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Author Topic: Iran And The Holocaust  (Read 213 times)


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Iran And The Holocaust
« on: January 15, 2006, 11:52:00 AM »

im sure everyone here has heard that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of iran with the Brotherhood of Muslims in Egypt declared the holocaust to be a myth.  Well now they are planning on holding a conference to present there evidence:


They are encouraging europe and the US to "be sufficiently open-minded to allow a free international debate on the Holocaust."  

I have no problem with discourse, but what do they expect to prove?  That germany has basically been everyones whipping boy for the last 50 years for no good reason?  That the gas that was inhaled was optional?  or maybe even meant to be theraputic?  Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Birkenau all figments of the imagination and were created as postwar propaganda?  

None the less: I will be interested to hear what they have to say.  I admit I am leaning towards the Holocaust actually happened camp.  But if it means closing the debate on this once and for all I am game   pop.gif

While we are on the debate topics: why dont we (the west) debate the muslims claims on the cruasades, the impact, the scientific evidence, etc.  perhaps we can even call into question whether they ever really happened . . .


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2006, 12:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jan 15 2006, 01:59 PM) View Post

im sure everyone here has heard that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of iran with the Brotherhood of Muslims in Egypt declared the holocaust to be a myth.  Well now they are planning on holding a conference to present there evidence:


They are encouraging europe and the US to "be sufficiently open-minded to allow a free international debate on the Holocaust."  

I have no problem with discourse, but what do they expect to prove?  That germany has basically been everyones whipping boy for the last 50 years for no good reason?  That the gas that was inhaled was optional?  or maybe even meant to be theraputic?  Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Birkenau all figments of the imagination and were created as postwar propaganda?  

None the less: I will be interested to hear what they have to say.  I admit I am leaning towards the Holocaust actually happened camp.  But if it means closing the debate on this once and for all I am game   pop.gif

While we are on the debate topics: why dont we (the west) debate the muslims claims on the cruasades, the impact, the scientific evidence, etc.  perhaps we can even call into question whether they ever really happened . . .

The JEWS were the 2nd class citizens of most of Europe.  I myself fail to see the logic in punishing the Palestinians for the Germans and the always forgotten Italians for their crimes against humanity.

It only seems like all the wrong people got what they wanted, the poor europeans "JEWS" exported from most of Europe to the reservation now called Israel, and the Germans nor Italians really truly paid any punitive costs considering 6 million dead.

Why should we concern ourselves with this matter:

1) We dont acknowledge the Native American Holocaust.

2) Or how about the similar extermination of the native australian peoples.

3) I would even  gander to say 6 million pales in comparison to the number of "Afro" peoples that died in the
hundreds of years of N. American slavery alone.

In Summary:

Iran has a nuclear bomb or will very shortly have a Uranium bomb, and I imagine will proceed afterwords with a plutonium device. In translation that means tht the Americans will leave you alone. (i.e India, Pakistan, N. Korea, China).

Would you send you young ones of to die for the Israelis????  ohmy.gif

I WOULD NOT.............


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2006, 03:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 15 2006, 09:03 AM) View Post

The JEWS were the 2nd class citizens of most of Europe.  I myself fail to see the logic in punishing the Palestinians for the Germans and the always forgotten Italians for their crimes against humanity.

Contrary to what your suggesting, the 6 day war was not merely land grab venture by the israelis.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 15 2006, 09:03 AM) View Post

It only seems like all the wrong people got what they wanted, the poor europeans "JEWS" exported from most of Europe to the reservation now called Israel, and the Germans nor Italians really truly paid any punitive costs considering 6 million dead.

the jews got israel despite the best efforts of europe and the US not because of them.  They were not "exported" as you say after the war when the jews tried to flee to israel after the war, they were rounded up and thrown back into the same concentration camps they had been in during the war.  Through 1948 there was a concerted effort by the UN to keep Jews out of what would become the isreali state.  Truman stood alone in america in his support of an israeli state, congress voted against supporting it.  European countries not only endorsed the surrounding countries invasion of the newly declared israeli state in 1948, they helped by provding cover fire, gave arms for the invasion, and instated and enforced an embargo against israel.  The only shred of proof in this arguement that israel is an indian reservation is UN Resolution 181, but no one believed it could last.  They all thought it would be taken out immediately by arab forces (and to help things along they helped them too).  This idea that the israeli state is just a modern day reservation for jews is just completely historically false.  

