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Author Topic: Kanye West On George Bush  (Read 577 times)


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2005, 05:01:00 PM »


Oh and your link is misrepresented.  Its dated January 13th.  The U.S. is still donating funds as of this date 9/3/05


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2005, 05:12:00 PM »

We actually have the money.  Iraq hasn't affected that.  Who says it has?  Can you give me a specific source?  He just signed a 10.5 billion check to start it.  They already said they are waiting on a total sum, and then congress will grant the rest.  Where do you guys get your information?

And I know what he meant.  He thinks that the government should be the only ones that care about people and help them out.  I have a different political philosophy in that we should try to take care of ourselves.  I think people that rely on government are morons, or handicapped.  There are certain services that we should rely on the government for, say, defense.  But if you really think about it, all of those people in the service are plain old americans who care for thier country.  Im not a person who expects handouts, and when I hear of a disaster like this, im glad to give.  I think im priveledged so it doesnt hurt so much to give.  If everyone thought like he did, we'd have a very poor, broken country.  Kind of like, oh, Cuba and Russia.  Cuba is so great that people brave swimming with sharks to get to shitty ol America.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2005, 05:13:00 PM »

$432 million, Amount pledged by the U.S., although Secretary of State Colin Powell

Sure its in the billions, if you included the debt that those countries owe, meaning the payments for their debt we be postponed for now, equalling $5.7 Billion US a year.



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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2005, 05:21:00 PM »


Here is a quote for those too lazy to read or tired of me being right.

"U.S. citizens and corporations have donated more than $1.1 billion for tsunami relief, according to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University. The U.S. government has pledged about $950 million."

And please read who is promoting the facts.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2005, 05:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 3 2005, 09:03 PM)
And Heinrich, people that make those kind of claims and run are what I call cowards.  He makes comments like that all the time in here but it is easy to only bastardize and condemn people without giving facts to back it up.  I dont know why people like to bash America, and again, I dont know why they choose to live in the free society and capitalist system if its what they despise.  They can go live in Russia and wait in line for toilet paper.  Every time I wipe myself, I will think of them.

What exactly do you mean by "bash America"?  Criticising the Gov't or a person in the gov't?
BTW: I have been to russia, and had no problems with toilet paper.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2005, 05:44:00 PM »

If you read bluedeaths comments then you'd know what I was talking about.  Sorry Im not speaking to you specifically Heinrich.  As Ive said before, youve done a lot for the scene and I respect you for it.  Thanks for the link btw!  I missed it!  Anyways, the tourists in Russia usually dont "feel it" if you know what I mean.  Your not spending all of your money on vodka LOL.  Well maybe you did, I dont know.  Tourists usually get special treatment in any country because they are dollar bills to the cities your visiting.  Kind of like why the mayor of New Orleans was bumping all of the tourists up in line in front of the blacks that were waiting to get on the buses.  Kind of like how businesses and corporations wine and dine clients to get their business.  On a larger scale.

Also, your correct in a way.  They have vastly modified their system since dismantling the U.S.S.R. thanks to Ronald Reagan (omg he was a conservative), oh wait, and he also had the wall torn down that seperated Germany!??  How about that.  Now Russia is a competitor again in the world market (well somewhat) and not all of its citezens are poor as church mice.  They may just pull it off if they can quit selling communists weapons that threaten our country.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2005, 06:04:00 PM »

I realize that the comment wasnt directed to me, but I'd still like to your definition of "bashing america". It seems that comments like "so and so hates american" "Anti-american" and "bash america" are FAR overused.  I think that anyone in this country that can form an opinion and express it, whether anyone agrees with them or not, is far more "american" than those who sit on the sidelines and just 'go with the flow'.  Take any election, its obvious you voted for Bush in this last one, but is there any doubt in your mind that Kerry and his supporters believed 100% of what they put they out there, and worked their ass off to try to get things done that they believe?  Even if you think they would take the country in a wrong direction, they love america, and devote their entire lives to making things better for the people that they represent.

And I think that the funding issue that people are bringing up is - if we hadnt spent 300$ billion in the last few years on the war in iraq, FEMA might be better funded, the army corp of engineers might have been given more money to build up the levees.  Yes, its easy to look back and see things as they should have been, but if we never look at the past, we will never fix the future.

