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Author Topic: Why Are You Racist?  (Read 413 times)


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Why Are You Racist?
« on: January 01, 2006, 12:22:00 AM »

Okay.  First of all, I would like to keep this as intelligent as possible.  So, only say something if you think your belief(s) are well founded.
I know that there are at least some racists on X-S (this is not meant to be an accusation of any person in particular, just that in my time here, I have seen my share of racist posts).  I'm not sure if they check this forum in particular, but if they do I would like to know something:
What causes you to believe the things that you do/have the general opinions on a group or groups of people that you do?  I have often wondered at this question.

Please, intelligent conversation only.  Thank you.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 09:15:00 AM »

I too have heard racist comments and ignorance... what makes some of you.. hate people like me? This is not limited to Blacks but also hispanics, arabs, jews, etc.....

please pray tell.

It's funny, I date a white woman, best friend is jew, and one of my mentors is from the Middle east...though I may crack jokes in person about religion and race about others and myself... I don't find myself racist or a biggot at all... kind of hard to be in my shoes.....

Thanks for a great conversation starter Catty


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2006, 09:42:00 AM »

Many many run ins with certain groups of people (not gona mention any colours here).. so I guess I now subconsciously no longer trust them  unsure.gif

Resentment of other people coming to this country then not working - I aknowledge that it isnt everyone, but there are a handful who make the rest look bad, so I can understand why people who have lived and worked in england all their lives dont like the idea of immigrants being able to turn up and have pensions, benefits, housing etc handed to them.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2006, 10:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(melongstrike @ Jan 1 2006, 11:22 AM) View Post

though I may crack jokes in person about religion and race about others and myself... I don't find myself racist or a biggot at all... kind of hard to be in my shoes.....

I think we all do, but it's in the presence of people we know and who know that we're kidding.

As to silentscream, I'd have to agree with you as well, except for me it's anyone in my country (US) that just mooches off the system.  It bugs me to see people working hard and me paying taxes (even 15 year old pay taxes when they work), and then see people not have jobs for extended period of time but receive SO many benefits.  And this is allowed to continuen by our government.

I'd like to open this topic up a little more:
Not juust racism, but ANY prejudice.  Race, religion, sex, anything you want.  Enlighten me.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2006, 11:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(Silentscream__ @ Jan 1 2006, 11:49 AM) View Post

Many many run ins with certain groups of people (not gona mention any colours here).. so I guess I now subconsciously no longer trust them  unsure.gif

Resentment of other people coming to this country then not working - I aknowledge that it isnt everyone, but there are a handful who make the rest look bad, so I can understand why people who have lived and worked in england all their lives dont like the idea of immigrants being able to turn up and have pensions, benefits, housing etc handed to them.

I very often wonder what if anything productive comes out of England. Please dont take this as a personal attack but while we are all about to inject a wide variety of racial, and ethnic stereotypes to complain of those we dont like at the moment. I cant help but see the British sitting atop the list of social/political leeches.

What tangible goods come from the small island of Britian. The wealth that Britian has accumalated is from war profiteering and subversion. Pretty much everywhere your people have gone they have had to be forceably expelled.

Hitler illustrated to the world that England is barely even capable of feeding itself. In many respects the US is heading down that same path England knows oh so well.

Resentment of other people coming to this country then not working - I aknowledge that it isnt everyone, but there are a handful who make the rest look bad, so I can understand why people who have lived and worked in england all their lives dont like the idea of immigrants being able to turn up and have pensions, benefits, housing etc handed to them.

The attitude you exhibiting is rooted in just plain resentment or jealousy. I really dont see much how what happens in another mans home is any of my concern.

but there are a handful who make the rest look bad,

This doesnt speak well to your IQ, which is an indicator of your a) lack of maturity cool.gif finacial status. I would think now in 2006 we could get past the you make your people look bad "race card"

Many many run ins with certain groups of people (not gona mention any colours here).. so I guess I now subconsciously no longer trust them

 laugh.gif  You do know that there are 6 billion some odd people on the face of the earth..