But you are right in one sense: as horrible as the holocaust is this does not entitle them to special priviledge in any way.  Just as the Native American Holocaust really should not entitle them to special priviledge in any way either.  The difference lies in the fact that the Jews despite the arab world and the UN fought for land, won, and became a sovereign nation.  That gives them the right to the land.  Not the holocost.

If the other arab countries did not have oil, we would not be concerned at all about getting rid or keeping israel.  Countless countries have sprung up and gone down in the meantime doing really really horrible things.  Does any one care about those?  Ohhhh the palestenians, what about the christians in sudan or the Tutsis in Rwanda?   I guess there are no oil rich countries to lobby on their behalf . . . so they get screwed.

But hey lets just re-write history so that none of humanities dark moments ever happened.  Rape of Nanking - gone, holocost gone, slavery gone, etc.  Remembering the events helps us know how we got to the point that we are at and helps us not to go down bad roads in the future.  They want to re-write history so that the holocost never happened.  The only reason why we think that genocide is evil today is because of the holocost.  It fundamentally changed the world in that way.  So with the holocost gone, the merits of genocide can be rediscussed, then we can kill the kurds, tutsis, croats, american natives, etc.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2006, 05:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jan 15 2006, 05:17 PM) View Post

Contrary to what your suggesting, the 6 day war was not merely land grab venture by the israelis.
the jews got israel despite the best efforts of europe and the US not because of them.  They were not "exported" as you say after the war when the jews tried to flee to israel after the war, they were rounded up and thrown back into the same concentration camps they had been in during the war.  Through 1948 there was a concerted effort by the UN to keep Jews out of what would become the isreali state.  Truman stood alone in america in his support of an israeli state, congress voted against supporting it.  European countries not only endorsed the surrounding countries invasion of the newly declared israeli state in 1948, they helped by provding cover fire, gave arms for the invasion, and instated and enforced an embargo against israel.  The only shred of proof in this arguement that israel is an indian reservation is UN Resolution 181, but no one believed it could last.  They all thought it would be taken out immediately by arab forces (and to help things along they helped them too).  This idea that the israeli state is just a modern day reservation for jews is just completely historically false.  

But you are right in one sense: as horrible as the holocaust is this does not entitle them to special priviledge in any way.  Just as the Native American Holocaust really should not entitle them to special priviledge in any way either.  The difference lies in the fact that the Jews despite the arab world and the UN fought for land, won, and became a sovereign nation.  That gives them the right to the land.  Not the holocost.

If the other arab countries did not have oil, we would not be concerned at all about getting rid or keeping israel.  Countless countries have sprung up and gone down in the meantime doing really really horrible things.  Does any one care about those?  Ohhhh the palestenians, what about the christians in sudan or the Tutsis in Rwanda?   I guess there are no oil rich countries to lobby on their behalf . . . so they get screwed.

But hey lets just re-write history so that none of humanities dark moments ever happened.  Rape of Nanking - gone, holocost gone, slavery gone, etc.  Remembering the events helps us know how we got to the point that we are at and helps us not to go down bad roads in the future.  They want to re-write history so that the holocost never happened.  The only reason why we think that genocide is evil today is because of the holocost.  It fundamentally changed the world in that way.  So with the holocost gone, the merits of genocide can be rediscussed, then we can kill the kurds, tutsis, croats, american natives, etc.

You still skirt the issue.

I am refering to post WWII Europe, before the creation of the political state of Isreal.

You seem to imply that land rights are determined by those with the biggest guns which is probably true, but is somewhat unjust.

The Palestinains have occupied that strip of land nearly a 1000 years before english was a spoken language.
Ideally, in a civilized world fighting over land would be outdated. Sorry, if I lend no credibility to the U.N.
When the UN agrees with the US it is wise and worthy, but when it does not they are corrupt and decietful.

Which is it?

I only made the original post because I was somewhat offended by your comments regarding Native Americans.

How long will the Indians talk about how they can never recover because the white man stole there land?

How long will the american people be distracted by "God gave us this land and the ARABS stole it"
Turnabout is fairplay. However I would not make the seem comments regarding Europeans of Jewish faith or any other Jewish nationals. Frankly it is not my business.

When I saw video of the people taking their own lives by jumping from the WTC towers to their death it reminded me of this scene from one of those slave movies when africans jumped from boats with their children in hand to keep from being slaves.  Their are similiar stories in Irish-British conflict, as well as Native-British/French/Spanish and whoever else conflict. And that is only N. America.

