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Author Topic: Kayne West Racist?  (Read 394 times)


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2005, 12:43:00 PM »

QUOTE(dman7 @ Oct 4 2005, 01:29 AM)
Oh, and when I'm done with college and try to get a job at a corporation, especially if it's a gov. or city job, I'll have to deal with even more affirmative action and will probably end up getting a lesser job just because I'm white. All my hard work in school for this. Really cool, huh? Give Jesse Jackson a pat on the back for me.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2005, 01:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(Statecowboy @ Oct 12 2005, 01:54 PM)
Affirmative action is not that prevelant in our society.  I agree with you that it's not a good thing to practice, but from my experience it hasn't affected my job or career one bit. 


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2005, 04:37:00 PM »

my uncle went to school, got a degree and all kinds of good stuff, then he tried to get a job on a rail yard literally right next to his house, but due to affirmative action they had to hire a so-called minority (which were actually the majority in the area) and they couldnt hire my uncle, instead they offered him a job at another yard, 30 miles away, they ended up hiring some (unqualified) guy off the street to fill the position, he stole over 5000 dollars worth of tools and equipment and vanished, they never re-filled the position

And there are tons of white guys that have done the above. Your point.

Affirmative action only affects the white morons in society, or the whiners. U.S. unemployment is less than 5%. Anyone who wants a job can get one.

That " qualification"  is BS, George Bush just nominated that ugly bitty that he went to school with to be a supreme court judge. Never been a judge before in her life but she is qualified. Should have nomiated JUDGE JUDY at least she is a judge.

Its not what you know but WHO you know.

DRY your pussies, or move to CANADA.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2005, 07:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Oct 15 2005, 05:48 PM)
Affirmative action only affects the white morons in society, or the whiners.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2005, 11:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Oct 15 2005, 09:13 PM)
thats not true, my uncle is neither a moron nor a whiner, he didnt complain about it, im simply stating it as a fact, affirmative action has negative effects, maybe my uncle was the only qualified white person in the country to lose a job due to affirmative action, i dont know, i dont care, im just staing that he did


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2005, 11:50:00 AM »

The civil War wasn't made into the war that ended slavery Until the very end. It was a war to stop the secession of the southern states (the money makers, fertile farms) they use the story to cover up the fact that the federal Governtment couldn't have states uprising and doing their own thing as protected under the Constitiution (the right to bear arms, and the right to overthrow the government when it no longer looked out for its own) The North owned slaves during the whole conflict.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2005, 12:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(brutalsun @ Oct 16 2005, 02:01 PM)

Jaguar God Imix

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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2005, 09:15:00 AM »

Well this goes to everyone.

I think that it is impossible to stop racism.  Why?  Well, if you look throughout history, every single culture has had a racism conflict.  Jews hated on samaritans in the bible, Romans hated on pretty much everybody else.  Then a long time later hitler came and he hated on non-whites, now in american there is a conflict.  It used to be Whites hated on blacks but i think with political correctness, blacks are starting to hate on whites.  Now there are places that hired almost solely black people because they have been hiring whites all this time.  God forbid a white middle-aged male may be the most qualified person for the job.  Sorry, we dont hire on qualifications, we hire on what demographic group you are.

There are hundreds of nationally-marketed 'all black' things (Black entertainment tv, black miss america, etc.) but if you had an all-white organization, there would be riots.  I actually wanted to go to Xavier University for College but i ended up going to NKU.  Why? becuase on their application, xavier has 4 scholarships.  1 is if you are black, and one is if you are hispanic.  So half of them are not available to me!  Plus if you want the minority scholarships, you have to have like a 3.0 or higher or something whereas if you want the fully-available one, you have to have like a 4.0 (meaning straight A's and/or AP classes)  So you gotta love affirmative action.

So basically, there is no way that you can eliminate racism.  Basically all they are tryign to do is to screw everyone over evenly so that it kinda balances out, but in real life people just start building up inside racial hatred.  so it really doesnt work.