Please, intelligent conversation only. Thank you.

It always amazes me when teenagers attempt to have intelligent dialouge, about subject matter most are only acquainted with via TV.

Is your future dictated by racial and social stereotypes?

Why is it mostly peoples of modest means are so obsessed with RACE and RELIGION?


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2006, 11:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 1 2006, 01:23 PM) View Post

It always amazes me when teenagers attempt to have intelligent dialouge, about subject matter most are only acquainted with via TV.

Is your future dictated by racial and social stereotypes?

Why is it mostly peoples of modest means are so obsessed with RACE and RELIGION?

Via TV, huh?  I live in a probably 90% white school, and always hear "Stupid niggers," and such and it pisses me off.  But would never ask someone I know (small school) why they hate some of the groups of people they do.
And my future is dictated by me.
I am simply trying to understand WHY people think the ways they do, not just that they think a certain way.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2006, 05:36:00 PM »

I think a lot of the time it comes from the way people were brought up.  I remember one time when I was little, I was visiting my grandparents.  When sitting the car driving through town (they lived in a rural area) we passed a park with a playground, and I said something like "grandma I want to play at the park" to which the response was, "no, thats where the nigger kids play".  I imagine if you hear that enough times growing up, it kinda sinks in, and there is no rational reasoning behind it.
People also make sweeping generalizations, and are incredibly ignorant, ie: blaming all arabs or muslims for terrorists attacks.  Someone who gets carjacked by a black guy, or mexican, may put the entire race in the category of "Criminals"


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2006, 06:01:00 PM »

I think it all depends in how people are raised both in family and school talks.
I went to a private catholic high school which I believe is the best in the California Silicon Valley Area called Sacred Heart Preparatory.
Racism was obviously not allowed on campus, but talks about it where always present.
We had many speakers over the 4 years that talked to the whole campus of only ~500 students about Racism and that really helped people develop a good sense of what is right when regarding different groups of people.
Those speakers were always chosen by the main leaders of the school and I have to say their teachings really got onto your mind when you listened to them.
I also took classes that were related to diversity throughout my studies and that helped me more to understand these issues.
Overall, I think the reason people are racist is because of ignorance which becomes visible once you study about diversity and other racial related issues.  This is mostly due to that most people are not raised in like my area and are not able to attend a high school like mine because of grades or economic reasons since it was like $23,000 my senior year.
Anyhow, the lack of wise racial education in public and other schools is what makes most people ignorant to just simply be racist and not understand other groups of people.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2006, 06:54:00 PM »

i alwyas think its fnny how the mainly white schools have all kinds of seminars on racism and diversity classes and all that

personally, my HS was 85% black, 10% latino, 3% white and 2% other, i have as much reason to be racist as anyone, but then again im smart enough to realize the guy in the doo rag with his pants around his knees telling me how he runs this bitch isnt representative of everyone with his particular skin color

but then again racism kinda helped me out in HS too, lol, my freshman year was the year of the first widely reported school shooting (i dont remmeber where it was, but some kid pulled a fire alarm and shot peopel as they came out of the school) so everyone there thought i was gonna do it next (me being short skinny white kid who never talks to anyone) so they pretty much stayed out of my way for the next 4 years


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2006, 09:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Jan 2 2006, 09:01 PM) View Post

personally, my HS was 85% black, 10% latino, 3% white and 2% other, i have as much reason to be racist as anyone, but then again im smart enough to realize the guy in the doo rag with his pants around his knees telling me how he runs this bitch isnt representative of everyone with his particular skin color

That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2006, 10:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Jan 2 2006, 06:01 PM) View Post

i alwyas think its fnny how the mainly white schools have all kinds of seminars on racism and diversity classes and all that

Yes, it is funny but it actually helps to get people to get along with each other like in my school.
I have also lived and visited several countries in order to expand my views on them and understand their cultures.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2006, 12:37:00 AM »

Man, oh man, where to begin???

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 1 2006, 01:23 PM) View Post

What tangible goods come from the small island of Britain.