I still have not figured it out why Americans are so obsessed with Isreali politics, whether for or against. But display such indifference when the context of the conflict is framed against other ethnic groups.

You yourself stated your disdain for your tax money going to "lazy" americans, is the ideal of building schools in Isreal and not Fla, more appealing. Supporting foreign nationals that do not pay taxes at all but recieve american welfare. At least mexicans do work and live in the US.

That really seems just blatantly bigoted to me. And I am not trying to call you names please forgive but on the surface it seems a little skewed. We can lump mexicans into the debate as well.

The mexicans were in the southwest expelled by Brits and now wish to return, on the surface it appears to be the exact political situation as the Isrealis....


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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2006, 10:53:00 AM »

Germany as a country paid for their sins.  We let the soviets have them.  They came in and raped and pillaged that country.  There are Nazi hunters still hunting doing their job.  I seem to recall that a prison guard from one of the camps was deported recently.  Iran is just stirring up trouble.  I know a man who helped  liberate one of the camps.  He was there and can testify to the atrocities that were committed.  I cannot imagine having witnessed such a thing.


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« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2006, 05:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 15 2006, 01:13 PM) View Post

The Palestinains have occupied that strip of land nearly a 1000 years before english was a spoken language.
Ideally, in a civilized world fighting over land would be outdated. Sorry, if I lend no credibility to the U.N.
When the UN agrees with the US it is wise and worthy, but when it does not they are corrupt and decietful.

Which is it?

The UN is a failed organization.  I have hope that one day they can resume their charter, get some balls, and stop genocide world wide without interests getting in the way.

You still skirt the issue.

The people that call themselves palestenians today did not originally live there.  The people that lived there originally refer to themselves as israeli-arabs, make up 20% of the population, and have full citezenship rights.  The modern palestenians were told by their countries of origin that they could move there and live in jewish houses after the jews had been "pushed into the sea".  It was a way of egypt and jordan primarily to get rid of there undesirables.  So, in good faith, they did.  Then after 25 or so years of war ended and it became clear that israel was not leaving any time soon and israel had over taken the lands where egypt and jordan had sent there undesirables too, they became refugees because none of the original countries wanted them back.   It would be like if the Aboriginals retook australia, and demanded that britain take back all the whities in there settlements, and then britain saying "oh no we dont want them".

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 15 2006, 01:13 PM) View Post

How long will the american people be distracted by "God gave us this land and the ARABS stole it"

Thats not my arguement - but i do agree that many americans do seem to believe that is the case.  Really our military support of israel began as a result of the cold war, Russia backed the arabs heavily providing them with free weapons, soldiers, pilots and training, so JFK backed the israelis by selling them weapons.  Thats why they have our support to this day, and all in all they have been a good allie which is reason enough to support them now.

You yourself stated your disdain for your tax money going to "lazy" americans, is the ideal of building schools in Isreal and not Fla, more appealing. Supporting foreign nationals that do not pay taxes at all but recieve american welfare. At least mexicans do work and live in the US.

That really seems just blatantly bigoted to me. And I am not trying to call you names please forgive but on the surface it seems a little skewed. We can lump mexicans into the debate as well.

we do give a lot to them in terms of foreign aid to them.  abt 85 billion total over the last 50 or so years.  And now that the cold war is over, we should probably start pulling that back.  But thats a pretty straight forward number.  well round it up to roughly 2 billion per year avg.  Now correct me if i am wrong but you seem rather upset by this number.  Now lets compare that to people that are illegally here in the united states.  You mentioned education, a topic i hold very dear, nation wide we spend roughly 2.5 billion educating the children of illegals every year.  this is just one aspect of how illegals are costing us money,  there are many many more.  and no matter how hard they work they still dont pay any taxes that would help to even partially cover those costs.  For example, roughly 50-60 billion annually is sent out of country to help the families of illegals all over the world.  Atleast if they had green cards we could get some of that back in taxes.

I have no problem with legal workers whether they be via green card or citezens.  I dont want to stop legal immigration.  I only have a problem with illegals that are not paying into the system just like everyone else and are still getting the benefits.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 15 2006, 01:13 PM) View Post

The mexicans were in the southwest expelled by Brits and now wish to return, on the surface it appears to be the exact political situation as the Isrealis....

agreed - now all they have to do is fight a war of independence and win.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 03:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 16 2006, 02:13 AM) View Post

The mexicans were in the southwest expelled by Brits and now wish to return, on the surface it appears to be the exact political situation as the Isrealis....