You cant eliminate racism, you can only widen the gap which is what we are doing.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2005, 08:43:00 PM »

if the war was all about slavery then

1: why did lincoln wait until 1863 to enact the emancipation proclamation?
2: why would he only issue it for the rebelling states, and allow the northern slave states to keep their slaves?

and of course the souther states were uncooperative about abolition, their entire economy was built on slavery


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2005, 09:13:00 PM »

I can't stand it when white people try to be liberal and honorary by attacking other white people, mostly the poor ones which affirmative action affects most, when thier constitutional right is blatenty taken away and oppression begins. You take away a societie's education you cripple that society and turn them into second class citizens(janitors, fast food workers, ect).

Having recently moved back to the south after living north for sometime, I just cant connect with poor southern whites anymore. They seem to act just like the blacks that they try to dehumanize so oftenly. Complain, complain, complain. Fat lazy and toothless.

If you would have done half the things to the Irish that you have done to southern blacks we would have drank guiness from your skulls a long time age. I hate bullies really I do.

Being Irish I think has given me a better appreciation for MLK, all except the turn the other cheek part. And I am not warm or cold on black folks in general but the
cowards on these forums that spew Hitler BS and the likes via anonimity are

You act like black people are burning white towns, and lynching white folks or burning white folks churches down or intimidating white kids.

Blacks couldnt own land, vote or go to public school, but of course they could be drafted and sent to fight Hitler in Europe who was killing as many white folk as he could find.  So what is your excuse for being poor, illiterate, or whatever?

Why arent you pissed about all the white child molsters in the Catholic church.
Or all the white pervs that stalk little white girls snatch them up, rape and kill them.
Like them douch bags in Aruba, or the 38 year old chump with the girl at VCU, or the fat pregnant white girl that went missing?

Why, because you are a hypocrit.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2005, 09:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(dman7 @ Oct 17 2005, 10:21 PM)
Affirmative action was first introduced in 1961 by Kennedy, why did it take over 40 years for the gov. to enact it?


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2005, 11:03:00 PM »

If you would have done half the things to the Irish that you have done to southern blacks we would have drank guiness from your skulls a long time age. I hate bullies really I do.

What I am implying is the terroisism that southern white have visited upon southern blacks for the better part of two centuries.

I am sorry you sound like a southern white.

I believe if you examined some of the patterns that have placed you and your kindred in the situation that you are in most results would not lead back to Jesse Jackson.

At some point you have to take some sort of accountability for the joe in the mirror.

Do you hold any American corporations accountable that ship jobs overseas for slave labor of Indians or Chinese.

Do you hold americans accountable that hire illegals to work for $ 2.00 a day
as oppose to an able body white man.

There is always your UNCLE SAM, yeah I know its easier to sit back and criticize jump on bandwagon, slander black, jews and whoever.

What else is new.

P.S. My vagina does hurt a little now. Damn Jesse Jackson. He is the reason my pussy hurts.



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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2005, 04:43:00 PM »

QUOTE(dman7 @ Oct 18 2005, 08:02 AM)
Wtf? I don't have to take accountability for anyone but myself. What about yourself? Your so busy pointing your finger at everyone, what about you?


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2005, 05:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(xmedia2004 @ Oct 18 2005, 01:14 AM)
At some point you have to take some sort of accountability for the joe in the mirror.


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Kayne West Racist?
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2005, 05:53:00 PM »

one of the rights america was founded on is that a person cannot be held accountabe for the crimes of his father

i feel the same way about reparations being paid to african americans

1: no one alive today sufered slavery, at least not in this country
2: no one alive today owned a slave, at leats not in this country

american taxpayers would then be paying for a crime they didnt commit, to people who were never victims of it

im sure they would make sure to only pay money to people who can prove they are direct descendants of former slaves, but i doubt theyd make any similar limitations on whos taxes the money would come from, so people who imigrated here long after slavery would pay and even people are descendants of slaves themselves will pay only to have their own money returned to them
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