
Author Topic: I Recieved A Survey In The Mail.  (Read 94 times)


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I Recieved A Survey In The Mail.
« on: September 29, 2005, 06:04:00 PM »

So I open up my mailbox and notice a letter addressed to me from the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committe) stating that I, along with a few others in my area, have been selected to represent my local voting district. As such, I was assigned to fill out the enclosed survey and return in the prepaid envelope as soon as possible....along with my most generous donation of $50, $100, or even $500.     Yeah....right!  I dont intend to bore you with the ignorant questions contained in said survey (worthy of being filled out by a 10 year old) but I will share with you the letter I typed up in substitution of the survey:

To whom it may concern:

     If you were really serious about wanting to know how your constituents feel regarding the issues in the survey, it would contain comment lines after each question and wouldn’t be filled with so many generalities and shallow questions. I am fairly sure that each and every true Republican would fill the survey out almost exactly the same way which leads me to believe that this is just another way of soliciting funds.

     I personally, along with dozens of fellow conservatives I know will not send one more hard earned dollar to the Republican party until we see that the party, as a whole( which we have worked so hard to place in the majority), grow a set of balls and start standing up to Democrat party and stop climbing on the Washington elite bandwagon for a piece of the political pie.

     The spending and pork that this congress continues to put forward is truly disgusting, and for the Republican party to be just as guilty as the Democrats is a slap in the face to conservatives everywhere. You have the upper hand in the legislature but continue to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.....and your constituents are getting fed up. I believe that more and more Senators and congresspersons will find themselves being replaced in the primaries with candidates that will actually walk the walk, not just talk the talk to get elected .


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I Recieved A Survey In The Mail.
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 12:39:00 PM »

I wonder what kindof rank you get on the republican heirarchy if you only send in $50? dishwasher or usher?

personally I see both parties blending into this super money machine nowadays. The right has to many nutjobs and the left has too many panzies. The independent party should be known as the independently rich party and the green party needs to layoff the green for abit to be taken seriously.


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I Recieved A Survey In The Mail.
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 01:05:00 PM »

mad.gif  Too many people wanting everthing to be made better for them by government rather than taking personal responsibility. I concur with you as well pepsik but think that both parties have their nutjobs and panzies. Anyway, I realize that my little letter will most likely get thrown away (along with the survey) while whoever is frantically searching for the check they hope it to contain....but I figured what the hell, it cant was a prepaid envelope...taxpayer purchased no doubt!   laugh.gif