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Author Topic: Stan Tookie Williams Executed..  (Read 375 times)


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2005, 04:17:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Dec 14 2005, 06:21 AM) View Post

But the Catholic church is.

I think you give a group of street hoodlums that mostly cant spell read or write far too much credit.

Let Me get this right.

3) KKK
4) N.O.I
5) MOB
6) Trench Coat Mafia
7) Taliban

Did I pretty much get the pecking order correct.  blink.gif

Actually Im not really giving the crips any credit. I'm simply pointing out they're not an organization that is a credit to society and to act like they're anything but that is foolish. As far as Tookie, I don't care that he started the crips. He was put to death because he brutally murdered 4 people, period. Nothing to do with Crips, or religions, or race, or anything else for that matter. Trying to discuss any of that when disuccing the case is merely clouding the simple fact that he committed a crime for which capital punishment is ultimate repercussion. They killed him.


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2005, 09:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 14 2005, 06:12 PM) View Post

Yeah, and OJ was one of the best running backs in the NFL who broke countless records.  I know 10 year old kids that are black belts in Tae Qwon Do.  Do you think that Reggie Bush could kill them?  Damn conspiracy theories are all full of shit.
How come every time someone discusses the death penalty i hear the following topics?
1.  Cost of prison life
2.  The inhumanity of killing prisoners
3.  Relgion(both positive and negative)

None of these issues really matter.  If you are deciding who lives and who dies based on money, then perhaps your a bigger fan of "A Modest Proposal" than justice.

Putting men in prison is inhumane.  Depriving them of their families and their lives is inhumane.  Punishment is inhumane, but it is necessary.

Religion is meaningless, since it negates itself by attacking and condoning the death penalty.

Some better topics:
1.  Does it deter crime?
2.  Is it necessary?
3.  Are we allowing the accused a fair chance to defend their lives?

But what kind of shallow bastards would rather have an innocent man die, rather than pay a lil money to keep him alive?

You ever hear of Earl Campbell, Mr Texas, from old Houston Oilers you should see him now he can barely walk. A running back is lucky if he plays 8 seasons in NFL that is tenure.

Reggie Bush is a 21 year old boy like you, OJ is an old man.

Yeah, and OJ was one of the best running backs in the NFL who broke countless records.  I know 10 year old kids that are black belts in Tae Qwon Do.  Do you think that Reggie Bush could kill them?  Damn conspiracy theories are all full of shit.

Yeah like nearly 30 years ago.

OJ was covering up for his kid, who killed the bimbo.

1) The news didnt report on the 2nd pair of bloody footprints at the scene over bodies.
2)  Nor the distrurbing letter found in sons storage rental years later.
3) Nor that the lead detective took key evidence being blood samples placed in his pocket and
    disappeared with samples.
4) Blood discovered at crime scene that was OJ had preservative in it as if it had been drawn and stored in


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2005, 11:19:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 14 2005, 11:19 PM) View Post


OJ was covering up for his son?
but the blood had preservatives in it?
Why?  DNA can be extracted from non-preserved blood

The point of my "OJ is a football legend"? OJ was not the average old man, and Ron Goldman was not the "martial arts superstar" that you think.

I'm sorry dude but I cannot take any of your posts seriously.  You sit here and post acting human and the only thing I see is you depicting yourself as a 50's housewife in one of your "alternative lifestyle" forums.  You have no credibility you sick twisted freak.  Go away to your little boy bondage forum or the bestiality forum or that other one that dealt with you dressing up as a 50's housewife.  You have been a bad monkey George now go back to your cage.



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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2005, 05:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 15 2005, 12:19 AM) View Post


OJ was covering up for his son?
but the blood had preservatives in it?
Why?  DNA can be extracted from non-preserved blood

The point of my "OJ is a football legend"? OJ was not the average old man, and Ron Goldman was not the "martial arts superstar" that you think.

Blood circulating in your body, does not have preservatives in it.

Blood taken by a med tech and placed in a vial will have preservatives in it.(the yellow stuff at the buttom of the test tube)

Now, if blood left at the scene came directly from the body of a donor it would not have preservatives in it.

The point of my "OJ is a football legend"? OJ was not the average old man, and Ron Goldman was not the "martial arts superstar" that you think.

