pretty weird view on the female body. If you think about, I mean REALLY THINK ABOUT IT, how absurd isn't it that there's superhot chics walking in front of formula 1 cars, between boxing rounds, in car shows, videogame booths. It's so natural to us that the only way we would come to question it would be if there started to be hot males(even feels hard to write it) walking around between the rounds in boxing rings or infront of the formula 1 cars(think about it, wouldn't it feel bizarre?). Females are half the population, but they're such pussies(literally) that they don't dare to say stop. What classical female sport do you see male walking around showing their bodies? NONE!!! The human body can be a beautiful tool, but if I want beautiful women I can search the internet for it, I don't need to have it to buy videogames.

We have to start question these things otherwise they become natural to us, like it is now.

Just my two cents


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2006, 01:22:00 PM »

Just a little add to this;

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The video game industry's 2006 E3Expo trade show in Los Angeles is getting a make-over -- banned are the swarms of sexy, semi-clad "booth babes" that in years past took the unveiling of new games and technology to titillating new levels.
Rules prohibiting the use of scantily clad young women to peddle video games are nothing new, but the handbook for this year's show in May outlines tough new penalties, including a $5,000 fine on the spot for the booth owner if the "booth babe" is semi-clad


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2006, 02:59:00 PM »

Yeah, but MS could afford to pay the fine all day long.


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No More Hot Booth Babes at E3?
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2006, 11:14:00 PM »

Last year the RYL girls were wearing some very revealing wear, but on the last day were required to cover up a little more.  I'm pretty sure the rule has been in the previous years, so it shouldn't change too much.  There will be hot booth babes regardless of how skimpy the uniforms may be.   It's no different than the import auto industry or most any other trade shows.  Just because they aren't baring all won't take away from their "hot"ness.     We'll be there one again and I'm sure the babes will too.  See you at e3 06

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