What?  The British had bugger all to do with the southwestern states huh.gif

Anyhow, I believe the discussion that the Iranians wish to hold is merely to stir up anti-semitic feelings in the Middle East again after people's attentions have moved towards the Americans (and British, though they're not really mentioned) in Iraq following its "liberation".  I visited the Middle East recently and the majority of people I met (in Syria and Jordan) are indifferent about Israel - after all, as much as I hate the Isreali state, I must say they have taken steps to grant the Palestinian areas some autonomy recently.


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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2006, 11:03:00 AM »

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remind me of David Koresh in his 'view' of Christianity.  Who knows, we will probably have to get Waco on Iran.


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« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2006, 03:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(jbp20717 @ Jan 18 2006, 05:54 AM) View Post

What?  The British had bugger all to do with the southwestern states huh.gif

Anyhow, I believe the discussion that the Iranians wish to hold is merely to stir up anti-semitic feelings in the Middle East again after people's attentions have moved towards the Americans (and British, though they're not really mentioned) in Iraq following its "liberation".  I visited the Middle East recently and the majority of people I met (in Syria and Jordan) are indifferent about Israel - after all, as much as I hate the Isreali state, I must say they have taken steps to grant the Palestinian areas some autonomy recently.

The region of the US which is now Texas, and Arkansas was once a British slave camp, and eventually a penal colony long before the road to statehood.

The fact that the vast majority of Texans are only three generations removed from probation explains their

But when I say British it is an generalization for the european groups that steal, lie, cheat and thirst for conflict.

Clearer now....


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« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2006, 04:54:00 PM »

The region of the US which is now Texas, and Arkansas was once a British slave camp, and eventually a penal colony long before the road to statehood. you wake up in the morning and decide to be full of shit?  Or are you just so stupid that you cannot help it

To clear up the issue....this is completely historically FALSE

It was a hilarious joke, but completely wrong

If IrishBastard wasnt mentally challenged, he would have at least thought about what he was saying.

Georgia was a penal colony, but the original post referred to the "Southwest".  The British never controlled the Southwestern united states.  

This has to be the most ridiculously stupid post I have ever read on the internet.....EVER.  I cannot even begin to understand the thought process that lead to this insane bit of pseudo-history


Ok...but if we extend British to be-"european groups that steal, lie, cheat and thirst for conflict."

That still doesnt make any sense

Neither Texas or Arkansas were ever a "slave camp" or "penal colony"
So still full of shit

Texas was also never on the "road to statehood"
Just stupid

Did your mom beat you with a stick when you were young?
Strong evidence for the decline of public schools right here
Back on topic

Honestly I wouldnt worry too much about this "debate"

This is an old-hat political trick

If a large portion of your population believes matter how will try to pander to their beliefs.  Do not forget that this guy is an elected official.  Im sure that he is well aware that the holocaust occured, and even if he doesnt really matter.

They arent trying to "launch a campaign of hate", your giving the ignorant masses way too much credit.

Look at the current evolution debate.  Among experts, there is a near unanimous support for evolution.  Among the people there is a strong contention of people who think the world was created by magic.  Even the president thinks that we should "have an open debate about the topic".  Despite the fact that every qualified person thinks that there is no debate, the president is more than willing to pander to those people who believe in magic.

These people arent trying to accomplish anything, except to perpetuate their own ignorance.  The holocaust really doesnt factor into the whole Israeli/Palestenian conflict.  Even if that was the motive for their original arrival,  the Israelis are now there because they believe that they belong in Israel.

Most people who were alive during the holocaust are dead.  Even if we did find out that the holocaust was a big you think that would convince the Israelis to leave?  OF course not, this is just a PM pandering to the ignorant masses....hell he might even be one himself.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2006, 05:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 20 2006, 05:01 PM) View Post you wake up in the morning and decide to be full of shit?  Or are you just so stupid that you cannot help it
To clear up the issue....this is completely historically FALSE

It was a hilarious joke, but completely wrong

If IrishBastard wasnt mentally challenged, he would have at least thought about what he was saying.

Georgia was a penal colony, but the original post referred to the "Southwest".  The British never controlled the Southwestern united states.  