Well Georgie, maybe a 5-10, 170 lbs 50 year old black guy with a swiss army knife could give you a run for your money, but I really dont think that OJ would stand a chance in my front yard.

I'm sorry dude but I cannot take any of your posts seriously. You sit here and post acting human and the only thing I see is you depicting yourself as a 50's housewife in one of your "alternative lifestyle" forums. You have no credibility you sick twisted freak. Go away to your little boy bondage forum or the bestiality forum or that other one that dealt with you dressing up as a 50's housewife. You have been a bad monkey George now go back to your cage.

LOL  laugh.gif



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« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2005, 09:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(melongstrike @ Dec 14 2005, 06:22 PM) View Post

and it's probably blind to wealth status too huh?

Yet another person off at the races to post and spew forth their ignorance. I am guessing you are realy young maybe middle or high school and obviously don't know what the fuck your talking about... Not a knock down to any young peron here middle/high school this guy is obviously misinformed.

Moving on. many others including another gangster Sammy the Bull was spared the death penalty and you all know the shit he has done....

I couldn't give to shits about Tookie, he was in jail and can't hurt me....I am also a bit torn on the death penalty but if you are going to use the death sentence use it for everyone who deserves, no strings attached no deviations, don't spare those who rat out their boss and former freinds for a plea deal.

And asshole... Killing someone isn't justice.. it's called revenge please pick up a book and put down the gameboy before you share your 1 way point of views.

You took words right out of my mouth.

This is the reason I dont believe in death penalty.

Simple, make prison hell on earth.


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2005, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 15 2005, 12:50 PM) View Post

****OJ Simpson*****

The blood at the scene had preservatives in it....???  care to tell me where you found this information
OJ was covering up for his son....If OJ is covering up for his son, then who planted OJ's blood?  
His son?  Then his son is framing him
The police?  Are they covering up for the son too?
Police officer disappeared with evidence?
Then either it was ever more evidence against OJ that he didnt want to "plant", or it was evidence against someone else.....
Why did the police want to frame OJ.....because they were racist?
OJ's son was black too....why not just put him in jail?

Basically....every conspiracy theory revolves around 2 things
1.  Bullshit, lies, falsified information, and general crap
2.  Some strangely motivated, and highly organized plot against someone.  That apparently assumes that some grand form of deception is taking place with thousands of conspirators.

PS.  OJ was 6'1" and almost 200 lbs

8. On July 3, 1994, twenty days after Andrea Mazzola collected
the degraded bloodstains from Bundy, Dennis Fung collected a
bloodstain from the back gate. This bloodstain, exposed to an
environment of 80°F days and 50°F nights, with the likely
deposition of dew, was NOT degraded. According to California
Department of Justice Criminalist Gary Sims, more than half of
the DNA collected at Bundy was contained in this single stain.
The blood in this stain contained the anticoagulant EDTA. Sims
also testified that when he received the bindled blood swatches,
their substrate controls did not accompany them. He had to
request that they be sent to him. For them to serve their
purpose, the handling of the substrate controls must be identical
to that of their corresponding blood swatches.

9. Detective Vannatter carried O. J. Simpson's reference blood
sample from LAPD's Parker Center, not upstairs where it could
have been booked, and not a few blocks away to Piper Tech where
it could be booked at SID's evidence control unit, but to Mr.
Simpson's North Rockingham Avenue estate.
The defense asserted
that 1.5 ml of Mr. Simpson's blood was missing from the
purple-top tube. The only evidence to the contrary was Nurse
Thano Paratis' UNSWORN videotaped statement repudiating his
twice-sworn testimony. (It is a powerful inference that
Detective Vannatter stole the 1.5 ml of Mr. Simpson's reference
blood sample and planted some of it on the back gate at Bundy -
accounting for the presence of EDTA, and the abundance of DNA
found there.


There was a segment on CNN on this topic just months ago on 10th anniversary, that presents strong evidence tying his son to crime. Do a search there is tons of info on subject.

PS. OJ was 6'1" and almost 200 lbs

He still would not have killed me with a swiss army pocket knife after I studied martial arts for 10 years or however long.

OJ's son was black too....why not just put him in jail?