For starters, England ranks as the 13th largest oil producer in the world, among producing other innovative and domestically developed technologies such as automobiles, world leading pharmaceuticals,  steel, aircraft, ship building, banking and insurance services, the list goes on and on.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 1 2006, 01:23 PM) View Post

The wealth that Britain has accumulated is from war profiteering and subversion.

Ya, what nation hasn’t gained their wealth in such a manner, European or not. Though, it's a bit more accurate to say that the English secured their Global Enterprising ventures with the aid of an exceptionally well developed domestic Military.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 1 2006, 01:23 PM) View Post

Pretty much everywhere your people have gone they have had to be forceably expelled.

Please, elaborate on this so-called point. About the only region of the world I can think that the English were forcibly expelled was North America, and that was by their own brethren. They may have been defeated trying to gain some lands, but for the most part were overwhelmingly victorious. Other than that, the English left all the lands they colonized amicably or relinquished control in agreement with U.N. resolutions.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 1 2006, 01:23 PM) View Post

Hitler illustrated to the world that England is barely even capable of feeding itself.

How exactly did Hitler illustrate this? The Nazi's conquered outlying Countries, annexed their militaries and used that combined force to try and defeat England, and guess what, with all those resources they still failed. Not bad for a tiny island nation.

With that said, as for the racist question, well that will always play a part in humanity. That’s the price we pay for cognitive thought. Were all born with the ability to think in a unique manner, and as long as there is thought there will be opposing opinions. If it’s not race, then its religion, or government, or class, or breeding. There will always be some ideal in which we separate from some and identify with others. The best we can hope for is to simply find a peaceful way to coexist.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2006, 09:40:00 AM »

I went to a school which was 80% white (probably) and 10% native american. Peaceful and loving they were not. Now I can't really say anything against them since the government did screw them out of some land, and even shot one of them when they were trying to take their land back (with force.) After all of the years of generation after generation of natives telling their kids about "those damn honkeys" would make anyone racist.

I think that most racism stems from frustration of the false feeling of being trapped.  Most people i know that scape goat do so because they were told they cannot succeed because X race (or group) is somehow suppressing them.  How long will the Indians talk about how they can never recover because the white man stole there land?  Meanwhile, some indians who have already broken from their own personal prisons are doing quite well for themselves.  Similar parallels can be said for blacks, whites, hispanics, etc.  While the claims have had legitimacy in the past, their has never been more opportunity in america for all of its citizens than their is today.  

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Jan 1 2006, 06:42 AM) View Post
. . . except for me it's anyone in my country (US) that just mooches off the system.  It bugs me to see people working hard and me paying taxes (even 15 year old pay taxes when they work), and then see people not have jobs for extended period of time but receive SO many benefits.  And this is allowed to continuen by our government.

It bugs me as well however, it bugs me far far far less when my taxes take care of legal full fledged residents (ie Americans of all races, creeds, etc) then illegal aliens.


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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2006, 12:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(CattyKid @ Jan 1 2006, 08:29 PM) View Post

I live in a probably 90% white school, and always hear "Stupid niggers," and such and it pisses me off.  

I don't know why such a comment pisses you off, they call them selves niggers all the time.  If they want to be known as niggers then so be it.  I find bounty more offending then nigger, but hey thats me.


Not all blacks call themselves that.




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Why Are You Racist?
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2006, 01:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(Arvarden @ Jan 3 2006, 02:12 PM) View Post

I don't know why such a comment pisses you off, they call them selves niggers all the time.  If they want to be known as niggers then so be it.  I find bounty more offending then nigger, but hey thats me.


Not all blacks call themselves that.

It may sound funny, but it's not necessarily that they use the word nigger, it's the way they use it and the conversations they use it in.

For example (excuse the language):
"Fuckin' dirty niggers ruining our school.  They should go back to (city we are a suburb of with large black population)."
In a conversation like this, you can tell the person is truly pissed off at blacks for, as they put it, "Ruining the school."
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