About russia, I was in St. Petersburg for 2 days without a tour group.  I walked around the city, went to local shops and restaurants (yes I had a few drinks), and used public restrooms (which surprisingly were free, too bad its not the same all over europe).  But there was no rationing of toilet paper, or food, or anything of the sort :-|


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2005, 06:08:00 PM »

And I have to add one more thing you said Heinrich.  No, I dont defend everything that my representatives do or say.  Bush's immigration policy is unforgivable and he should be held responsible for it.  It would be all too easy for muslims that wish to do harm to cross through Mexico or Canada.  Remember the guy with the machette?  Its all too easy and he is accountable for that.  Another example is Tom Delay's misappropriation of funds during his campaign.  It wasnt illegal in that he paid his wife and daughter about a million of taxpayer dollars as "sponsors for his campaign", but it was highly immoral and just not right.  The democrats challenged him as well they should have.  There are dishonest bad seeds in every aspect of politics, but in the grand scheme of things, I really can't see how anyone could hate this country, or believe in the democrat party of the new.  Nixon was a blemish on the republican party years ago and we are still paying for that.  Bush seniors decision to arm the afghans against the russians was also riddled with folley.  We see that now that they have turned on us with those same weapons because we are free and mostly a Christian nation. Iran contra affair?  Ya that was stupid also, even though it was done with good intention.  War on drugs.  Total bullshit but also done with good intention. That was basically Nancy Reagans baby but it has proven to be a waste of time and money.  You cant control the uncontrollable.  Anyways, this falls into the nobody is perfect category, but I'll be damned if Im going to adopt the views of the left.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2005, 06:18:00 PM »

Well, I guess that depends on what kind of a threat you saw Hussein as.  The war has been riddled with flaws.  Hardly any armour on the humvees?  I was floored about that as anyone was, my brother fought in the war.  We were making an example out of the dictator and his policies that are prevelent in that region.  Moving on, yes we'd have more money, but do you want to take it to the terrorists and defend the country?  Or be seen as a target.   We dont have unlimited funds, thats for sure, but our priorities have to be in a correct and deliberate line.  And yes I believe the dems believed in Kerry, they also believed in Dean (puke).  Remember Dan Quale?  Do you really think some of the party didnt believe in that moron?  I didnt, but alot of party faithfuls did, no matter how idiotic the guy was.  Anyways, I have friends that voted for Kerry.  We still go and shoot pool and drink beers.  They see abortion as a freedom of a womans right to choose.  I see it as a womans right to kill her baby.  We still go and have beers.  But I still stray from the ideology once in a while.  I believe in stem cell research and some of my friends think im crazy.  They think that if that goes through, the government will start harvesting fetuses.  We drink beers too.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #39 on: September 03, 2005, 06:22:00 PM »

but do you want to take it to the terrorists and defend the country?

But were their terrorists in Iraq?  I'm all for getting Bin Laden, but it seems thats not so important anymore :/
Thats probably another discussion for another thread though.

"Bashing america" ?


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #40 on: September 03, 2005, 06:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 3 2005, 10:20 PM)
Chorizo I dont know where your coming from.  When has he put down the poor?  Give me an instance.  The only complaint ive heard from the left is that he didnt give them money when he executed the tax cut, but thats because they not only dont pay taxes, they get checks from the government that comes from our tax dollars.  No offense, but your from texas and your name implies chicano descent, if thats the case then you should love him due to his shiiiiiity immigration policy with mexico.   You could bring your whole family here and enjoy the USA like 2 million Mexicans a year do  beerchug.gif


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #41 on: September 03, 2005, 06:34:00 PM »

Hussein was funding terroists in every fashion.  Thats been proven and is one of the many reasons that he is going to be in jail for the rest of his life.  Kind of like the war that was fought by the Clinton admin.  Remember Milosevic?  Same thing except it was the serbians and not the kurds.  I do agree that we shouldn't be the worlds police, but this dictator affected us personally.  Call me crazy but I believe we've killed Bin Laden.  My brother said that he believes the American government didnt release this because popular support for the war would have dwindled and they wanted to get all of them, but he did from a superior high in rank that he had been exterminated.  Not that support didnt drop off drastically anyways.  Ok, im goin to bed, thanks for the discussion and the window to the scener I know as Heinrich.  Later.

Mad Respect.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2005, 06:37:00 PM »



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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2005, 06:38:00 PM »


Shit dude your fucking me up LOL, I gotta go to work at 4am LOL.  I was directly responding to bluedeaths comment "fuck this country", "fuck this government".  He said one or the other but im too tired to look at his post.  See ya.


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Kanye West On George Bush
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2005, 06:56:00 PM »

In all honesty, I gotta believe that Kanye West isn't very "informed" about politics.  Based on body language alone, it looked as if the phrase "George Bush doesn't care about black people" popped into his head out of nowhere.

Since he is part of the Hollywood scene now, he probably has a completely negative view of George Bush.  In his mind, I think he thought he was saying something that everyone would agree on.

Obviously he showed the exact reasons why we shouldn't listen to celebrities in the entertainment business if we want an informed view on politics.  But hey, I'm not hear to talk about politicians so we'll save that for another time.

Was he right about black people?  That's hard to say.  I don't understand why black people tend to have a large population in major metropolitan cities.  I think the cost of living would be less if maybe they moved to small suburbs.  Although, I could be wrong.  I'm a pretty young guy and I may have no idea what I'm talking about.

But could black and white people have saved their lives if they watched the news?  Yeah, I think so.
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