His son wasnt banging the crack head


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2005, 08:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 14 2005, 04:12 PM) View Post

Yeah, and OJ was one of the best running backs in the NFL who broke countless records.  I know 10 year old kids that are black belts in Tae Qwon Do.  Do you think that Reggie Bush could kill them?  Damn conspiracy theories are all full of shit.
How come every time someone discusses the death penalty i hear the following topics?
1.  Cost of prison life
2.  The inhumanity of killing prisoners
3.  Relgion(both positive and negative)

None of these issues really matter.  If you are deciding who lives and who dies based on money, then perhaps your a bigger fan of "A Modest Proposal" than justice.

Putting men in prison is inhumane.  Depriving them of their families and their lives is inhumane.  Punishment is inhumane, but it is necessary.

Religion is meaningless, since it negates itself by attacking and condoning the death penalty.

Some better topics:
1.  Does it deter crime?
2.  Is it necessary?
3.  Are we allowing the accused a fair chance to defend their lives?

But what kind of shallow bastards would rather have an innocent man die, rather than pay a lil money to keep him alive?
What? Come on... Money doesn't matter. Get over it. Money matters.

And, no it the death penalty does not deter crime. It actually raises the stakes for the crazies. They like it more. It is not inhumane to put someone in jail. I have no idea where you got your facts but it is much more humane than eye for an eye.

Incarceration serves 2 purposes. Rehabilitation, and keeping those sick bastards off the streets from hurting more innocent people. What is more inhumane? Incarceration, or letting them kill again where the victims families never see their loved ones again.


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2005, 08:35:00 PM »

some people simply cannot be rehabilitated, and in fact i say its christian tradition that leads to the belief that there is hope for anyone and everyone, but thats simply not true

now, given that some cannot be rehabilitated, that leaves only your other option, keeping them away from other people, well, death does that too, and it also doesnt cost the taxpayers (including his victims) money year after year

do i feel the death penalty is wrong? perhaps, i have mixed feelings

do i feel it is necessary? yes, it certainly is

as for oj, your saying his blood was planted to cover for his sons blood? given dna technology of the time, its probable that his sons blood would have yeilded the same data as his own (which is why it was so difficult for them to get it admitted as evidence, it was impossible to distinguish between immediate family members) planting blood was pointless, they could have pinned it oj even with his sons blood


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2005, 09:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Dec 15 2005, 10:42 PM) View Post

as for oj, your saying his blood was planted to cover for his sons blood? given dna technology of the time, its probable that his sons blood would have yeilded the same data as his own (which is why it was so difficult for them to get it admitted as evidence, it was impossible to distinguish between immediate family members) planting blood was pointless, they could have pinned it oj even with his sons blood

as for OJ, your saying his blood was planted to cover for his sons blood?

I am not saying anything, I am just presenting the facts, but when did facts matter anyway. Since you still dont address the preservative found in the blood samples.  

they could have pinned it oj even with his sons blood

That is simply not true. Genome sequence is a copy from father to son, but OJ's DNA and his sons DNA would not be a complete match. The maternal portion would differ. Only identical twins have same DNA.

it was impossible to distinguish between immediate family members

Not true, in early 90's.

they could have pinned it oj even with his sons blood

Since he is in Fla, and not in prison you are mistaken.



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« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2005, 06:52:00 PM »

So OJ killing his wife effects the outcome of the Tookie Williams execution how?


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« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2005, 01:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 16 2005, 04:12 PM) View Post

Ok...using your logic...lets start killing off all of the people who are a drag on the economy.  
Those on welfare for extended periods of time=kill them.  
Stupid people who are not capable of physical labor=kill them
Those with mental or physical disabilities=kill them
The old=kill them

Now that would probably make everyone's life a little easier, but to kill that many people we are going to need a simple way to dispose of them.  What do you think about using gas chambers and cremation?

So...all in all, maybe money doesnt matter that much
Well, for all i know you pulled the preservative in the blood fact out of your ass.  Or maybe someone put the preservatives in there during the whole lab transfer of physical evidence.