This has to be the most ridiculously stupid post I have ever read on the internet.....EVER.  I cannot even begin to understand the thought process that lead to this insane bit of pseudo-history


Ok...but if we extend British to be-"european groups that steal, lie, cheat and thirst for conflict."

That still doesnt make any sense

Neither Texas or Arkansas were ever a "slave camp" or "penal colony"
So still full of shit

Texas was also never on the "road to statehood"
Just stupid

Did your mom beat you with a stick when you were young?
Strong evidence for the decline of public schools right here
Back on topic

Honestly I wouldnt worry too much about this "debate"

This is an old-hat political trick

If a large portion of your population believes matter how will try to pander to their beliefs.  Do not forget that this guy is an elected official.  Im sure that he is well aware that the holocaust occured, and even if he doesnt really matter.

They arent trying to "launch a campaign of hate", your giving the ignorant masses way too much credit.
Look at the current evolution debate.  Among experts, there is a near unanimous support for evolution.  Among the people there is a strong contention of people who think the world was created by magic.  Even the president thinks that we should "have an open debate about the topic".  Despite the fact that every qualified person thinks that there is no debate, the president is more than willing to pander to those people who believe in magic.

These people arent trying to accomplish anything, except to perpetuate their own ignorance.  The holocaust really doesnt factor into the whole Israeli/Palestenian conflict.  Even if that was the motive for their original arrival,  the Israelis are now there because they believe that they belong in Israel.

Most people who were alive during the holocaust are dead.  Even if we did find out that the holocaust was a big you think that would convince the Israelis to leave?  OF course not, this is just a PM pandering to the ignorant masses....hell he might even be one himself.

Look at me... I'm the shut in who smells like Everquest and Pleather
Blah Blah Blah .... Blah Blah Blah..... I like to read my own long winded unnecessary posts .... Blah Blah Blah .... beat me with a riding crop just like daddy did .... Blah Bliggity Blah


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 06:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(bluedeath @ Jan 20 2006, 07:33 PM) View Post

Look at me... I'm the shut in who smells like Everquest and Pleather
Blah Blah Blah .... Blah Blah Blah..... I like to read my own long winded unnecessary posts .... Blah Blah Blah .... beat me with a riding crop just like daddy did .... Blah Bliggity Blah

Not that I bothered to read all of that bs either he has a HSDEMONZ complex, I wonder will he publish his manifesto of all the little boys that have sat in his lap.

Quick search:

The British used North America as a Penal Colony through the system of indentured servants. Convicts would be transported by private sector merchants and auctioned off to plantation owners upon arrival in the colonies. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were banished to colonial America, representing perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the eighteenth century.

Penal Colonies



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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2006, 09:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 20 2006, 08:23 PM) View Post

Not that I bothered to read all of that bs either he has a HSDEMONZ complex, I wonder will he publish his manifesto of all the little boys that have sat in his lap.

Quick search:

The British used North America as a Penal Colony through the system of indentured servants. Convicts would be transported by private sector merchants and auctioned off to plantation owners upon arrival in the colonies. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were banished to colonial America, representing perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the eighteenth century.

Penal Colonies

Ok, what I got from the article is that the criminals were exported to the US not as criminals but almost as slaves. They were auctioned off? Sounds like a form of slavery, the plantation owners got workers for next to nothing and Britain thinned its criminal population, it makes no mention of Texas specifically. Anyways, wasnt Texas controlled by Mexico at the time? We took over Texas after our expanding thirst for territory and it became a state in 1845 although a territory some time before that.


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« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2006, 09:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 20 2006, 09:42 PM) View Post

I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal. I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.  I want to kill everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal.

Dude stop chanting.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2006, 11:50:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 21 2006, 04:06 AM) View Post

what is this childish obsession with getting the last word?

I nailed your ass to the wall....i have proven Xmedia, IrishBastard, and bluedeath wrong so many times that it is laughable

So your big deal....everyone is wrong sometimes....just be the bigger man and realize your mistake...grow and be a better person....dont remain angry and bitter just because of your ignorance

Focus the same energy that you are currently using to be childish and instead try to actually go learn the lesson I have just taught.  If you let anger blind you, then you will only digress.

Do everyone a favor get a real life.

Are you going to stalk me now like you did X, adding your gay catholic alter boy charm to every topic.

Focus the same energy that you are currently using to be childish and instead try to actually go learn the lesson I have just taught.  If you let anger blind you, then you will only digress.

The pot calling the kettle black.

Everything is always about you.  laugh.gif
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