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Author Topic: Kanye West On George Bush  (Read 570 times)


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2005, 04:05:00 AM »

To Bluedeath, Micheal Moore is a super-liberal/socialist, so much so that now even hollywood has distanced themselves from him as well as the democrat party.  To put it simply, he is a nut.  Reading anything that he says will rott your brain.  If you believe anything that he says, im sorry for you.  I now know where you get your information and why you are so confused.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2005, 04:19:00 AM »


Wong Hung Lo

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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2005, 07:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(droc327 @ Sep 4 2005, 04:46 AM)
WOW...we got alot of racist peeps on this forum..who would have know. and HEET sorry i had to work, or i would have replied to your fuckin mouth sooner. but im fortunate to be one of those NIGGERS that has a job. and that comment you made on your black OB @ your work. you could have just left it @ "I HAVE 1 BLACK FRIEND" and than you told me to point out what you said that was racist, well if i have to tell ya then you racist as a mutha fucka. enjoy your KKK meeting tomorrow. this is my last reply to this shit. fuck all you nazi's


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #63 on: September 04, 2005, 08:10:00 AM »



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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #64 on: September 04, 2005, 09:14:00 AM »

ahhhh the infamous race card...invented by a racist to back up all his racist comments and make himself feel good


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2005, 10:30:00 AM »

rotfl.gif  laugh.gif What the @uck,  So poor and so black.  Man now that is ridiculous.  Man that is pretty messed up.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2005, 10:32:00 AM »

haha, "so poor, and so black"


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2005, 12:03:00 PM »


"So poor, and So black"  Wow, thanks for the video man.  Proves a great point.  Wolf Blitzer deserves an award.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #68 on: September 04, 2005, 12:55:00 PM »

comment 1

Yup your right, there are soo many racist people here

comment 2

racism is NOT another race thinking their race is more superior or better. that is called ethnocentric

comment 3

(niggers and blacks) in this world and all those agree with it are most like extremely racist or just plain dumb or both

I had a white chick call me a nigger back when I was a R.A. in college because I broke up a party with underage drinking, smoking, and fights (2 students had to get their stomachs pumped and would have died if I didn't get them the help they need) I spoke to her father and he tried to explain the nigger and black comment to me as well he was fucking racist and admitted it (probably voted for bush as well) JUST SPECULATION

Well the family is lucky I am not racist didn't press charges and didn't get her kicked out of school on numerous counts of hate crimes and slander and God bless the dad....

comment 4

You guys and your "all or nothing attitude" love america or leave it are some peace of work... I HATE some things about america and love some things should I move to Canada or Russia? ...if so I would love for you to come try and make me Please

comment 5

not everything is what it may seem to be good or bad keep that in mind

comment 6

you have something to say? Yeah you reading this sitting in that chair looking at the monitor voice it.. you have that FREEDOM.

comment  7

Holla back


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #69 on: September 04, 2005, 01:16:00 PM »

You know rappers spend their money on Bling Bling and stuff, but theyre also the group of celebrities that donate the most money to charity.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #70 on: September 04, 2005, 01:18:00 PM »

Ethnocentric is a view of other societys LOL, ethnicity and race are two different things.  Im sure you dont understand or believe me so here, go look at the definition.


Racism is a lot of things including believing that your race is superior to someone else's.  I see that you dont believe that either so here, go read. definition

'(niggers and blacks) in this world and all those agree with it are most like extremely racist or just plain dumb or both"

Ok, so your saying Chris Rock is a racist.  Ok, I'll go with that.

Im not going to try and make you move anywhere.  The people that did that years ago were the racists, not me.

The comment that he probably voted Bush, I dont know, maybe he did, but that doesnt make him racist.  Its as absurd for me to accuse you of being racist against whites for voting for Clinton.  Btw, 19% of blacks voted for Bush.  I assume you think they are all racist.  

Im not going to attempt to make you leave the country, but I would like to encourage you to think.  Thanks for playing.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2005, 01:21:00 PM »

most likely nothing,

but just the same amount as almost all others movie, sport, and rap stars alike black, white or other wise


We'll see who steps up first.. if someone has given I haven't heard of it yet... not saying there should be a song and dance about it... they should be able to give without proclaiming it to the world


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #72 on: September 04, 2005, 02:12:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 4 2005, 09:29 PM)
Ethnocentric is a view of other societys LOL, ethnicity and race are two different things.  Im sure you dont understand or believe me so here, go look at the definition.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #73 on: September 04, 2005, 02:24:00 PM »

Your first post says this

"comment 2

racism is NOT another race thinking their race is more superior or better. that is called ethnocentric"  So you in fact mentioned it first, and is why I responded.

what about the people the made me move years ago? ... my mom? I didn't want to move to Fort myers she made me move. She isn't racist ... at least I hope not.
 Huh? LOL  Ok I think you know what I mean, your descendents, but it was a reply on the comment by yourself as far as making you move.  

"Assume what you want with the 19% but I would trust your assumptions... believe them only if they told you they were racist ... like in my case.
 Thats a reflection of statistics of the last election.  Now your telling me that statistics are racist.

"I admire your courage to stand up for yourself and you views... though I would recommend you ask someone for assistance next time you are formulating opinions... they would probably encourage you to read things through! Stop! Reflect! Reply! and don't place words in other people mouths. and Melongstrike is the one"

What did I place in your mouth?  You were wrong on so many levels, I just pointed out the facts.  Its there in plain view for everyone to see.  If you dont see it, its not because I think your too stupid to see it, you just dont want to.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #74 on: September 04, 2005, 02:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 4 2005, 10:35 PM)
Your first post says this
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