All i am pointing out is that 2 of your facts seem to conflict heavily with each other without any logical maybe they are more mundane that you are assuming
You are wrong. Apparently, others agree with me because the laws are intact. This is in no way related to the holocaust. The people that should be killed, under law, are the ones who under due process of appeals, and found guilty by a group of their peers, to be in no way capable of being rehabilitated and be nothing but a drain on society. That is the way it is set up. This isn't Judge Dread. It is a system in place that would rather let 10 guilty men go free than imprison 1 innocent man. Death Penalty cases go to the supreme court. They are not decided by Judge Judy. They are decided by the people that are appointed by the most respected man in America at that time. The President. You are 100% off in facts. Tookie spent a long time in jail appealing many times. And, lost everytime. That means beyond reasonable doubt his peers thought he should be executed. I have never seen an old person mentally ill person put to death. Dr. Kavorkian tried. It didn't pass.


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2005, 11:59:00 AM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Dec 16 2005, 12:12 PM) View Post

Ok...using your logic...lets start killing off all of the people who are a drag on the economy.  
Those on welfare for extended periods of time=kill them.  
Stupid people who are not capable of physical labor=kill them
Those with mental or physical disabilities=kill them
The old=kill them

Now that would probably make everyone's life a little easier, but to kill that many people we are going to need a simple way to dispose of them.  What do you think about using gas chambers and cremation?

Why wait for them to get to the point where gas chambers are necessary, lets just create more abortion clinics dry.gif


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« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2005, 05:31:00 PM »

Please.  Eugenics is the future.  Why else would we spend billions upon billions on human germ cell DNA manipulation research.  Attach it to a nasty virus like the one we keep hearing about (the boogeyman bird flu that is going to magically mutate) and within a year or two all the undesirables are sterilized or modified to specification.


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2005, 12:09:00 AM »


I was wondering what took Bill so long to ban puckSR. For the entertainment value y’all might be interested in learning a little more about him…


ROFLMAO! It just doesn’t get better than this.

Comment by DaveScot — December 1, 2005 @ 3:41 am

I, for one, am glad to see puckSr off the blog. He seemed to have an axe to grind, had a hard time expressing himself, and didn’t have much to add. I think it’s a service to all of those who, though opposed to ID, have something substantial to contribute.

This is hilarious

From PUCKSR's profile on one of those deviant websites (The link is listed in the first quote above).

Anal sex , Anal plugs (small) , Anal plugs (large) , Anal plug (public, under clothes) , Animal roles , Auctioned for charity , Ball stretching , Bathroom use control , Beating (soft) , Blindfolds , Being serviced (sexual) , Being bitten , Bondage (light) , Bondage (heavy) , Bondage (multi-day) , Bondage (public, under clothing) , Cages (locked inside of) , Cattle prod (electrical toy) , Cells/Closets (locked inside of) , Chains , Chastity belts (short term) , Clothespins , Collars (worn in private) , Collars (worn in public) , Cuffs (leather) , Cuffs (metal) , Dildoes , Electricity , Enemas (for cleansing) , Enemas (retention/punishment) , Examinations (physical) , Exercise (forced/required) , Exhibitionism (friends) , Exhibitionism (strangers) , Eye contact restrictions , Flame play , Following orders , Food play (cucumbers, sorbet...) , Forced masturbation , Forced nudity (private) , Forced nudity (around others) , Forced servitude , Hair pulling , Hand jobs (receiving) , Having food chosen for you , Having clothing chosen for you , Head (recv fellatio/cunnilingus) , Hot oils (on genitals) , Hot waxing , Human puppy dog , Humiliation (private) , Humiliation (public) , Mouth bits , Name change (for scene) , Name change (legal, permanent) , Orgasm control , Pain (mild) , Piercing (temporary, play-pierce) , Piercing (permanent) , Pony slave , Restrictive rules on behavior , Serving as art , Serving as furniture , Shaving (body hair) , Shaving (genital hair) , Shaving (head hair) , Speech restrictions (when, what) , Strap-on-dildos (penetrated by) , TENS Unit (electrical toy)


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Stan Tookie Williams Executed..
« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2005, 11:02:00 AM »

Wow I did not expect that little underhanded stunt I pulled to be anything more than a coincidence. This is one of those moments where one of the voices in my head who sounds like Lewis Black says ...

"He admitted it. Well what the hell do we do now."

Other voices .... "We don't know. Maybe another insult?

Lewis Black voice........ "That's not going to work. He just pulled the bigger man card. FUCK!"

i guess that doesnt apply anymore?

finally get rid of xmedia and another moron steps up to the plate
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